基本的にはhttps://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_lists_of_listsのリストをクリップボードにコピーしています。 プログラムを実行すると、各行の前後に行頭文字が追加されます。例えば(Python)クリップボードから文字列を変更する際のヘルプ
•• Lists of Iranian films ••
Lists of Iranian films
#bulletPointAdder.py - Adds Wikipedia bullet points to the start and end
#of each line of text on the clipboard
import pyperclip
text=pyperclip.paste() #paste a big string of text from clipboard into the 'text' string
# Separate lines and add stars
lines = text.split('\n') #'lines' contains a list of all the individual lines up until '\n'
#lines= ['list of iserael films', 'list of italian films' ...]
for i in range(len(lines)): #loop through all indexes in the "lines" list
lines[i] = '••' + lines[i] + '••' #add bullets before and after each line
text = '\n'.join(lines) #put a '\n' in between the list members (joins them) into a single string
List of Israeli films before 1960
List of Israeli films of the 1960s
List of Israeli films of the 1970s
List of Israeli films of the 1980s
••List of Israeli films before 1960••••List of Israeli films of the 1960s••••List of Israeli films of the 1970s••••List of Israeli films of the 1980s••
あなたの質問がありますか? 'text'の種類は何ですか? 'str'要素の' list'ですか? – blacksite
申し訳ありませんが、タイプはクリップボードにコピーされた文字列です。 – tadm123