:-consult(words.pl). % words is basically a big database of the
% 30.000 most used words in the english language
topsolution([], _, P) :- %basecase, in case the given list of letters is
%empty, output no word and give the amount of letters
%and call it P
word(X), %sees if X is a word
P = 0.
topsolution(WordList, X, P) :- %Makes the longest word it can out of a list
%of letters and outputs said word as X, and the
%amount of letters it has as P
Y = 0,
solution(WordList, X, Y), %Determines what words you can make with a given
%list of letters and a given length of said word
Y1 is Y + 1,
solution(WordList, X, Y1), %Determines the longest word of Y + 1
wordLength(P, X). %Defines how many letters a word X has and calls that amount P
Word = gig
Y = 3
?- topsolution([g,i,g], Word, Y).
でも、それが出力するけれども。それは、YがY = 4に達するまで、Yが1ずつ増加し続けているからです。リストのうち3文字のみからなる4文字の可能な単語がないためです。明らかに失敗します。
'solution/3'のコードがなければ、これをデバッグすることは非常に難しいでしょう。 –