2016-11-26 6 views

人の名前のレイアウトを変更する2つのサブプロシージャがあります。最初の名前は名字と姓の間のスペースを探すことで名字に変更されます。 (:姓、名を元)とバック名姓の順に、それを反転させ2つのsimular Subプロシージャを結合する方法

Sub FlipNames() 'FN LN to LN, FN 
'Purpose: Converts selected cells First Name Last Name in place to Last Name, First Name 

    Dim x As Integer 
    Dim sCell As String 
    Dim sLast As String 
    Dim sFirst As String 
    Dim rCell As Range 

    For Each rCell In Selection  'sets range to selection 
     sCell = rCell.Value 
     x = InStr(sCell, " ")  'searches for space 
     If x > 0 Then    'flips order 
      sFirst = Left(sCell, x - 1) 
      sLast = Mid(sCell, x + 1) 
      rCell.Value = sLast & ", " & sFirst 'places comma in between LN, FN 
     End If 
    Set rCell = Nothing    'resets the range to zero 
End Sub 


Sub FlipNames2() 'LN, FN to FN LN 
'Purpose: Converts selected cells Last Name, First Name in place to First Name Last Name 

    Dim x As Integer 
    Dim sCell As String 
    Dim sLast As String 
    Dim sFirst As String 
    Dim rCell As Range 

    For Each rCell In Selection  'sets range to selection 
     sCell = rCell.Value 
     x = InStr(sCell, ",")  'searches for comma 
     If x > 0 Then    'flips order 
      sFirst = Left(sCell, x - 1) 
      sLast = Mid(sCell, x + 1) 
      rCell.Value = sLast & " " & sFirst 'places space in between FN LN 
      rCell.Value = LTrim(rCell)   'trims off leading spaces 
     End If 
    Set rCell = Nothing    'resets the range to zero 
End Sub 



以下の回答のいずれかがあなたの質問に合っていますか?もしそうなら、私はあなたの質問に閉鎖を与えるために受け入れられた答えの1つをマークすることをお勧めします。 – zedfoxus




' FlipMethod cases handled: 
' If "FN LN to LN, FN" is supplied: John Smith will be converted to Smith, John 
' If "LN, FN to FN LN" is supplied: Smith, John will be converted to John Smith 
Sub FlipNames(FlipMethod as String) 'FN LN to LN, FN 
'Purpose: Converts selected cells First Name Last Name in place to Last Name, First Name 

    Dim x As Integer 
    Dim sCell As String 
    Dim sLast As String 
    Dim sFirst As String 
    Dim rCell As Range 

    For Each rCell In Selection  'sets range to selection 
     sCell = rCell.Value 

     if FlipMethod = "FN LN to LN, FN" then 
      x = InStr(sCell, " ")  'searches for space 
      x = Instr(sCell, ",")  ' searches for comma 
     end if 

     If x > 0 Then    'flips order 
      sFirst = Left(sCell, x - 1) 
      sLast = Mid(sCell, x + 1) 

      if FlipMethod = "FN LN to LN, FN" then 
       rCell.Value = sLast & ", " & sFirst 'places comma in between LN, FN 
       rCell.Value = sLast & " " & sFirst 'places space in between FN LN 
       rCell.Value = LTrim(rCell)   'trims off leading spaces 
      end if 

     End If 
    Set rCell = Nothing    'resets the range to zero 
End Sub 


Enum NameFormat 
End Enum 

Function FlipNames(Data As String, NameFormat As Long) As String 

    Dim x As Integer 
    Dim sLast As String 
    Dim sFirst As String 

    ' Exit early if data is improper 
    If IsNull(Data) Or Len(Trim(Data)) = 0 Then 
     FlipNames = Data 
     Exit Function 
    End If 

    ' Check if comma or space is present, depending on requirements 
    Select Case (NameFormat) 
      x = InStr(Data, " ") 
      x = InStr(Data, ",") 
     Case Else 
      FlipNames = Data 
      Exit Function 
    End Select 

    ' Exit early if required split character not found 
    If x <= 0 Then 
     FlipNames = Data 
     Exit Function 
    End If 

    ' Find first and last names 
    sFirst = Trim(Left(Data, x - 1)) 
    sLast = Trim(Mid(Data, x + 1)) 

    ' Put data together as desired 
    Select Case NameFormat 
      FlipNames = sLast & ", " & sFirst 
      FlipNames = Trim(sLast & " " & sFirst) 
    End Select 

End Function 

  • を必要とされているフォーマットの種類は、データ
  • が再参加するためのコードを追加し分割するためにコードを追加示すために、列挙定数を追加し、より多くの機能

    • を追加する必要がありますデータ


    Sub Test_FlipNames() 
        Dim TestCase As String 
        Dim ExpectedResult As String 
        Dim Result As String 
        TestCase = "John Smith" 
        ExpectedResult = "Smith, John" 
        Result = FlipNames(TestCase, NameFormat.FNLN_TO_LNFN_WITH_COMMA) 
        Test_PrintResults TestCase, ExpectedResult, Result 
        TestCase = "John Smith" 
        ExpectedResult = TestCase 
        Result = FlipNames(TestCase, 1000) 
        Test_PrintResults TestCase, ExpectedResult, Result 
        TestCase = "Smith, John" 
        ExpectedResult = "John Smith" 
        Result = FlipNames(TestCase, NameFormat.LNFN_WITH_COMMA_TO_FNLN) 
        Test_PrintResults TestCase, ExpectedResult, Result 
        TestCase = "Smith, John" 
        ExpectedResult = TestCase 
        Result = FlipNames(TestCase, 1000) 
        Test_PrintResults TestCase, ExpectedResult, Result 
        TestCase = "John" 
        ExpectedResult = "John" 
        Result = FlipNames(TestCase, NameFormat.FNLN_TO_LNFN_WITH_COMMA) 
        Test_PrintResults TestCase, ExpectedResult, Result 
        TestCase = "John" 
        ExpectedResult = "John" 
        Result = FlipNames(TestCase, NameFormat.LNFN_WITH_COMMA_TO_FNLN) 
        Test_PrintResults TestCase, ExpectedResult, Result 
    End Sub 
    Sub Test_PrintResults(TestCase As String, ExpectedResult As String, Result As String) 
        Debug.Print "Case: " & TestCase & "; Expected: " & ExpectedResult 
        Debug.Print IIf(Result = ExpectedResult, "PASS", "FAILED") 
    End Sub 



    Sub FlipNamesInSelection() 
        Dim rCell as Range 
        For Each rCell in Selection 
         rCell.Value = FlipNames(rCell.Value, NameFormat.LNFN_WITH_COMMA_TO_FNLN) 
    End Sub 
  • 0


    Sub TestFlipName() 
        Debug.Print FlipName("First Middle Last") 
        Debug.Print FlipName("Last, First") 
    End Sub 
    Function FlipName(sName As String) As String 
        Dim i As Long 
        Dim NameArray() As String: NameArray = Split(Replace(sName, ",", "")) 
        If InStr(sName, ",") Then 
         For i = 1 To UBound(NameArray) 
          FlipName = FlipName + NameArray(i) + " " 
         Next i 
         FlipName = FlipName + NameArray(0) 
         FlipName = NameArray(UBound(NameArray)) + ", " 
         For i = 1 To UBound(NameArray) 
          FlipName = FlipName + NameArray(i - 1) + " " 
         Next i 
         FlipName = Trim(FlipName) 
        End If 
    End Function 