2016-08-09 4 views



class Program 

    static void Main(string[] args) 
     var filePath = Path.Combine(Directory.GetCurrentDirectory(), "InventoryReport 02_08_2016.csv"); 
     var fileContents = ReadFile(filePath); 
     foreach (var line in fileContents) 

     Console.WriteLine("Press any key to exit..."); 

    public static IList<string> ReadFile(string fileName) 
     var results = new List<string>(); 

     var lines = File.ReadAllLines(fileName); 
     for (var i = 0; i < lines.Length; i++) 
      // Skip the line with column names 
      if (i == 0) 

      // Splitting by space. I assume this is the pattern 
      var replace = lines[i].Replace(' ', ','); 


     return results; 

どのようにファイルをプログラムにロードしていますか?それは単にテキストですか?いくつかのコードを表示する! – MichaelThePotato


私はいくつかのコードで私の質問を更新しました。 – user5813072


File.WriteAllTextまたはFile.WriteAllLinesを単純に使用しない理由は何ですか? – MichaelThePotato




http://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/aa302293.aspx クリス・ラヴェット、ソフトウェアアーキテクト、WEBDATAチーム、(2004年2月改訂)マイクロソフトコーポレーション 2002年3月 ダウンロード:https://xmlcsvreader.codeplex.com/歴史:2013年1月12日


/// <summary> 
    /// Convert the string to a CSV field, 
    /// enclosed in quotes to protect comma's in the field, 
    /// with the quotes in the field escaped, 
    /// and the separation value added 
    /// </summary> 
    /// <param name="Field"></param> 
    /// <returns></returns> 
    public static string CsvField(string Field) 
     //const string CsvDelim = ","; 
     const string Quote = "\""; 
     const string Quotes2 = "\"\""; 
     string F = ""; 
     if (Field != null) 
      Field = CsvProcessNewline(Field); 
      F = string.Format("{0}{1}{0}", Quote, Field.Replace(Quote, Quotes2)); 
     return F; 

    /// <summary> 
    /// Convert the number to a CSV field, 
    /// enclosed in quotes to protect comma's in the field, 
    /// with the quotes in the field escaped, 
    /// and the separation value added 
    /// </summary> 
    /// <param name="Field"></param> 
    /// <returns></returns> 
    public static string CsvField(int Field) 
     return CsvField(string.Format("{0}", Field)); 

    /// <summary> 
    /// Convert the date to a CSV field 
    /// </summary> 
    /// <param name="Field"></param> 
    /// <returns></returns> 
    public static string CsvField_Date(DateTime Field) 
     return CsvField(string.Format("{0:yyyy-MM-ddTHH:mm:ss}", Field)); 

    /// <summary> 
    /// Newlines in a quoted CSV text field should not be a problem, 
    /// but some systems can only handle this if CR+LF is replaced by CR or LF. 
    /// </summary> 
    /// <param name="Field"></param> 
    /// <returns></returns> 
    public static string CsvProcessNewline(string Field) 
     const string NL = "\n"; 
     //const string CR = "\r"; 
     const string CRNL = "\r\n"; 
     const string NLCR = "\n\r"; 
     Field = Field.Replace(CRNL, NL); 
     Field = Field.Replace(NLCR, NL); 
     return Field; 