2016-04-04 3 views

提供されているデモコードを使用して選択フィルタを実装しようとしていますが、テーブルをフィルタリングしません。複数のselect on jsデータテーブルを追加する


imsi_table = $('#imsi_table').DataTable({ 
         "lengthMenu": [[7,-1],['Per Site','All']], 
         "iDisplayLength": 7, 
         "ordering": false, 
         "bLengthChange": true, 
         "bInfo": false, 
         "bFilter": false, 
         fixedHeader: { 
           header: true, 
           footer: true 
         "footerCallback": function (row, data, start, end, display) { 
          var api = this.api(), data; 

          // Remove the formatting to get integer data for summation 
           var intVal = function (i) { 
            return typeof i === 'string' ? 
             i.replace(/[\$,]/g, '')*1 : 
             typeof i === 'number' ? 
              i : 0; 

          // Total over this page 
           postPayTotal = api 
            .column(2, { page: 'current'}) 
            .reduce(function (a, b) { 
             return intVal(a) + intVal(b); 
            }, 0); 

          // Update footer 

          // Total over this page 
           prePayTotal = api 
            .column(3, { page: 'current'}) 
            .reduce(function (a, b) { 
             return intVal(a) + intVal(b); 
            }, 0); 

          // Update footer 

          // Total over this page 
           uknownTotal = api 
            .column(4, { page: 'current'}) 
            .reduce(function (a, b) { 
             return intVal(a) + intVal(b); 
            }, 0); 

          // Update footer 

         initComplete: function() { 
           this.api().columns('.multi-select-filter').every(function() { 
            var column = this; 
            var select = $('<select><option value=""></option></select>') 
             .on('change', function() { 
              var val = $.fn.dataTable.util.escapeRegex(

               .search(val ? '^'+val+'$' : '', true, false) 

            column.data().unique().sort().each(function (d, j) { 
             select.append('<option value="'+d+'">'+d+'</option>') 
        }); // datatble end 


<div id="imsi_table_wrapper" class="dataTables_wrapper form-inline dt-bootstrap"> 
<div class="row"> 
    <div class="col-sm-6"> 
     <div class="dataTables_length" id="imsi_table_length"> 
       <select name="imsi_table_length" aria-controls="imsi_table" class="form-control input-sm"> 
        <option value="7">Per Site</option> 
        <option value="-1">All</option> 
    <div class="col-sm-6"></div> 
<div class="row"> 
    <div class="col-sm-12"> 
     <table id="imsi_table" class="table table-bordered table-inverse table-hover table-striped table-sm dataTable" role="grid"> 
      <thead class=""> 
       <tr role="row"> 
        <th class="sorting_disabled" rowspan="1" colspan="1" style="width: 374px;">Site</th> 
        <th class="multi-select-filter sorting_disabled" rowspan="1" colspan="1" style="width: 188px;">Service</th> 
        <th class="sorting_disabled" rowspan="1" colspan="1" style="width: 182px;">PostPay</th> 
        <th class="sorting_disabled" rowspan="1" colspan="1" style="width: 161px;">PrePay</th> 
        <th class="sorting_disabled" rowspan="1" colspan="1" style="width: 179px;">Uknown</th> 

       <tr role="row" class="odd"> 
        <td>2G Voice</td> 
       <tr role="row" class="even"> 
        <td>3G Voice</td> 
       <tr role="row" class="odd"> 
        <td>2G SMS</td> 
       <tr role="row" class="even"> 
        <td>3G SMS</td> 
       <tr role="row" class="odd"> 
        <td>2G Data</td> 
       <tr role="row" class="even"> 
        <td>3G Data</td> 
       <tr role="row" class="odd"> 

        <th rowspan="1" colspan="1">Total Unique IMSIs</th> 
        <th rowspan="1" colspan="1"> 
          <option value=""></option> 
          <option value="2G Data">2G Data</option> 
          <option value="2G SMS">2G SMS</option> 
          <option value="2G Voice">2G Voice</option> 
          <option value="3G Data">3G Data</option> 
          <option value="3G SMS">3G SMS</option> 
          <option value="3G Voice">3G Voice</option> 
          <option value="4G">4G</option> 
        <th rowspan="1" colspan="1">35117</th> 
        <th rowspan="1" colspan="1">2899</th> 
        <th rowspan="1" colspan="1">7711</th> 
<div class="row"> 
    <div class="col-sm-5"></div> 
    <div class="col-sm-7"> 
     <div class="dataTables_paginate paging_simple_numbers" id="imsi_table_paginate"> 
      <ul class="pagination"> 
       <li class="paginate_button previous disabled" id="imsi_table_previous"><a href="#" aria-controls="imsi_table" data-dt-idx="0" tabindex="0">Previous</a></li> 
       <li class="paginate_button active"><a href="#" aria-controls="imsi_table" data-dt-idx="1" tabindex="0">1</a></li> 
       <li class="paginate_button next disabled" id="imsi_table_next"><a href="#" aria-controls="imsi_table" data-dt-idx="2" tabindex="0">Next</a></li> 

