2016-06-22 24 views

私はこのプロセスで激しく憤慨しています。私の家庭教師は私の電話に1週間以上応答していません。これが私の最後の試みです。私は2つのことの他にすべてのコードを扱っています。 1.私の配列で検索することができますが、私は最初の正解を得るだけです。すべてのヒットをコンソールに戻したいと思います。 2.バブルソートで例外エラーが発生し、私は何をしているのか分かりません。私は1次元の整数をすべてうまく埋め込んだ配列をソートすることができます。配列を検索しても機能しない配列を検索することはできません

私の問題は、ある次元から複数の次元に向かう配列の遷移を扱うことができないということです。私は 'for(int i = 0; i < bottleCount(); i ++)'を 'foreach(ボトル内のvarボトル)'を選択することの意味を理解していません。私がお金を追加したいのであれば、私は最初の方が良いと思います。しかし、私は配列からいくつかの答えを出したいときにforeachは使用するツールではありません。 bottles.xyzが動作している時もありますが、bottleS.xyzが動作している時もあります。



using System; 
using System.Collections.Generic; 
using System.Linq; 
using System.Text; 
using System.Threading; 
using System.Threading.Tasks; 

namespace Sodacrate 
//Soda - contains the properties for the bottles that go in to the crate 
class Soda : IComparable<Soda> 
string drinkName; 
string drinkType; 
int drinkPrice; 
int productCode; 

//Construct for the beverage 
public Soda(string _drinkName, string _drinkType, int _drinkPrice, int _productCode) 
drinkName = _drinkName; 
drinkType = _drinkType; 
drinkPrice = _drinkPrice; 
productCode = _productCode; 

//Property for the drink name e.g. Coca Cola, Ramlösa or Pripps lättöl 
public string Drink_name 
get { return drinkName; } 
set { drinkName = value; } 

//Property for the drink type e.g. Soda, fizzy water or beer 
public string Drink_type 
get { return drinkType; } 
set { drinkType = value; } 

//Property for the drink price in SEK 
public int Drink_price 
get { return drinkPrice; } 
set { drinkPrice = value; } 

//Property for the product code e.g. 1, 2 or ... 
public int Product_code 
get { return productCode; } 
set { productCode = value; } 

//Override for ToString to get text instead of info about the object 
public override string ToString() 
return string.Format("{0} is a {1} costs {2} productcode {3} ", drinkName, drinkType, drinkPrice, productCode); 
//return string.Format("{0,0} Type {1,-16} Price {2,-10} Code {3, -5} ", drinkName, drinkType, drinkPrice, productCode); 

//Compare to solve my issues with sorting 
public int CompareTo(Soda other) 
if (ReferenceEquals(other, null)) 
return 1; 

return drinkName.CompareTo(other.drinkName); 


static class Screen 
// Screen - Generic methods for handling in- and output ======================================= > 

// Methods for screen handling in this object are: 
// cls()  Clear screen 
// cup(row, col)  Positions the curser to a position on the console 
// inKey()    Reads one pressed key (Returned value is : ConsoleKeyInfo) 
// inStr()   Handles String 
// inInt()  Handles Int 
// inFloat()  Handles Float(Singel) 
// meny()    Menu system , first invariable is Rubrik and 2 to 6 meny choises 
// addSodaMenu()  The options for adding bottles 

// Clear Screen ------------------------------------------ 
static public void cls() 

// Set Curser Position ---------------------------------- 
static public void cup(int column, int rad) 
Console.SetCursorPosition(column, rad); 

// Key Input -------------------------------------------- 
static public ConsoleKeyInfo inKey() 
ConsoleKeyInfo in_key; in_key = Console.ReadKey(); return in_key; 

// String Input ----------------------------------------- 
static public string inStr() 
string in_string; in_string = Console.ReadLine(); return in_string; 

// Int Input ------------------------------------------- 
static public int inInt() 
int int_in; try { int_in = Int32.Parse(Console.ReadLine()); } 
catch (FormatException) { Console.WriteLine("Input Error \b"); int_in = 0; } 
catch (OverflowException) { Console.WriteLine("Input Owerflow\b"); int_in = 0; } 
return int_in; 

// Float Input ------------------------------------------- 
static public float inFloat() 
float float_in; try { float_in = Convert.ToSingle(Console.ReadLine()); } 
catch (FormatException) { Console.WriteLine("Input Error \b"); float_in = 0; } 
catch (OverflowException) { Console.WriteLine("Input Owerflow\b"); float_in = 0; } 
return float_in; 

// Menu ------------------------------------------------ 
static public int meny(string rubrik, string m_val1, string m_val2) 
{ // Meny med 2 val --------------------- 
int menSvar; menyRubrik(rubrik); menyRad(m_val1); menyRad(m_val2); menSvar = menyInm(); 
return menSvar; 

static public int meny(string rubrik, string m_val1, string m_val2, string m_val3) 
{ // Meny med 3 val --------------------- 
int menSvar; menyRubrik(rubrik); menyRad(m_val1); menyRad(m_val2); menyRad(m_val3); menSvar = menyInm(); 
return menSvar; 

static public int meny(string rubrik, string m_val1, string m_val2, string m_val3, string m_val4) 
{ // Meny med 4 val --------------------- 
int menSvar; menyRubrik(rubrik); menyRad(m_val1); menyRad(m_val2); menyRad(m_val3); menyRad(m_val4); menSvar = menyInm(); 
return menSvar; 

static public int meny(string rubrik, string m_val1, string m_val2, string m_val3, string m_val4, string m_val5) 
{ // Meny med 5 val --------------------- 
int menSvar; menyRubrik(rubrik); menyRad(m_val1); menyRad(m_val2); menyRad(m_val3); menyRad(m_val4); menyRad(m_val5); menSvar = menyInm(); 
return menSvar; 

static public int meny(string rubrik, string m_val1, string m_val2, string m_val3, string m_val4, string m_val5, string m_val6) 
{ // Meny med 6 val --------------------- 
int menSvar; menyRubrik(rubrik); menyRad(m_val1); menyRad(m_val2); menyRad(m_val3); menyRad(m_val4); menyRad(m_val5); ; menyRad(m_val6); menSvar = menyInm(); 
return menSvar; 

static void menyRubrik(string rubrik) 
{ // Meny rubrik -------- 
cls(); Console.WriteLine("\n\t {0}\n----------------------------------------------------\n", rubrik); 

static void menyRad(string menyVal) 
{ // Meny rad -------- 
Console.WriteLine("\t {0}", menyVal); 

static int menyInm() 
{ // Meny inmating ------ 
int mVal; Console.Write("\n\t Menyval : "); mVal = inInt(); return mVal; 

// Menu for adding bottles -------------------------------- 
static public void addSodaMenu() 
Console.WriteLine("\tChoose a beverage please."); 
Console.WriteLine("\t1. Coca Cola"); 
Console.WriteLine("\t2. Champis"); 
Console.WriteLine("\t3. Grappo"); 
Console.WriteLine("\t4. Pripps Blå lättöl"); 
Console.WriteLine("\t5. Spendrups lättöl"); 
Console.WriteLine("\t6. Ramlösa citron"); 
Console.WriteLine("\t7. Vichy Nouveu"); 
Console.WriteLine("\t9. Exit to main menu"); 

// Screen - Slut <======================================== 
} // screen <---- 

class Sodacrate 
// Sodacrate - Methods for handling arrays and lists of Soda-objects ======================================= > 

// Methods for Soda handling in this object are: 
// cls()  Clear screen 

private Soda[] bottles;    //Create they array where we store the up to 25 bottles 
private int numberOfBottles = 0;   //Keep track of the number of bottles in the crate 

//Not working 
public int find_Soda(string drinkname) 
//Notes from teatcher **=================start==================** 
//You should be able to search for name 
//You can use string-methods ToLower() or ToUpper() 
//Notes from teatcher **=================end====================** 

for (int i = 0; i < bottles.Length; i++) 
if (bottles[i].Drink_name == drinkname) //My feeble attempts 
return i; 
return -1; 

//Exception error 
public void sort_Sodas() 
int max = bottles.Length; 
//Outer loop for complete [bottles] 
for (int i = 1; i < max; i++) 
//Inner loop for row by row 
int nrLeft = max - i; 
for (int j = 0; j < (max - i); j++) 
if (bottles[j].Product_code > bottles[j + 1].Product_code) 
int temp = bottles[j].Product_code; 
bottles[j] = bottles[j + 1]; 
bottles[j + 1].Product_code = temp; 

//Exception error 
public void sort_Sodas_name() 
int max = bottles.Length; 
//Outer loop for complete [bottles] 
for (int i = 1; i < max; i++) 
//Inner loop for row by row 
int nrLeft = max - i; 
for (int j = 0; j < (max - i); j++) 
//Error CS0122 'Soda.drinkName' is inaccessible due to its protection level 
if (bottles[j].drinkName > bottles[j + 1].drinkName) 
//int temp = bottles[j].drinkName; 
//bottles[j] = bottles[j + 1]; 
//bottles[j + 1].drinkName = temp;*/ 

//Search for Product code ony returns the first hit 
public int LinearSearch(int key) 

for (int i = 0; i < bottles.Length; i++) 
if (bottles[i].Product_code == key) 
return i; 
return -1; 

//Contains the menu to choose from the crates methods 
public void Run() 
//Quick and dirty add of data. I got this working fine 
bottles[0] = new Soda("Coca Cola", "Soda", 5, 1); 
bottles[1] = new Soda("Champis", "Soda", 6, 1); 
bottles[2] = new Soda("Grappo", "Soda", 4, 1); 
bottles[3] = new Soda("Pripps Blå", "beer", 6, 2); 
bottles[4] = new Soda("Spendrups", "beer", 6, 2); 
bottles[5] = new Soda("Ramlösa", "water", 4, 3); 
bottles[6] = new Soda("Loka", "water", 4, 3); 
bottles[7] = new Soda("Coca Cola", "Soda", 5, 1); 

print_crate(); //Happy with this one I need to shape up the ToString override 
Console.WriteLine("\n\tYou have {0} bottles in your crate:\n\n", bottleCount()); 

Console.WriteLine("\nTotal value of the crate is {0}", calc_total());//Happy as a clam 

/*int price = 0; //Causes exception error I lack understanding 
foreach(var bottle in bottles) 
price = price + bottle.Drink_price; 
//Console.WriteLine("\tThe total value of the crate is {0} SEK.", price); 


int test = 0; 
test = bottles[3].Product_code;//So bottles[i].xyz do some things and bottles.xyz others 
Console.WriteLine("Product code {0} is in slot {1}", test, 3); 

//This only returns the first product with the asked productcode. How to get all? Also what if I searched for name like Coca Cola instead? 
Console.WriteLine("Type 1, 2 or 3"); 
int prodcode = Screen.inInt(); 
Console.WriteLine("Product code {0} is in slot {1}", prodcode, (LinearSearch(prodcode))); 

//sort_Sodas();   //Causes Exception error I want it to sort on either product code or product name 
//print_crate();  //Check if the sort has put two Coca Cola on top. 

//Print the content of the crate to the console 
public void print_crate() 
foreach (var beverage in bottles) 
if (beverage != null) 
Console.WriteLine("\n\tYou have {0} bottles in your crate:", bottleCount()); 

//Construct, sets the Sodacrate to hold 25 bottles 
public Sodacrate() 
bottles = new Soda[25]; 

// Count the ammounts of bottles in crate 
public int bottleCount() 
int cnt = numberOfBottles; 
// Loop though array to get not empty element 
foreach (var beverages in bottles) 
if (beverages != null) 
return cnt; 

//Calculates the total value of the bottles in the crate 
public int calc_total() 
int temp = 0; 
for (int i = 0; i < bottleCount(); i++) 
temp = temp + (bottles[i].Drink_price); 
return temp; 
//Adds bottles in the crate. 
public void add_Soda() 
//I start of with adding 7 bottles to avoid having to add so many bottles testing functions. Remove block before release 
bottles[0] = new Soda("Coca Cola", "Soda", 5, 1); 
bottles[1] = new Soda("Champis", "Soda", 6, 1); 
bottles[2] = new Soda("Grappo", "Soda", 4, 1); 
bottles[3] = new Soda("Pripps Blå", "lättöl", 6, 2); 
bottles[4] = new Soda("Spendrups", "lättöl", 6, 2); 
bottles[5] = new Soda("Ramlösa citron", "mineralvatten", 4, 3); 
bottles[6] = new Soda("Vichy Nouveu", "mineralvatten", 4, 3); 
//<====================================== End block 

int beverageIn = 0;//Creates the menu choice-variable 
while (beverageIn != 9)//Exit this menu by typing 9 - This value should be different if we add more bottle types to add. 
Screen.addSodaMenu();//Calls the menu in the Screen-class 
Console.WriteLine("You have {0} bottles in the crate.\n\nChoose :", bottleCount()); 
Screen.cup(8, 13); 
int i = bottleCount();//Keeps track of how many bottles we have in the crate. If the crate is full we get expelled out of this method 
if (i == 25) 
{ beverageIn = 9; } 
else beverageIn = Screen.inInt();//end 

switch (beverageIn) //Loop for adding bottles to the crate exit by pressing 9 
case 1: 
i = bottleCount(); 
bottles[i] = new Soda("Coca Cola", "Soda", 5, 1); 

case 2: 
i = bottleCount(); 
bottles[i] = new Soda("Champis", "Soda", 6, 1); 

case 3: 
i = bottleCount(); 
bottles[i] = new Soda("Grappo", "Soda", 4, 1); 

case 4: 
i = bottleCount(); 
bottles[i] = new Soda("Pripps Blå lättöl", "lättöl", 6, 2); 

case 5: 
i = bottleCount(); 
bottles[i] = new Soda("Spendrups lättöl", "lättöl", 6, 2); 

case 6: 
i = bottleCount(); 
bottles[i] = new Soda("Ramlösa citron", "mineralvatten", 4, 3); 

case 7: 
i = bottleCount(); 
bottles[i] = new Soda("Vichy Nouveu", "mineralvatten", 4, 3); 

case 9: 
i = bottleCount(); 
if (i == 25) 
Console.WriteLine("\tThe crate is full\n\tGoing back to main menu. Press a key: "); 
Console.WriteLine("Going back to main menu. Press a key: "); 

default://Default will never kick in as I have error handling in Screen.inInt() 
Console.WriteLine("Error, pick a number between 1 and 7 or 9 to end."); 
// Sodacrate - End <======================================== 

class Program 
public static void Main(string[] args) 
//Creates an object of class Sodacrate named Sodacrate 
var Sodacrate = new Sodacrate(); 
Console.Write("Press any key to continue . . . "); 

まず第一であり、* *あなたのコードをフォーマットしてくださいだろうか?コードが読みにくい*ときにもデバッグするのは難しいです。 –


OK。最初のヒットの問題 - はい、それは0で始まると言いました。そして、それぞれのキーで一致するproduct_codeを持つものを見つけたら、その番号を停止して返します。 2つ目の並べ替え - array.sort .. linqがそれを受け入れるならそれを処理します - また、あなたはあなたの匹敵しますが、等しいならば1を返します。あなたは-1以上の場合は-1、それ以外の場合は0、私の頭の中で間違った方向に丸すぎる場合は1が必要です。最後に例外があります..例外が何であるか教えてください。 – BugFinder


ドミトリー私はCTRL-Kでコードを書式化しようとしました。私はあなたが好きではないことを悲しんでいます。 – Paladin




bottles = new Soda[25]; 


foreach (var bottle in bottles) 
    if (bottle == null) 
    price = price + bottle.Drink_price; 

これは、本質的にcontinueステートメントを使用してNULLであるすべてのボトルの値を飛ばしている何。 breakを使用することもできますが、最初にヌル値を検出するとループの処理が停止します。


今、あなたの私はこれにソーダでご CompareTo方法を変更するために
public void sort_Sodas() 
    int max = bottles.Length; 
    //Outer loop for complete [bottles] 
    for (int i = 1; i < max; i++) 
     //Inner loop for row by row 
     int nrLeft = max - i; 
     for (int j = 0; j < (max - i); j++) 
      var bottle1 = bottles[j]; 
      var bottle2 = bottles[j + 1]; 

      if((bottle1 == null) || (bottle2 == null)) 

      if (bottle1.Product_code > bottle2.Product_code) 
       var temp = bottles[j]; 
       bottles[j] = bottles[j + 1]; 
       bottles[j + 1] = temp; 


public int CompareTo(Soda other) 
    if (other == null) 
     return 1; 

    return drinkName.CompareTo(other.drinkName); 


public void sort_Sodas_name() 
    int max = bottles.Length; 
    //Outer loop for complete [bottles] 
    for (int i = 1; i < max; i++) 
     //Inner loop for row by row 
     int nrLeft = max - i; 
     for (int j = 0; j < (max - i); j++) 
      var bottle1 = bottles[j]; 
      var bottle2 = bottles[j + 1]; 

      if ((bottle1 == null) || (bottle2 == null)) 
      //Error CS0122 'Soda.drinkName' is inaccessible due to its protection level 
      if (bottle1.Drink_name.CompareTo(bottle2.Drink_name) == 1) 
       var temp = bottles[j]; 
       bottles[j] = bottles[j + 1]; 
       bottles[j + 1] = temp; 



using System; 

namespace Sodacrate 
    class Program 
     static void Main(string[] args) 
      //Creates an object of class Sodacrate named Sodacrate 
      var Sodacrate = new Sodacrate(); 
      Console.Write("Press any key to continue . . . "); 

    //Soda - contains the properties for the bottles that go in to the crate 
    class Soda : IComparable<Soda> 
     string drinkName; 
     string drinkType; 
     int drinkPrice; 
     int productCode; 

     //Construct for the beverage 
     public Soda(string _drinkName, string _drinkType, int _drinkPrice, int _productCode) 
      drinkName = _drinkName; 
      drinkType = _drinkType; 
      drinkPrice = _drinkPrice; 
      productCode = _productCode; 

     //Property for the drink name e.g. Coca Cola, Ramlösa or Pripps lättöl 
     public string Drink_name 
      get { return drinkName; } 
      set { drinkName = value; } 

     //Property for the drink type e.g. Soda, fizzy water or beer 
     public string Drink_type 
      get { return drinkType; } 
      set { drinkType = value; } 

     //Property for the drink price in SEK 
     public int Drink_price 
      get { return drinkPrice; } 
      set { drinkPrice = value; } 

     //Property for the product code e.g. 1, 2 or ... 
     public int Product_code 
      get { return productCode; } 
      set { productCode = value; } 

     //Override for ToString to get text instead of info about the object 
     public override string ToString() 
      return string.Format("{0} is a {1} costs {2} productcode {3} ", drinkName, drinkType, drinkPrice, productCode); 
      //return string.Format("{0,0} Type {1,-16} Price {2,-10} Code {3, -5} ", drinkName, drinkType, drinkPrice, productCode); 

     //Compare to solve my issues with sorting 
     public int CompareTo(Soda other) 
      if (other == null) 
       return 1; 

      return drinkName.CompareTo(other.drinkName); 


    static class Screen 
     // Screen - Generic methods for handling in- and output ======================================= > 

     // Methods for screen handling in this object are: 
     // cls()  Clear screen 
     // cup(row, col)  Positions the curser to a position on the console 
     // inKey()    Reads one pressed key (Returned value is : ConsoleKeyInfo) 
     // inStr()   Handles String 
     // inInt()  Handles Int 
     // inFloat()  Handles Float(Singel) 
     // meny()    Menu system , first invariable is Rubrik and 2 to 6 meny choises 
     // addSodaMenu()  The options for adding bottles 

     // Clear Screen ------------------------------------------ 
     static public void cls() 

     // Set Curser Position ---------------------------------- 
     static public void cup(int column, int rad) 
      Console.SetCursorPosition(column, rad); 

     // Key Input -------------------------------------------- 
     static public ConsoleKeyInfo inKey() 
      ConsoleKeyInfo in_key; in_key = Console.ReadKey(); return in_key; 

     // String Input ----------------------------------------- 
     static public string inStr() 
      string in_string; in_string = Console.ReadLine(); return in_string; 

     // Int Input ------------------------------------------- 
     static public int inInt() 
      int int_in; try { int_in = Int32.Parse(Console.ReadLine()); } 
      catch (FormatException) { Console.WriteLine("Input Error \b"); int_in = 0; } 
      catch (OverflowException) { Console.WriteLine("Input Owerflow\b"); int_in = 0; } 
      return int_in; 

     // Float Input ------------------------------------------- 
     static public float inFloat() 
      float float_in; try { float_in = Convert.ToSingle(Console.ReadLine()); } 
      catch (FormatException) { Console.WriteLine("Input Error \b"); float_in = 0; } 
      catch (OverflowException) { Console.WriteLine("Input Owerflow\b"); float_in = 0; } 
      return float_in; 

     // Menu ------------------------------------------------ 
     static public int meny(string rubrik, string m_val1, string m_val2) 
     { // Meny med 2 val --------------------- 
      int menSvar; menyRubrik(rubrik); menyRad(m_val1); menyRad(m_val2); menSvar = menyInm(); 
      return menSvar; 

     static public int meny(string rubrik, string m_val1, string m_val2, string m_val3) 
     { // Meny med 3 val --------------------- 
      int menSvar; menyRubrik(rubrik); menyRad(m_val1); menyRad(m_val2); menyRad(m_val3); menSvar = menyInm(); 
      return menSvar; 

     static public int meny(string rubrik, string m_val1, string m_val2, string m_val3, string m_val4) 
     { // Meny med 4 val --------------------- 
      int menSvar; menyRubrik(rubrik); menyRad(m_val1); menyRad(m_val2); menyRad(m_val3); menyRad(m_val4); menSvar = menyInm(); 
      return menSvar; 

     static public int meny(string rubrik, string m_val1, string m_val2, string m_val3, string m_val4, string m_val5) 
     { // Meny med 5 val --------------------- 
      int menSvar; menyRubrik(rubrik); menyRad(m_val1); menyRad(m_val2); menyRad(m_val3); menyRad(m_val4); menyRad(m_val5); menSvar = menyInm(); 
      return menSvar; 

     static public int meny(string rubrik, string m_val1, string m_val2, string m_val3, string m_val4, string m_val5, string m_val6) 
     { // Meny med 6 val --------------------- 
      int menSvar; menyRubrik(rubrik); menyRad(m_val1); menyRad(m_val2); menyRad(m_val3); menyRad(m_val4); menyRad(m_val5); ; menyRad(m_val6); menSvar = menyInm(); 
      return menSvar; 

     static void menyRubrik(string rubrik) 
     { // Meny rubrik -------- 
      cls(); Console.WriteLine("\n\t {0}\n----------------------------------------------------\n", rubrik); 

     static void menyRad(string menyVal) 
     { // Meny rad -------- 
      Console.WriteLine("\t {0}", menyVal); 

     static int menyInm() 
     { // Meny inmating ------ 
      int mVal; Console.Write("\n\t Menyval : "); mVal = inInt(); return mVal; 

     // Menu for adding bottles -------------------------------- 
     static public void addSodaMenu() 
      Console.WriteLine("\tChoose a beverage please."); 
      Console.WriteLine("\t1. Coca Cola"); 
      Console.WriteLine("\t2. Champis"); 
      Console.WriteLine("\t3. Grappo"); 
      Console.WriteLine("\t4. Pripps Blå lättöl"); 
      Console.WriteLine("\t5. Spendrups lättöl"); 
      Console.WriteLine("\t6. Ramlösa citron"); 
      Console.WriteLine("\t7. Vichy Nouveu"); 
      Console.WriteLine("\t9. Exit to main menu"); 

     // Screen - Slut <======================================== 
    } // screen <---- 

    class Sodacrate 
     // Sodacrate - Methods for handling arrays and lists of Soda-objects ======================================= > 

     // Methods for Soda handling in this object are: 
     // cls()  Clear screen 

     private Soda[] bottles;    //Create they array where we store the up to 25 bottles 
     private int numberOfBottles = 0;   //Keep track of the number of bottles in the crate 

     //Not working 
     public int find_Soda(string drinkname) 
      //Notes from teatcher **=================start==================** 
      //You should be able to search for name 
      //You can use string-methods ToLower() or ToUpper() 
      //Notes from teatcher **=================end====================** 

      for (int i = 0; i < bottles.Length; i++) 
       if (bottles[i].Drink_name == drinkname) //My feeble attempts 
        return i; 
      return -1; 

     //Exception error 
     public void sort_Sodas() 
      int max = bottles.Length; 
      //Outer loop for complete [bottles] 
      for (int i = 1; i < max; i++) 
       //Inner loop for row by row 
       int nrLeft = max - i; 
       for (int j = 0; j < (max - i); j++) 
        var bottle1 = bottles[j]; 
        var bottle2 = bottles[j + 1]; 

        if((bottle1 == null) || (bottle2 == null)) 

        if (bottle1.Product_code > bottle2.Product_code) 
         var temp = bottles[j]; 
         bottles[j] = bottles[j + 1]; 
         bottles[j + 1] = temp; 

     //Exception error 
     public void sort_Sodas_name() 
      //var tempb = bottles.OrderBy(x => x.Drink_name).ToArray(); 
      //bottles = tempb; 

      int max = bottles.Length; 
      //Outer loop for complete [bottles] 
      for (int i = 1; i < max; i++) 
       //Inner loop for row by row 
       int nrLeft = max - i; 
       for (int j = 0; j < (max - i); j++) 
        var bottle1 = bottles[j]; 
        var bottle2 = bottles[j + 1]; 

        if ((bottle1 == null) || (bottle2 == null)) 
        //Error CS0122 'Soda.drinkName' is inaccessible due to its protection level 
        if (bottle1.Drink_name.CompareTo(bottle2.Drink_name) == 1) 
         var temp = bottles[j]; 
         bottles[j] = bottles[j + 1]; 
         bottles[j + 1] = temp; 

     //Search for Product code ony returns the first hit 
     public int LinearSearch(int key) 

      for (int i = 0; i < bottles.Length; i++) 
       if (bottles[i].Product_code == key) 
        return i; 
      return -1; 

     //Contains the menu to choose from the crates methods 
     public void Run() 
      //Quick and dirty add of data. I got this working fine 
      bottles[0] = new Soda("Coca Cola", "Soda", 5, 1); 
      bottles[1] = new Soda("Champis", "Soda", 6, 1); 
      bottles[2] = new Soda("Grappo", "Soda", 4, 1); 
      bottles[3] = new Soda("Pripps Blå", "beer", 6, 2); 
      bottles[4] = new Soda("Spendrups", "beer", 6, 2); 
      bottles[5] = new Soda("Ramlösa", "water", 4, 3); 
      bottles[6] = new Soda("Loka", "water", 4, 3); 
      bottles[7] = new Soda("Coca Cola", "Soda", 5, 1); 

      print_crate(); //Happy with this one I need to shape up the ToString override 
      Console.WriteLine("\n\tYou have {0} bottles in your crate:\n\n", bottleCount()); 

      Console.WriteLine("\nTotal value of the crate is {0}", calc_total());//Happy as a clam 

      int price = 0; //Causes exception error I lack understanding 

      foreach (var bottle in bottles) 
       if (bottle == null) 
       price = price + bottle.Drink_price; 

      Console.WriteLine("\tThe total value of the crate is {0} SEK.", price); 


      int test = 0; 
      test = bottles[3].Product_code;//So bottles[i].xyz do some things and bottles.xyz others 
      Console.WriteLine("Product code {0} is in slot {1}", test, 3); 

      //This only returns the first product with the asked productcode. How to get all? Also what if I searched for name like Coca Cola instead? 
      Console.WriteLine("Type 1, 2 or 3"); 
      int prodcode = Screen.inInt(); 
      Console.WriteLine("Product code {0} is in slot {1}", prodcode, (LinearSearch(prodcode))); 

      Console.WriteLine("\nbefore sort\n"); 
      Console.WriteLine("\nafter sort\n"); 
      sort_Sodas();   //Causes Exception error I want it to sort on either product code or product name 
      print_crate();  //Check if the sort has put two Coca Cola on top. 
      Console.WriteLine("\nafter sort name\n"); 
      print_crate();  //Check if the sort has put two Coca Cola on top. 

     //Print the content of the crate to the console 
     public void print_crate() 
      foreach (var beverage in bottles) 
       if (beverage != null) 
      Console.WriteLine("\n\tYou have {0} bottles in your crate:", bottleCount()); 

     //Construct, sets the Sodacrate to hold 25 bottles 
     public Sodacrate() 
      bottles = new Soda[25]; 

     // Count the ammounts of bottles in crate 
     public int bottleCount() 
      int cnt = numberOfBottles; 
      // Loop though array to get not empty element 
      foreach (var beverages in bottles) 
       if (beverages != null) 
      return cnt; 

     //Calculates the total value of the bottles in the crate 
     public int calc_total() 
      int temp = 0; 
      for (int i = 0; i < bottleCount(); i++) 
       temp = temp + (bottles[i].Drink_price); 
      return temp; 
     //Adds bottles in the crate. 
     public void add_Soda() 
      //I start of with adding 7 bottles to avoid having to add so many bottles testing functions. Remove block before release 
      bottles[0] = new Soda("Coca Cola", "Soda", 5, 1); 
      bottles[1] = new Soda("Champis", "Soda", 6, 1); 
      bottles[2] = new Soda("Grappo", "Soda", 4, 1); 
      bottles[3] = new Soda("Pripps Blå", "lättöl", 6, 2); 
      bottles[4] = new Soda("Spendrups", "lättöl", 6, 2); 
      bottles[5] = new Soda("Ramlösa citron", "mineralvatten", 4, 3); 
      bottles[6] = new Soda("Vichy Nouveu", "mineralvatten", 4, 3); 
      //<====================================== End block 

      int beverageIn = 0;//Creates the menu choice-variable 
      while (beverageIn != 9)//Exit this menu by typing 9 - This value should be different if we add more bottle types to add. 
       Screen.addSodaMenu();//Calls the menu in the Screen-class 
       Console.WriteLine("You have {0} bottles in the crate.\n\nChoose :", bottleCount()); 
       Screen.cup(8, 13); 
       int i = bottleCount();//Keeps track of how many bottles we have in the crate. If the crate is full we get expelled out of this method 
       if (i == 25) 
       { beverageIn = 9; } 
       else beverageIn = Screen.inInt();//end 

       switch (beverageIn) //Loop for adding bottles to the crate exit by pressing 9 
        case 1: 
         i = bottleCount(); 
         bottles[i] = new Soda("Coca Cola", "Soda", 5, 1); 

        case 2: 
         i = bottleCount(); 
         bottles[i] = new Soda("Champis", "Soda", 6, 1); 

        case 3: 
         i = bottleCount(); 
         bottles[i] = new Soda("Grappo", "Soda", 4, 1); 

        case 4: 
         i = bottleCount(); 
         bottles[i] = new Soda("Pripps Blå lättöl", "lättöl", 6, 2); 

        case 5: 
         i = bottleCount(); 
         bottles[i] = new Soda("Spendrups lättöl", "lättöl", 6, 2); 

        case 6: 
         i = bottleCount(); 
         bottles[i] = new Soda("Ramlösa citron", "mineralvatten", 4, 3); 

        case 7: 
         i = bottleCount(); 
         bottles[i] = new Soda("Vichy Nouveu", "mineralvatten", 4, 3); 

        case 9: 
         i = bottleCount(); 
         if (i == 25) 
          Console.WriteLine("\tThe crate is full\n\tGoing back to main menu. Press a key: "); 
         Console.WriteLine("Going back to main menu. Press a key: "); 

        default://Default will never kick in as I have error handling in Screen.inInt() 
         Console.WriteLine("Error, pick a number between 1 and 7 or 9 to end."); 
     // Sodacrate - End <======================================== 




int prodcode = Screen.inInt(); 

public string LinearSearchMultiple(int productCode) 
    var productCodes = string.Empty; 

    for (int i = 0; i < bottles.Length; i++) 
     var bottle = bottles[i]; 
     if (bottle.Product_code == productCode) 
      productCodes += bottle.ToString() + "\n"; 

    return productCodes; 


Pripps BLAは、ビールのコスト6製品コード2



アレックスW:ありがとう、百万。それは、バブルソートで私がやったいくつかの重大な誤解でした。あなたのコード、そしてあなたのコメントは何よりも私の問題を解決しました。私は見つける部分も捨てると確信しています。もしあなたがスウェーデンに行ったことがあれば、ストックホルムはあなたをうまく整えます。 /Vincent – Paladin
