[email protected]:~/app-site$ cap passenger:restart
triggering start callbacks for `passenger:restart'
* executing `multistage:ensure'
*** Defaulting to `staging'
* executing `staging'
* executing `passenger:restart'
* executing "touch /app/current/tmp/restart.txt"
servers: ["staging.app.com"]
[staging.app.com] executing command
command finished in 242ms
* executing "cd /app/current;RAILS_ENV=staging script/delayed_job restart"
servers: ["staging.app.com"]
[staging.app.com] executing command
** [out :: staging.app.com] delayed_job: trying to stop process with pid 21646...
** [out :: staging.app.com] delayed_job: process with pid 21646 successfully stopped.
command finished in 11889ms
[email protected]:/app/current$ touch tmp/restart.txt; RAILS_ENV=staging script/delayed_job restart
delayed_job: trying to stop process with pid 22170...
delayed_job: process with pid 22170 successfully stopped.
delayed_job: process with pid 22284 started.
[email protected]:/app/current$ touch tmp/restart.txt; RAILS_ENV=staging script/delayed_job restart
delayed_job: trying to stop process with pid 22284...
delayed_job: process with pid 22284 successfully stopped.
delayed_job: process with pid 22355 started.
[email protected]:/app/current$ touch tmp/restart.txt; RAILS_ENV=staging script/delayed_job restart
delayed_job: trying to stop process with pid 22355...
delayed_job: process with pid 22355 successfully stopped.
delayed_job: process with pid 22427 started.
[email protected]:/app/current$
(私も、私はカピストラーノをどうしようよ何を模倣するために乗客を再起動しています)しかし、罰金ですか? delayed_jobの最後の行は印刷されませんが(これは改行で終わらないためです)、これは新しいプロセスを正常に作成します。
[email protected]:~/app-site$ cap passenger:restart
triggering start callbacks for `passenger:restart'
* executing `multistage:ensure'
*** Defaulting to `staging'
* executing `staging'
* executing `passenger:restart'
* executing "touch /app/current/tmp/restart.txt"
servers: ["staging.app.com"]
[staging.app.com] executing command
command finished in 398ms
* executing "cd /app/current;RAILS_ENV=staging script/delayed_job restart"
servers: ["staging.app.com"]
[staging.app.com] executing command
** [out :: staging.app.com] Warning: no instances running. Starting...
** [out :: staging.app.com] delayed_job: process with pid 21950 started.
command finished in 6758ms
これは、2つのdelayed_jobsプロセスが実行され、.pidファイルに1つのみが残っています。 2回のキャップデプロイごとに、別のdelayed_jobプロセスが追加されます。以前のプロセスでは、古いバージョンのアプリケーションを使用しています。
namespace :passenger do
desc "Restart Application"
task :restart do
run "touch #{current_path}/tmp/restart.txt"
run "cd #{current_path};RAILS_ENV=#{deploy_env} script/delayed_job restart"
after :deploy, "passenger:restart"
- Ubuntuで、nginxの、乗客
- デーモン(1.1.4)
- delayed_job(2.1.4)
- レール(3.0.9 )
- カピストラーノ(2.9.0)
- カピストラーノ-EXT(1.2.1)