2016-03-19 7 views

以下の関数の隣にある関数からエラーを定義しています。定義の内側から "let"を使用する必要がありますか?define:変数が期待されていますが、部品が見つかりました

;; Purpose: Produce a maze, being a list of whole numbers (cells) 
;; between 0 and the square of grid-size (grid-size^2) 
;; The list prepresenting the maze will start with 0 and be expanded 
;; by randomly picking a cell already in the maze 
;; then randomly selecting a neighbouring cell (horz and vert axis 
;; only) following tests to ensure that the new neighbouring cell is: 
; a) within the grid/maze area 
; b) not already in the maze 
; c) not adjacent to a cell already in the maze (otherwide could block the maze path) 
; d) will likely add tests here to make sure maze does not consume itself 
; Grid will lay out as follows (assuming grid-size is 3; 
; 0 1 2 
; 3 4 5 
; 6 7 8 

(define grid-size 15) 
(define a-maze (list 0)) 

;Is returned value part of the existing a-maze 
(check-expect (member? (random-cell a-maze) a-maze) 
;Is returned vale a number? 
(check-expect (number? (random-cell a-maze)) 

;Is returned value within the limits of the grid 
(check-expect (<= 0 (random-cell a-maze) (sqr grid-size)) 

;random-cell: non-empty list -> random number from list 
(define (random-cell a-list) 
    (list-ref a-list (random (length a-list)))) 

(check-expect (member? 15 (neighbours (random-cell a-maze))) #true) 
(check-expect (member? 1 (neighbours (random-cell a-maze))) #true) 
(check-expect (member? -1 (neighbours (random-cell a-maze))) #true) 
(check-expect (member? -15 (neighbours (random-cell a-maze))) #true) 

(check-expect (= (length (neighbours-in-grid (random-cell a-maze))) 2) #true) 

;neighbours: non-empty whole number representing a cell -> list of  
;neighbouring cells - use horz and vert axis only (no diagonals) 
(define (neighbours member-cell) 
    (list (+ member-cell grid-size) ;cell below 
     (+ member-cell 1) ;cell immediate right 
     (- member-cell 1) ;cell immediate left 
     (- member-cell grid-size) ;cell above 


    ;neighbours-in-grid: non-empty list of potential neighbours -> narrowed list of validated neighbours that are in the grid 
(define (neighbours-in-grid (neighbours (random-cell a-maze))) 
    (cond [(< 0 (first neighbours) > grid-size) (remove (first neighbours))] 
     [(< 0 (second neighbours) > grid-size) (remove (second neighbours))] 
     [(< 0 (third neighbours) > grid-size) (remove (third neighbours))] 
     [(< 0 (fourth neighbours) > grid-size) (remove (fourth neighbours))] 

私は関数ネイバーの結果を関数heighbours-in-gridに入れようとしています – bruno


これは問題ありません。つまり、あなたが*グリッド内のネイバー関数を呼び出すときには、ネイバー関数を使用することになります。たとえば、あなたのcheck-expectには '(近隣の人(ランダムセルa-maze))'のフォームが含まれている可能性があります。 –


DrRacketの 'stepper'ツールはあなたにとって有益でしょう。 –





(define (neighbours-in-grid (neighbours (random-cell a-maze))) 
    (cond ...)) 

(define (<name-of-function> <name-of-argument> ...) 


(define (neighbours-in-grid neighbours) 
    (cond ...)) 

