2017-02-02 17 views

私はPython 3で遊んでいて、RPGスタイルのシステムを組み合わせていますが、以前はPythonで実際に使っていないのでOOPに苦労しています。関数変数を使ってクラス変数にアクセスする


def choosestat(statname, max, min): 
    # Takes the name of the stat 
    # as mentioned in the Player/Character class and 
    # a min/max value for the length. Allows the player 
    # to set their stats for the char. 
    print("Your stat choices are: " + str(stats)) 
    choice = int(input("Please select a strength score ("+min+":"+max+")\n")) 
    if type(choice) == int and choice < (max+1) and choice > (min-1): 
     self.statname = stats[choice-1] 
     print("Please select a valid option.\n") 


class Character(object): 
# A Class for ALL characters - player, enemy etc. 
def __init__(self, name, hp, armor, damage, strength, 
      intelligence, wisdom, dexterity, constitution, charisma, 
      inventory, profession): 
    self.name = name 
    self.hp = hp 
    self.armor = armor 
    self.damage = damage 
    self.strength = strength 
    self.intelligence = intelligence 
    self.wisdom = wisdom 
    self.dexterity = dexterity 
    self.constitution = constitution 
    self.charisma = charisma 
    self.inventory = inventory 
    self.profession = profession 

class Player(Character): 
# A class for the Player character only. 
# We will use a few parameters to set initial variables 
def __init__(self): 
    super().__init__(name="", hp=10, armor=10, damage=10, strength=7, 
        intelligence=7, wisdom=7, dexterity=7, constitution=7, 
        charisma=7, inventory=[], profession="") 
maxhp = 10 
level = 1 
exp = 0 


Traceback (most recent call last): 
File "main.py", line 122, in <module> 
File "main.py", line 53, in menu 
File "main.py", line 73, in gameloop 
File "main.py", line 108, in statchoice 
choosestat(strength, 6, 1) 
NameError: name 'strength' is not defined 


import os 
import random 
import time 
from utilities import roll 

class Character(object): 
    # A Class for ALL characters - player, enemy etc. 
    def __init__(self, name, hp, armor, damage, strength, 
       intelligence, wisdom, dexterity, constitution, charisma, 
       inventory, profession): 
     self.name = name 
     self.hp = hp 
     self.armor = armor 
     self.damage = damage 
     self.strength = strength 
     self.intelligence = intelligence 
     self.wisdom = wisdom 
     self.dexterity = dexterity 
     self.constitution = constitution 
     self.charisma = charisma 
     self.inventory = inventory 
     self.profession = profession 

class Player(Character): 
    # A class for the Player character only. 
    # We will use a few parameters to set initial variables 
    def __init__(self): 
     super().__init__(name="", hp=10, armor=10, damage=10, strength=7, 
         intelligence=7, wisdom=7, dexterity=7, constitution=7, 
         charisma=7, inventory=[], profession="") 
    maxhp = 10 
    level = 1 
    exp = 0 

class Enemy(Character): 
    # a class for any enemy. 
    def __init__(self): 
     super().__init__(name=enemyname, hp=10, armor=10, damage=10, 
         strength=7, intelligence=7, wisdom=7, dexterity=7, 
         constitution=7, charisma=7, inventory=[], 

playerchar = Player() 
# simply call playerchar rather than calling the Class each time 

def menu(): 
          # Running the Main Menu under a single Function. 
          # This is the simplest method of running the menu 
    while True: 
     print("Welcome to Py RPG!") 
     print("Please select an option!") 
     print("1. Start a Game\n") 
     print("2. Settings\n") 
     print("3. Quit") 
     choice = input("\n>") 
     if choice == 1 or choice == "start": 
     elif choice == 2 or choice == "settings": 
     elif choice == 3 or choice == "quit": 
      print("Please select an option from the menu.") 

def settings(): 
    # Settings page for all amendments 
    # TODO - create a 'settings' file and have this read/amend it? 
    print("Nothing exists here at the moment!") 

def gameloop(): 
    # the main game loop, contains all calls to relevant functions 
    while True: 
     print("This is the main game") 
     print("Let's begin. What is your name?") 
     playerchar.name = input(">") 
     print("Well then, " + playerchar.name + ", let us begin.") 

def choosestat(statname, max, min): 
    # Takes the name of the stat 
    # as mentioned in the Player/Character class and 
    # a min/max value for the length. Allows the player 
    # to set their stats for the char. 
    print("Your stat choices are: " + str(stats)) 
    choice = int(input("Please select a strength score ("+min+":"+max+")\n")) 
    if type(choice) == int and choice < (max+1) and choice > (min-1): 
     self.statname = stats[choice-1] 
     print("Please select a valid option.\n") 

def displaystats(entity): 
      # quick function to display all relevant stats in-line. 
     print("Are you happy with your choices?\n") 
     print("Strength: " + str(entity.strength)) 
     print("Intelligence: " + str(entity.intelligence)) 
     print("Wisdom: " + str(entity.wisdom)) 
     print("Dexterity: " + str(entity.dexterity)) 
     print("Constitution: " + str(entity.constitution)) 
     print("Charisma: " + str(entity.charisma)) 

def statchoice(): 
    # Using the roll function, we get 6 ability scores, append them to 'stats', 
    # and run the choosestat function for each to set stats. 
    stats = [] 
    stats.append(roll(4, 6)) 
    stats.append(roll(4, 6)) 
    stats.append(roll(4, 6)) 
    stats.append(roll(4, 6)) 
    stats.append(roll(4, 6)) 
    stats.append(roll(4, 6)) 

    choosestat(strength, 6, 1) 
    choosestat(intelligence, 5, 1) 
    choosestat(wisdom, 4, 1) 
    choosestat(dexterity, 3, 1) 
    choosestat(constitution, 2, 1) 
    choosestat(charisma, 1, 1) 

    reroll = input("Do you wish to re-roll?") 
    if reroll == "yes" or reroll == "y": 


エラーは何が間違っているかを正確に伝えます。あなたは 'statchoice()'に 'strength'を定義しませんでした。文字列 '' strength ''を渡すことを意味しましたか? – MooingRawr


あなたが問題を抱えていると主張している機能では、エラーは起こっていません。 –




choosestat('strength', 6, 1) 

def choosestat(statname, max, min): 
    print("Your stat choices are: " + str(stats)) 
    choice = int(input("Please select a strength score ("+min+":"+max+")\n")) 
    if type(choice) == int and choice < (max+1) and choice > (min-1): 
     setattr(self, statname, stats[choice-1] 
     print("Please select a valid option.\n") 



self.*something*を呼び出す場合は、クラス内でchoosestat関数を使用します。今はそうではありません。それをCharacterクラスの内側に移動し、それにself引数を追加した場合。次に、そのクラスのメンバーにアクセスできます。今のところstatchoiceには、強度は定義されていません。文字列「強さ」を渡して、文字列をメンバーのカウンターパーツにマップするchoosestat(Characterのメンバー)の中にdictを入れてみてください: {"strength" : self.strength, "intelligence" : self.intelligence}など。また、私はあなたのstats配列がグローバルであるとは思わないので、それをグローバルにするか、何らかの形でクラスのメンバーにして、他の関数もいくつか修正しなければなりません。
