コードの最後にあるように、私はprintLinkメソッドを呼び出す "list.printList"を使用します。代わりに、 "book name:... book author:.. etc."を出力する必要があります。これは、生のテキストファイルデータを表示します。何が間違っているのですか?また、どんな提言も歓迎します。おかげJavaプログラム:メソッドを使用して印刷しないでください
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import java.io.* ;
import java.util.* ;
class Link
public String isbn ;
public String bookName ;
public String bookAuthor ;
public String publicYear;
public Link nextLink;
public Link()
//Link constructor
public Link(String bookNameIn, String bookAuthorIn, String isbnIn, String publicYearIn)
setIsbn (isbnIn) ;
setBookName (bookNameIn) ;
setBookAuthor (bookAuthorIn) ;
setPublicYear (publicYearIn) ;
//isbn = isbnIn ;
//bookAuthor = bookAuthorIn ;
//publicYear = publicYearIn ;
// Set Methods
public void setIsbn(String isbnIn)
isbn = isbnIn ;
public void setBookName(String bookNameIn)
bookName = bookNameIn ;
public void setBookAuthor(String bookAuthorIn)
bookAuthor = bookAuthorIn ;
public void setPublicYear(String publicYearIn)
publicYear = publicYearIn ;
// Get Methods
public String getIsbn()
return isbn ;
public String getBookName()
return bookName;
public String getBookAuthor()
return bookAuthor ;
public String getPublicYear()
return publicYear ;
//Print Link data
public void printLink()
System.out.print("Book Name: " + getBookName() + "\n" + "Book's Author: " + getBookAuthor() + "\n" + "Year Published: " + getPublicYear() + "\n" + "ISBN: " + getIsbn() +"\n");
System.out.println("") ;
class LinkList
private Link first;
//LinkList constructor
public LinkList()
first = null;
//Returns true if list is empty
public boolean isEmpty()
return first == null;
//Inserts a new Link at the first of the list
public void insert(String bookNameIn, String bookAuthorIn, String isbnIn, String publicYearIn)
Link link = new Link(bookNameIn, bookAuthorIn, isbnIn, publicYearIn) ;
link.nextLink = first;
first = link;
//Deletes the link at the first of the list
public Link delete()
Link temp = first;
first = first.nextLink;
return temp;
//Prints list data
public void printList()
Link currentLink = new Link() ;
currentLink = first;
while(currentLink != null) {
currentLink = currentLink.nextLink;
public class TheList
public static void main(String[] args) throws Exception
//Scanner kb = new Scanner (System.in);
LinkList list = new LinkList();
File outputFile ;
//int numberOfBooks = 0 ;
// Create the new text file. If exists, it will continue to the next commands
outputFile = new File("db.txt") ;
System.out.println("The file was created as db.txt");
}while (!outputFile.exists()) ;
// Define which file to stream in from
FileInputStream fileIn = new FileInputStream("db.txt") ;
DataInputStream input = new DataInputStream (fileIn) ;
BufferedReader br = new BufferedReader (new InputStreamReader (input)) ;
String line ;
// Read each line of the file
while ((line = br.readLine()) != null)
// insert code to break input to pieces
StringTokenizer tokenizer = new StringTokenizer(line) ;
while (tokenizer.hasMoreElements())
Link record = new Link() ;
record.setBookName(tokenizer.nextToken()) ;
record.setBookAuthor(tokenizer.nextToken()) ;
record.setIsbn(tokenizer.nextToken()) ;
record.setPublicYear(tokenizer.nextToken()) ;
System.out.println (line) ;
input.close() ;
}catch (Exception e){
System.err.println("Error. Could not read the file") ;
/**list.insert(123456, "kostis", "kostis", 1900);
list.insert(123456, "kostis", "kostis", 1900);
list.insert(123456, "kostis", "kostis", 1900);
list.insert(123456, "kostis", "kostis", 1900);
list.insert(123456, "kostis", "kostis", 1900);
あなたのリストにあなたのレコードを追加していますか?私はその部分を見つけていない。 – tom
あなたが印刷するものを投稿することができます、生のテキストファイルのデータです。 –