2011-11-08 17 views


Desired layout

私はあなたのアイデアを持っている願っています:それは(サイズ変更もあり、常に3 * 2今のところ)、次のように私のユーザーコントロールの任意の数を含める必要があります。 StackPanelを使用しようとしましたが、失敗しました。それは私のために要素を中心にしていませんでした。



...私がなってしまったCODEを可能な限り避けるコーディング。私はこの答えWPF - How can I center all items in a WrapPanel?からコードを取り出し、子コントロールのサイズを変更しました。

private Size elementFinalSize = new Size(0, 0); 

    private Size MeasureDesiredSize(Size containerSize) 
     if (base.InternalChildren.Count == 0) 
      return new Size(0, 0); 

     // NB!: We assume all the items in the panel are of the same size. 
     var child = base.InternalChildren[0]; 
     double elementAspectRatio = child.DesiredSize.Height == 0 ? 2.0/3.0 : child.DesiredSize.Width/child.DesiredSize.Height; 
     Size finalElementSize = new Size(0, 0); 
     Size newElementSize = finalElementSize; 
     for (int possibleRowsNumber = 1; ; possibleRowsNumber++) 
      int numberOfElementInRow = this.GetElementsNumberInRow(base.InternalChildren.Count, possibleRowsNumber); 
      double maxElementHeight = containerSize.Height/possibleRowsNumber; 
      double maxElementWidth = containerSize.Width/numberOfElementInRow; 
      if (maxElementWidth/elementAspectRatio > maxElementHeight) 
       // So many elements is more in width than container size, thus use Height. 
       newElementSize = new Size(maxElementHeight * elementAspectRatio, maxElementHeight); 
       // The element Height is greater than container row size, thus use Width. 
       newElementSize = new Size(maxElementWidth, maxElementWidth/elementAspectRatio); 

      if (newElementSize.Height > finalElementSize.Height) 
       // With such number of row a single element would be bigger than with previous number of rows. 
       finalElementSize = newElementSize; 
       // With such number of rows a single element is less than the previous biggest one, thus stop searching. 

     return finalElementSize; 

    private int GetElementsNumberInRow(int elementsCount, int rowsNumber) 
     int x = elementsCount % rowsNumber; 
     if (x == 0) 
      return elementsCount/rowsNumber; 

     int maxPossibleElementsCount = elementsCount + rowsNumber - x; 
     return maxPossibleElementsCount/rowsNumber; 

    protected override Size MeasureOverride(Size constraint) 
     // This MeasureOverride functions is called the first of the three overridden. 
     // We need to understand the best (maximum) size for future element and arrange items accordingly. 

     // Drop the desired size to zero in order to recalculate it as soon as necessary. 
     this.elementFinalSize = new Size(0, 0); 

     Size curLineSize = new Size(); 
     Size panelSize = new Size(); 

     UIElementCollection children = base.InternalChildren; 

     for (int i = 0; i < children.Count; i++) 
      UIElement child = children[i] as UIElement; 

      // Flow passes its own constraint to children 
      if (this.elementFinalSize.Height == 0) 
       this.elementFinalSize = this.MeasureDesiredSize(constraint); 

      if (curLineSize.Width + this.elementFinalSize.Width > constraint.Width) //need to switch to another line 
       panelSize.Width = Math.Max(curLineSize.Width, panelSize.Width); 
       panelSize.Height += curLineSize.Height; 
       curLineSize = this.elementFinalSize; 

       if (this.elementFinalSize.Width > constraint.Width) // if the element is wider then the constraint - give it a separate line      
        panelSize.Width = Math.Max(this.elementFinalSize.Width, panelSize.Width); 
        panelSize.Height += this.elementFinalSize.Height; 
        curLineSize = new Size(); 
      else //continue to accumulate a line 
       curLineSize.Width += this.elementFinalSize.Width; 
       curLineSize.Height = Math.Max(this.elementFinalSize.Height, curLineSize.Height); 

     foreach (UIElement child in children) 

     // the last line size, if any need to be added 
     panelSize.Width = Math.Max(curLineSize.Width, panelSize.Width); 
     panelSize.Height += curLineSize.Height; 

     return panelSize; 

    protected override Size ArrangeOverride(Size arrangeBounds) 
     int firstInLine = 0; 
     Size curLineSize = new Size(); 
     double accumulatedHeight = 0; 
     UIElementCollection children = this.InternalChildren; 

     for (int i = 0; i < children.Count; i++) 
      if (curLineSize.Width + this.elementFinalSize.Width > arrangeBounds.Width) //need to switch to another line 
       ArrangeLine(accumulatedHeight, curLineSize, arrangeBounds.Width, firstInLine, i); 

       accumulatedHeight += curLineSize.Height; 
       curLineSize = this.elementFinalSize; 

       if (this.elementFinalSize.Width > arrangeBounds.Width) //the element is wider then the constraint - give it a separate line      
        ArrangeLine(accumulatedHeight, this.elementFinalSize, arrangeBounds.Width, i, ++i); 
        accumulatedHeight += this.elementFinalSize.Height; 
        curLineSize = new Size(); 
       firstInLine = i; 
      else //continue to accumulate a line 
       curLineSize.Width += this.elementFinalSize.Width; 
       curLineSize.Height = Math.Max(this.elementFinalSize.Height, curLineSize.Height); 

     if (firstInLine < children.Count) 
      ArrangeLine(accumulatedHeight, curLineSize, arrangeBounds.Width, firstInLine, children.Count); 

     return arrangeBounds; 

    private void ArrangeLine(double y, Size lineSize, double boundsWidth, int start, int end) 
     double x = 0; 
     if (this.HorizontalContentAlignment == HorizontalAlignment.Center) 
      x = (boundsWidth - lineSize.Width)/2; 
     else if (this.HorizontalContentAlignment == HorizontalAlignment.Right) 
      x = (boundsWidth - lineSize.Width); 

     UIElementCollection children = InternalChildren; 
     for (int i = start; i < end; i++) 
      UIElement child = children[i]; 
      child.Arrange(new Rect(x, y, this.elementFinalSize.Width, this.elementFinalSize.Height)); 
      x += this.elementFinalSize.Width; 

あなたは、パネル内のすべての要素は、「センター」に水平/ VerticalAlignmentをを入れてみましたか? – stijn


私は今日それを試みます。 –


WrapPanelを試してみてください.3 * 2の意味もありますか? –




    <WrapPanel HorizontalAlignment="Center" VerticalAlignment="Center" > 
     <Rectangle Stroke="Red" StrokeThickness="2" Width="200" Height="200"/> 
     <Rectangle Stroke="Red" StrokeThickness="2" Width="200" Height="200"/> 
     <Rectangle Stroke="Red" StrokeThickness="2" Width="200" Height="200"/> 

が、アイテムをあなたの最後のスクリーンショットが左に整列下の四角形を示すだろうあなたのケースでて左詰めされています。これを修正するには、create a custom implementation of WrapPanel just for that purpose


      <WrapPanel .../> 

+1、素敵なリンク... –


明示的な矩形のサイズ変更を避ける方法を理解できませんか?長方形のサイズを扱うためのコンテナが必要です。 –


これは、カスタムコンテナ(WrapPanelのサブクラスなど)でMeasureOverrideメソッドとArrangeOverrideメソッドをオーバーライドすることで可能です。そこには、子どものサイズをプログラムで設定できます。 – edvaldig
