2017-07-02 9 views





import numpy as np 
import itertools as it 

x = np.random.choice(np.arange(10), (2,3,4)) # pass probabilities with p=... 
N = 10 
a = [k*np.ones_like(x) for k in range(N)] # list of N arrays of same shape 
y = np.empty(a[0].shape) # output array 

# Generate list of all indices of arrays in a (no matter what shape, this is 
# handled with *) and set elements of output array y. 
for index in list(it.product(*list(np.arange(n) for n in x.shape))): 
    y[index] = a[x[index]][index] 
# a[x[index]] is the array chosen at a given index. 
# a[x[index]][index] is the element of this array at the given index. 

# expected result with the choice of list a: x==y is True for all elements 

「より複雑な部分は、」パラメータnumpy.random.choicepで処理されなければなりません。コメントには他のことを説明する必要があります。 *を使用すると、これはaの配列の任意の形状に対して機能するはずです(願っています)。



import numpy as np 

# N = 3 dummy arrays for the example 
a = np.zeros([4, 5]) 
b = 10 * np.ones([4, 5]) 
c = 2 * b 

arr = np.array([a, b, c]) # this is a 3D array containing your N arrays 
N = arr.shape[0] 

idx = np.random.choice(range(N), 4 * 5) # 4 and 5 are the common dimensions of your N arrays 

# treating this a a 1D problem, but treating as 2D is possible too. 
arr.reshape(N, 20)[idx.ravel(), np.arange(20)].reshape(4, 5) 


idx_p = np.random.choice(range(n_arr), 4 * 5, p = [0.1, 0.2, 0.7]) 
arr.reshape(n_arr, 20)[idx_p.ravel(), np.arange(20)].reshape(4, 5) 


# first result: 
array([[ 0., 0., 0., 20., 10.], 
     [ 20., 0., 20., 0., 10.], 
     [ 0., 10., 0., 10., 0.], 
     [ 10., 20., 10., 0., 10.]]) 
# second result with many 20, a few 10 and fewer 0: 
array([[ 10., 0., 20., 20., 20.], 
     [ 20., 0., 20., 20., 20.], 
     [ 10., 20., 20., 20., 10.], 
     [ 20., 10., 20., 20., 20.]]) 