2016-07-11 21 views


2D numpy配列として画像がほとんどありません。画像が大きければ、各値を計算するのに時間がかかります。私の解決策よりもこれを行うより良い方法はありますか?


result = np.zeros((y,x)) # y,x are sizes of images 

for i in xrange(y): 
    for j in xrange(x): 
     v = np.array([a[i,j], b[i,j], c[i,j]]) # array with particular pixels from each image 
     result[i,j] = mahalanobis(v,m,inv_cov) # calculate mahalanobis distance and insert value as a pixel 

a = image1 
b = image2 
c = image3 # numpy arrays, NxM size 
m = np.array([m1, m2, m3]) # means vector 
covariance = np.cov([a.ravel(), b.ravel(), c.ravel()]) 
inv_cov = np.linalg.inv(covariance) # inv. covariance matrix 





import numpy as np 
import scipy.spatial.distance as SSD 
h, w = 40, 60 
A = np.random.random((h, w)) 
B = np.random.random((h, w)) 
C = np.random.random((h, w)) 
M = np.array([A.mean(), B.mean(), C.mean()]) # means vector 
covariance = np.cov([A.ravel(), B.ravel(), C.ravel()]) 
inv_cov = np.linalg.inv(covariance) # inv. covariance matrix 

def orig(A, B, C, M, inv_cov): 
    h, w = A.shape 
    result = np.zeros_like(A, dtype='float64') 

    for i in range(h): 
     for j in range(w): 
      # array with particular pixels from each image 
      v = np.array([A[i, j], B[i, j], C[i, j]]) 
      # calculate mahalanobis distance and insert value as a pixel 
      result[i, j] = SSD.mahalanobis(v, M, inv_cov) 
    return result 

def using_cdist(A, B, C, M, inv_cov): 
    D = np.dstack([A, B, C]).reshape(-1, 3) 
    result = SSD.cdist(D, M[None, :], metric='mahalanobis', VI=inv_cov) 
    result = result.reshape(A.shape) 
    return result 

expected = orig(A, B, C, M, inv_cov) 
result = using_cdist(A, B, C, M, inv_cov) 
assert np.allclose(result, expected) 


In [49]: expected = orig(A, B, C, M, inv_cov) 

In [76]: result = using_cdist(A, B, C, M, inv_cov) 

In [78]: np.allclose(result, expected) 
Out[78]: True 

In [79]: %timeit orig(A, B, C, M, inv_cov) 
10 loops, best of 3: 36.3 ms per loop 

In [80]: %timeit using_cdist(A, B, C, M, inv_cov) 
10000 loops, best of 3: 127 µs per loop 