「数字を入力してください」というループを印刷するコードを20回書くと、「The Average is」の後に印刷したいテキストが壊れてしまいますこのような "?ff|?"ここでは、コードは次のとおりミップスでテキストを印刷するのが厄介です
array: .space 20
outputA: .asciiz "The Average is:\n" #prints the average
input: .asciiz "Enter a number:\n" #prints the statement
avgNum: .float 0.0
lengthFloat: .float 3.0
const: .float 0.0 #I did this because you can't use li for float numbers
zero: .float 0.0
one: .float 1.0
la $t9, outputA
lwc1 $f2, lengthFloat
li $t0, 0 #counter i
li $s2, 0 #counter j
la $s1, array #base address of the array
la $k1, input #Displaying the message (The else part)
li $t5, 0 #currentCount for mode
l.s $f3, const #mode value
li $t6, 0 #count for mode
l.s $f14, zero #Just a 0
l.s $f16, one
slti $s0, $t0, 20 #Checking if the counter is less than 20
beq $s0, $zero, print #if it's greater or equal to 20 exit the loop
move $a0, $k1
li $v0, 4
li $v0, 6 #Reading a float number
sll $t1, $t0, 2 #Storing the value in the appropriate place in memory
add $t1, $s1, $t1
swc1 $f0, 0($t1)
add.s $f1, $f1, $f0
addi $t0, $t0, 1 #Adding the counter 1
j loop
#printing avg
move $a0, $t9
li $v0, 4
li $v0, 2
div.s $f12, $f1, $f2
mov.s $f10, $f12 #Storig the value of average for later use
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