のテーブルがあります。 <select>
のみを表示したいとします。角度2 ng要素の再レンダリングと双方向データのバインディング
__________CODE BELOW__________
<option *ngFor="let loc of locations" [value]="loc.id">{{loc.name}}</option>
<tr *ngFor="let hour of hours">
<td *ngIf="hour.locationId === location">
locationId is {{hour.locationId}}
<td *ngIf="hour.locationId === location">
<td *ngIf="hour.locationId === location">
<td *ngIf="hour.locationId === location">
hours: any[] = [
{ locationId: 1, day: 'Sunday', dayValue: 0, dayStart: '9:00am', dayEnd: '7:00pm', open: false, working: false },
{ locationId: 1, day: 'Monday', dayValue: 1, dayStart: '9:00am', dayEnd: '7:00pm', open: true, working: true },
{ locationId: 1, day: 'Tuesday', dayValue: 2, dayStart: '9:00am', dayEnd: '7:00pm', open: true, working: true },
{ locationId: 1, day: 'Wednesday', dayValue: 3, dayStart: '9:00am', dayEnd: '7:00pm', open: true, working: true },
{ locationId: 1, day: 'Thursday', dayValue: 4, dayStart: '9:00am', dayEnd: '7:00pm', open: true, working: true },
{ locationId: 1, day: 'Friday', dayValue: 5, dayStart: '9:00am', dayEnd: '7:00pm', open: true, working: true },
{ locationId: 1, day: 'Saturday', dayValue: 6, dayStart: '9:00am', dayEnd: '7:00pm', open: true, working: true },
{ locationId: 2, day: 'Sunday', dayValue: 0, dayStart: '9:00am', dayEnd: '8:00pm', open: false, working: false },
{ locationId: 2, day: 'Monday', dayValue: 1, dayStart: '9:00am', dayEnd: '8:00pm', open: true, working: true },
{ locationId: 2, day: 'Tuesday', dayValue: 2, dayStart: '9:00am', dayEnd: '8:00pm', open: true, working: true },
{ locationId: 2, day: 'Wednesday', dayValue: 3, dayStart: '9:00am', dayEnd: '8:00pm', open: true, working: true },
{ locationId: 2, day: 'Thursday', dayValue: 4, dayStart: '9:00am', dayEnd: '8:00pm', open: true, working: true },
{ locationId: 2, day: 'Friday', dayValue: 5, dayStart: '9:00am', dayEnd: '8:00pm', open: true, working: true },
{ locationId: 2, day: 'Saturday', dayValue: 6, dayStart: '9:00am', dayEnd: '8:00pm', open: true, working: true }
locations: any[] = [
{ id: 1, name: 'Location 1', },
{ id: 2, name: 'Location 2', }
location: number = 1;
を実装する方法として、 '[値]'格納データを知らなかったの違いを理解するために「『myinput』」=あなたは[名前]を行う場合にも、同じである
です文字列、よく知っている – locnguyen