2017-07-20 7 views


問題は、値を$Obj.ADObjectに保存しているようです。 Debuggerの1つの理由または他の理由により、ステップスルーしている間、正しい値を見つけて設定することがわかります。しかし、プロパティADObjectの結果をチェックすると、この値は空です。


Function Get-MatrixADNamesHC { 
    Param (
     [String]$BeginTemplate = 'GroupName', 
     [String]$MiddleTemplate = 'SiteCode' 

    Process { 
     Try { 
      $Matrix | Select-Object -Index 2 | Get-Member | where { 
      ($_.Name -ne ($Matrix[0].PSObject.Properties).Name[0]) -and 
      ($_.MemberType -EQ 'NoteProperty')} | ForEach-Object { 

       $Header = $_.Name 
       $Value = $Matrix.($_.Name) 
       $End = $Matrix[0].($_.Name) 
       $SamAccountName = $null 

       $BeginResult = Switch ($Value[2]) { 
        $BeginTemplate {$Begin + ' ' ;break} 
        ''    {break} 
        Default  {$Value[2] + ' '} 

       $MiddleResult = Switch ($Value[1]) { 
        $MiddleTemplate {$Middle + ' ' ;break} 
        ''    {break} 
        Default   {$Value[1] + ' '} 

       if ($BeginResult -or $MiddleResult -or $End) { 
        $SamAccountName = ($BeginResult + $MiddleResult + $End).Trim() 

       Write-Verbose "Generated from the matrix AD Name '$SamAccountName'"     
        Path = $_.Name 
        Name = $SamAccountName 
        Input = [PSCustomObject]@{ 
         Begin = $Value[2]             
         Middle = $Value[1] 
         End = $End 
     Catch { 
      throw "Failed generating the correct AD Name for $BeginTemplate '$Begin' and $MiddleTemplate '$Middle': $_" 

Function Get-MatrixPermissionsHC { 
    Param (

    Process { 
     Try { 
      $ADObjectParams = @{ 
       Begin = $GroupName 
       Middle = $SiteCode 
       Matrix = $Matrix 
      $ADObjects = Get-MatrixADNamesHC @ADObjectParams 

      foreach ($M in ($Matrix | Select-Object -Skip 3)) { 
       $Obj = [PSCustomObject]@{ 
        Path  = if ($M.P1) {($M.P1).Trim('\', ' ')} else {$null} 
        ADObject = $null 
        ACE  = $null 
        Parent = $false 

       if (-not $FirstTimeThrough) { 
        $FirstTimeThrough = $true           
        $Obj.Parent = $true 

       $M | Get-Member | where {($_.Name -ne ($Matrix[0].PSObject.Properties).Name[0]) -and 
       ($_.MemberType -EQ 'NoteProperty')} | ForEach-Object { 
        $Obj.ADObject = $ADObjects | where Path -eq $_.Name | Select Name, Input 
        $Obj.ACE = $M.($_.Name) 
        Write-Verbose "Permission '$($Obj.ACE)' on '$($Obj.Path)' for '$($Obj.ADObject.Name)'" 
     Catch { 
      throw "Failed getting the permissions from the matrix with GroupName '$GroupName' and SiteCode '$SiteCode': $_" 

$Matrix = @(
     P1 = 'R Read/W Write' 
     P2 = 'Manager' 
     P3 = 'Directors' 
     P4 = '' 
     P5 = 'All users' 
     P6 = 'cnorris' 
     P7 = 'Support staff' 
     P8 = '' 
     P1 = 'SiteCode' 
     P2 = 'SiteCode' 
     P3 = 'SiteCode' 
     P4 = 'camerica' 
     P5 = '' 
     P6 = $null 
     P7 = '' 
     P8 = '' 
     P1 = 'GroupName' 
     P2 = 'GroupName' 
     P3 = 'BEL TEAM' 
     P4 = '' 
     P5 = 'GroupName' 
     P6 = '' 
     P7 = 'BEL ROL-STAFF-IT' 
     P8 = '' 
     P1 = 'Path' 
     P2 = 'L' 
     P3 = 'L' 
     P4 = 'L' 
     P5 = 'L' 
     P6 = 'L' 
     P7 = 'L' 
     P8 = 'L' 

$Test = Get-MatrixPermissionsHC -Matrix $Matrix -GroupName 'BEL ROL-TEAM' -SiteCode 'Logistics' -Verbose 


$Test[0] | fl * 
$Test[0].ADObject.Input | fl * 





Function Get-MatrixPermissionsHC { 
    Param (

    Process { 
     Try { 
      $ADObjectParams = @{ 
       Begin = $GroupName 
       Middle = $SiteCode 
       Matrix = $Matrix 
      $ADObjects = Get-MatrixADNamesHC @ADObjectParams 

      $FirstTimeThrough = $false 

      foreach ($M in ($Matrix | Select-Object -Skip 3)) { 
       $Path = if ($M.P1) {($M.P1).Trim('\', ' ')} else {$null} 
       $Parent = $false 

       if (-not $FirstTimeThrough) { 
        $FirstTimeThrough = $true           
        $Parent = $true 

       $M | Get-Member | where {($_.Name -ne ($Matrix[0].PSObject.Properties).Name[0]) -and 
       ($_.MemberType -EQ 'NoteProperty')} | ForEach-Object { 
        $Obj = [PSCustomObject]@{ 
         Path  = $Path 
         ADObject = $ADObjects | where Path -EQ $_.Name | Select * -ExcludeProperty Path 
         Ace  = $M.($_.Name) 
         Parent = $Parent 

        Write-Verbose "Permission '$($Obj.ACE)' on '$($Obj.Path)' for '$($Obj.ADObject.Name)'" 
     Catch { 
      throw "Failed getting the permissions from the matrix with GroupName '$GroupName' and SiteCode '$SiteCode': $_" 

