2016-09-14 14 views

ライブリロードを使用する場合は、これらの警告が表示されます。 私はそれらのスクリプトが何であるか分かりません。 これらの警告の原因は何ですか?ライブリロードはこれらの厄介な警告を作成しています

enter image description here

'//@ sourceURL' and '//@ sourceMappingURL' are deprecated, please use '//# sourceURL=' and '//# sourceMappingURL=' instead. 
__browserify_process:1 '//@ sourceURL' and '//@ sourceMappingURL' are deprecated, please use '//# sourceURL=' and '//# sourceMappingURL=' instead. 
package.json:1 '//@ sourceURL' and '//@ sourceMappingURL' are deprecated, please use '//# sourceURL=' and '//# sourceMappingURL=' instead. 
browser.js:1 '//@ sourceURL' and '//@ sourceMappingURL' are deprecated, please use '//# sourceURL=' and '//# sourceMappingURL=' instead. 
package.json:1 '//@ sourceURL' and '//@ sourceMappingURL' are deprecated, please use '//# sourceURL=' and '//# sourceMappingURL=' instead. 
shoe.js:1 '//@ sourceURL' and '//@ sourceMappingURL' are deprecated, please use '//# sourceURL=' and '//# sourceMappingURL=' instead. 
package.json:1 '//@ sourceURL' and '//@ sourceMappingURL' are deprecated, please use '//# sourceURL=' and '//# sourceMappingURL=' instead. 
browser.js:1 '//@ sourceURL' and '//@ sourceMappingURL' are deprecated, please use '//# sourceURL=' and '//# sourceMappingURL=' instead. 
stream:1 '//@ sourceURL' and '//@ sourceMappingURL' are deprecated, please use '//# sourceURL=' and '//# sourceMappingURL=' instead. 
events:1 '//@ sourceURL' and '//@ sourceMappingURL' are deprecated, please use '//# sourceURL=' and '//# sourceMappingURL=' instead. 
util:1 '//@ sourceURL' and '//@ sourceMappingURL' are deprecated, please use '//# sourceURL=' and '//# sourceMappingURL=' instead. 
package.json:1 '//@ sourceURL' and '//@ sourceMappingURL' are deprecated, please use '//# sourceURL=' and '//# sourceMappingURL=' instead. 
sockjs.js:1 '//@ sourceURL' and '//@ sourceMappingURL' are deprecated, please use '//# sourceURL=' and '//# sourceMappingURL=' instead. 
url:1 '//@ sourceURL' and '//@ sourceMappingURL' are deprecated, please use '//# sourceURL=' and '//# sourceMappingURL=' instead. 
querystring:1 '//@ sourceURL' and '//@ sourceMappingURL' are deprecated, please use '//# sourceURL=' and '//# sourceMappingURL=' instead. 
inject.js:1 '//@ sourceURL' and '//@ sourceMappingURL' are deprecated, please use '//# sourceURL=' and '//# sourceMappingURL=' instead. 
package.json:1 '//@ sourceURL' and '//@ sourceMappingURL' are deprecated, please use '//# sourceURL=' and '//# sourceMappingURL=' instead. 
index.js:1 '//@ sourceURL' and '//@ sourceMappingURL' are deprecated, please use '//# sourceURL=' and '//# sourceMappingURL=' instead. 
backoff.js:1 '//@ sourceURL' and '//@ sourceMappingURL' are deprecated, please use '//# sourceURL=' and '//# sourceMappingURL=' instead. 
fibonacci.js:1 '//@ sourceURL' and '//@ sourceMappingURL' are deprecated, please use '//# sourceURL=' and '//# sourceMappingURL=' instead. 
strategy.js:1 '//@ sourceURL' and '//@ sourceMappingURL' are deprecated, please use '//# sourceURL=' and '//# sourceMappingURL=' instead. 
exponential.js:1 '//@ sourceURL' and '//@ sourceMappingURL' are deprecated, please use '//# sourceURL=' and '//# sourceMappingURL=' instead. 
widget.js:1 '//@ sourceURL' and '//@ sourceMappingURL' are deprecated, please use '//# sourceURL=' and '//# sourceMappingURL=' instead. 
package.json:1 '//@ sourceURL' and '//@ sourceMappingURL' are deprecated, please use '//# sourceURL=' and '//# sourceMappingURL=' instead. 
index.js:1 '//@ sourceURL' and '//@ sourceMappingURL' are deprecated, please use '//# sourceURL=' and '//# sourceMappingURL=' instead. 
other.js:1 '//@ sourceURL' and '//@ sourceMappingURL' are deprecated, please use '//# sourceURL=' and '//# sourceMappingURL=' instead. 
reload.js:1 '//@ sourceURL' and '//@ sourceMappingURL' are deprecated, please use '//# sourceURL=' and '//# sourceMappingURL=' instead. 

質問に、あなたの問題を再現するために必要な関連する詳細情報を投稿してください。 [MCVE]をご覧ください。 –



sourceURLプリプロセッサを使用するときにデバッグを容易にするために*.mapファイル内の情報です。彼らはあなたのコードのどこかで古い構文が使われているようにしばらく前に構文を変更しました、それが警告の理由です。参照: 古いhttps://developers.google.com/web/updates/2013/06/sourceMappingURL-and-sourceURL-syntax-changed?hl=en

//@ sourceURL 
//@ sourceMappingURL 


//# sourceURL 
//# sourceMappingURL 


一般的には、それは心配する何もないが、いくつかの点であなたはおそらく、あなたがそれを変更しない場合は、ブラウザにはもう直接に良いことをデバッグすることはできません。 sourceURLの使用に関する

ここではより多くの情報: https://developers.google.com/web/tools/chrome-devtools/debug/readability/source-maps?hl=en#sourceurl-and-displayname
