2017-03-21 15 views

私は私のノードのバックエンドから残りのAPIを取るように私の配列を交換しようとしていますが、またはそれを行うために必要なモジュール。どのようなものなのか、私はそれを輸入するはずです。サービスは現在サイトで動作しますが、ノードが動作しているときのREST APIのための配列を交換したいです。角2私のバックエンドから私の残りのAPIを取るために私のサービスを変更する


* Created by g62 on 23/01/17. 
export interface Article { 
    // Unique Id 
    id: string; 
    // Ref on category belongs to 
    categoryId: string; 
    genre: string; 
    // The title 
    title: string; 
    // Price 
    rating: number; 
    director: string; 
    cast: string; 
    production: string; 
    // Description 
    description: string; 
    // Plot 
    plot: string; 
    opinion: string; 
    // Mark article with special rating 
    isSpecial: boolean; 
    // Path to small image 
    imageS: string; 
    // Path to large image 
    imageL: string; 

export class ArticleService { 
// basic want to change this part so it accepts the rest api which is localhost:3000/api/article or something like that 
    private articles: Article[] = [ 
     // Bakery 
     { id: '1', categoryId: '1', title: 'Lion King', rating: 1.5, isSpecial: false, imageL: 'http://placehold.it/1110x480', imageS: 'http://placehold.it/270x171', director: 'some guy at disney', description: 'It a great movie about talking animals', plot:'disney plot', opinion:'one of my favorite movies', production: 'how was it made' }, 
     { id: '2', categoryId: '1', title: 'Big Hero 6', rating: 5, isSpecial: false, imageL: 'http://placehold.it/1110x480', imageS: 'http://placehold.it/270x171', description: 'It a movie about six kids and a puffy robot', plot:'disney plot', opinion:'my favorite movie in 2015',production: 'how was it made' }, 
     { id: '3', categoryId: '1', title: 'Lilo and Stitch', rating: 7, isSpecial: false, imageL: 'http://placehold.it/1110x480', imageS: 'http://placehold.it/270x171', description: 'A disney movie that takes place on Hawaii', plot:'disney plot', opinion:'my favorite disney movie',production: 'how was it made' } 


    getArticles(category?: string, search?: string) { 
     if (category) { 
      return this.articles.filter((article: Article, index: number, array: Article[]) => { 
       return article.categoryId === category; 
     } else if (search) { 
      let lowSearch = search.toLowerCase(); 
      return this.articles.filter((article: Article, index: number, array: Article[]) => { 
       return article.title.toLowerCase().indexOf(lowSearch) != -1; 
     } else { 
      return this.articles; 

    getArticle(id: string): Article { 
     for (let i = 0; i < this.articles.length; i++) { 
      if (this.articles[i].id === id) { 
       return this.articles[i]; 
     throw new ArticleNotFoundException(`Article ${id} not found`); 

export class ArticleNotFoundException extends Error { 
    constructor(message?: string) { 




private articles: Article[]; 

getArticles(): Observable<Article[]> { 
    const url = `localhost:3000/api/article`; 
    return this.http.get(url) 
       .map(response => response.json() as Article[]) 
       .subscribe(articles => this.articles = articles) 



ありがとう、私は角度2のフィルターを試していただけで、その部分は変更されます。 –


は、私はそれが動作するために観測をインポートする必要がありますか? –


YES 'rxjs' から 'インポート{観測};' – mickdev
