2016-10-13 14 views



そのは私に同じID –


で結果を出す意味してくださいいくつかのチュートリアルについてはgoogleをご覧ください。 – Esty


2つの配列がある場合、 'array_diff'を使ってその違いを得ることができます。 – ArtisticPhoenix



あなたは行うことができますjQueryを使ってマルチレベル依存のドロップダウンプラグインで - 依存ドロップダウン:http://www.jqueryscript.net/form/Multilevel-Dependent-Dropdown-Plugin-With-jQuery-Dependent-Dropdowns.html


* Copyright Shorif Ali (http://github.com/shorifali/) 
* Licensed under MIT (https://opensource.org/licenses/MIT) 

'use strict'; 

$(document).ready(function() { 

    $.extend($, { 
     option: '<option value="0" selected="selected">Select Option</option>' 

    // Method to clear dropdowns down to a given level 
    $.extend($, { 
     clearDropDown: function(arrayObj, startIndex) { 
      $.each(arrayObj, function(index, value) { 
       if(index >= startIndex) { 

    // Method to disable dropdowns down to a given level 
    $.extend($, { 
     disableDropDown: function(arrayObj, startIndex) { 
      $.each(arrayObj, function(index, value) { 
       if(index >= startIndex) { 
        $(value).attr('disabled', 'disabled'); 

    // Method to disable dropdowns down to a given level 
    $.extend($, { 
     enableDropDown: function(that) { 

    // Method to generate and append options 
    $.extend($, { 
     generateOptions: function(element, selection, limit) { 
      var options = ''; 
      for(var i = 1; i <= limit; i++) { 
       options += '<option value="' + i + '">Option ' + selection + '-' + i + '</option>'; 

    // Select each of the dropdowns 
    var firstDropDown = $('#first'); 
    var secondDropDown = $('#second'); 
    var thirdDropDown = $('#third'); 

    // Hold selected option 
    var firstSelection = ''; 
    var secondSelection = ''; 
    var thirdSelection = ''; 

    // Hold selection 
    var selection = ''; 

    // Selection handler for first level dropdown 
    firstDropDown.on('change', function() { 

     // Get selected option 
     firstSelection = firstDropDown.val(); 

     // Clear all dropdowns down to the hierarchy 
     $.clearDropDown($('select'), 1); 

     // Disable all dropdowns down to the hierarchy 
     $.disableDropDown($('select'), 1); 

     // Check current selection 
     if(firstSelection === '0') { 

     // Enable second level DropDown 

     // Generate and append options 
     selection = firstSelection; 
     $.generateOptions(secondDropDown, selection, 4); 

    // Selection handler for second level dropdown 
    secondDropDown.on('change', function() { 
     secondSelection = secondDropDown.val(); 

     // Clear all dropdowns down to the hierarchy 
     $.clearDropDown($('select'), 2); 

     // Disable all dropdowns down to the hierarchy 
     $.disableDropDown($('select'), 2); 

     // Check current selection 
     if(secondSelection === '0') { 

     // Enable third level DropDown 

     // Generate and append options 
     selection = firstSelection + '-' + secondSelection; 
     $.generateOptions(thirdDropDown, selection, 4); 

    // Selection handler for third level dropdown 
    thirdDropDown.on('change', function() { 
     thirdSelection = thirdDropDown.val(); 

     // Final work goes here 


    * In this way we can make any number of dependent dropdowns 

<script src="//code.jquery.com/jquery-1.11.3.min.js"></script> 


<div class="row"> 
       <div class="col-lg-6 col-lg-offset-3"> 
        <div class="form-group"> 
         <label for="first">First Level Dropdown</label> 
         <select id="first" class="form-control" role="listbox"> 
          <option value="0" selected="selected">Select Option</option> 
          <option value="1">Option 1</option> 
          <option value="2">Option 2</option> 
          <option value="3">Option 3</option> 
          <option value="4">Option 4</option> 
        <div class="form-group"> 
         <label for="second">Second Level Dropdown</label> 
         <select id="second" class="form-control" role="listbox"><option value="0" selected="selected">Select Option</option><option value="1">Option 1-1</option><option value="2">Option 1-2</option><option value="3">Option 1-3</option><option value="4">Option 1-4</option></select> 
        <div class="form-group"> 
         <label for="third">Third Level Dropdown</label> 
         <select id="third" class="form-control" role="listbox"><option value="0" selected="selected">Select Option</option><option value="1">Option 1-2-1</option><option value="2">Option 1-2-2</option><option value="3">Option 1-2-3</option><option value="4">Option 1-2-4</option></select> 
