2017-09-14 13 views


set noofsides to text returned of (display dialog "Enter number of sides:" default answer "") 

set sidevalues to {} 
set repeatnumber to 0 
repeat noofsides times 
    set repeatnumber to repeatnumber + 1 
    set currentsidevalue to text returned of (display dialog "Enter length of line " & repeatnumber & ":" default answer "") 
    set the end of sidevalues to currentsidevalue 
end repeat 

次に、2番目に編集されたシェイプについても同じことが行われます。これは、私に異なる変数を持つ2つのリストを与えます。 2つの図形が似ているかどうかを判断するには、各 'before'線を各 'after'線で分割して同じものにする必要があります。例えば、三角形のために:

    set primevariable1 to first item of primesidevalues 
    set primevariable2 to second item of primesidevalues 
    set primevariable3 to third item of primesidevalues 
    -- ... 
end try 

    set regularvariable1 to first item of sidevalues 
    set regularvariable2 to second item of sidevalues 
    set regularvariable3 to third item of sidevalues 
    -- ... 
end try 

on error 
    set variable4 to "" 
end try 
if (regularvariable1/primevariable1) = (regularvariable2/primevariable2) and (regularvariable3/primevariable3) = (regularvariable1/primevariable1) and (regularvariable3/primevariable3) = (regularvariable2/primevariable2) and variable4 = "" then 
    display dialog "Shape is similar" 
end if 


firstline1/secondline1 = firstline2/secondline2 = firstline3/secondline3 



ループとインデックス付き変数(リスト/配列)は、AppleScriptで表示されていますか? – MBo


はい、しかし、私はこれがどのようにここに実装できるかについてはあまりよく分かりません。 –


'set sidevalues to {}'は 'sidevalues'がインデックスデータ構造であることを示しています – MBo




set sidevalues to my getSidesValue("Enter number of sides for the first shape:") 
set primesidevalues to my getSidesValue("Enter number of sides for the second shape:") 
set tc to count sidevalues 
if tc = (count primesidevalues) then -- the number of items in the lists is the same 
    set isSimilar to true 
    set thisVal to (item 1 of sidevalues)/(item 1 of primesidevalues) -- Get the value of the first item in the lists 
    repeat with i from 2 to tc -- loop to compare the value of the others items 
     if (item i of sidevalues)/(item i of primesidevalues) is not thisVal then -- not the same value 
      set isSimilar to false 
      exit repeat -- no need to continue 
     end if 
    end repeat 
    set isSimilar to false 
end if 

on getSidesValue(t) 
    set noofsides to text returned of (display dialog t default answer "") 
    set l to {} 
    repeat with i from 1 to noofsides 
     set currentsidevalue to text returned of (display dialog "Enter length of line " & i & ":" default answer "") 
     set the end of l to currentsidevalue 
    end repeat 
    return l 
end getSidesValue 