私は、アルゴリズムが繰り返し深化検索アルゴリズムのように動作するように、私はループで何回も実行するDepth Limited Searchアルゴリズムを持っています メソッドを明示的に呼び出すときにのみコードが返されますが、それをループで呼び出す。次のコードは、A、AEC、AEBCDを返さないのはなぜですか?
public class DepthLimited {
public static void main(String[] args) {
Graph graph = new Graph();
graph.addNode('A'); // Since A is the first vertex so it takes the index 0
graph.addNode('E'); // B is the second one so it takes index 1
graph.addNode('B'); // index 2
graph.addNode('C'); // index 3
graph.addNode('D'); // index 4
graph.addEdge(0, 1); // This indicates the relation between the vertices A and E
graph.addEdge(1, 2); // This indicates the relation between the vertices E and B
graph.addEdge(0, 3); // This indicates the relation between the vertices A and C
graph.addEdge(3, 4); // This indicates the relation between the vertices C and D
// System.out.print("Sequence: ");
// graph.dls(2);
// System.out.println("");
graph.dls(2); // produces AEBCD when called like this, before any other similar calls i.e graph.dls(1)
for (int i = 0; i <= 2; i++) {
graph.dls(i); // when i is 2 the method only returns A instead of AEBCD
public class Graph {
private final int MAX_NODES = 20; //maximum number of nodes
private Node[] listOfNodes; // list of nodes
private int neighbourMatrix[][]; // every node with its children
private int noOfNodes; // current number of nodes
private Stack stack;
private int depth = 0;
public Graph() {
listOfNodes = new Node[MAX_NODES];
neighbourMatrix = new int[MAX_NODES][MAX_NODES];
stack = new Stack();
public void addNode(char name) {
listOfNodes[noOfNodes++] = new Node(name); //create a new node and add it to the array of nodes
public void addEdge(int start, int end) { //creates a bidirectional relation between
neighbourMatrix[start][end] = 1; //the two nodes (start and end)
neighbourMatrix[end][start] = 1; // 1 is used to indicate the existence of a relation between
} //two node because by default neighbourMatrix contains only 0s.
public void display(int node) {
System.out.print(listOfNodes[node].name); //prints the name of a node
public void dls(int limit) { // begin at node 0 which is the root of the tree
listOfNodes[0].checked = true; // mark it
display(0); // display it
stack.push(0); // push it to the stack
while (!stack.isEmpty()) // until stack empty,
int node = getUnvisitedChild(stack.peek());
if (depth <= limit) {
// get an unvisited child of the node that is at the top of the stack
if (node == -1) // if the node had no unvisited child, then pop the node from the stack
} else // if the node has unvisited child
listOfNodes[node].checked = true; // mark it
display(node); // display it
stack.push(node); // push it to the stack
} else {
public int getUnvisitedChild(int v) // returns an unvisited child of the node v
for (int j = 0; j < noOfNodes; j++) {
if (neighbourMatrix[v][j] == 1 && listOfNodes[j].checked == false) {
return j; //returns the index of the child
return -1; //otherwise it returns -1
[?デバッガは何か、それは私が問題の診断に役立つことができる方法](http://stackoverflow.com/q/25385173/5221149) – Andreas
'dls()'が反復的であると仮定され、検索された*として頂点*を出力した場合、既に完了している検索を続行すれば、何も印刷しませんか?あなたの論理や予想される結果を再考する必要があるようです。 – Andreas