は/インストールはチームシティーエージェントにカールコピーします。 してからTCのビルド構成では、以下に似た新しいコマンドラインビルドステップ(あなたのニーズにパラメータを変更)
を作成カール--user%jenkins_user%:%jenkins_pwd%-X POST http://%jenkins_instance_withport%/job/%jenkins_jobs_name%/buildWithParameters?token=%jenkins_token% --data " Build_Number =%build.number% "
例:curl --user admin:password -X POST http://jenkinssever:2123/job/test-build-image/buildWithParameters?token=rtbuild --data" Build_Number = 1.2。0"
ここで私も使って、ジェンキンスにビルド番号を渡すことができます 『 - データ』
Name: Build_Number
Default Value: 1.2.0
Authentication Token: rtbuild
オプションの "トリガーがリモートを構築します":行わ
Build Name: #${Build_numuber}
を "名前を構築設定" とあなたがgo.pleaseてもいいです数
I think I found a way while trying to solve similar use-case, did it for batch files in Teamcity build steps. for Jenkins, we have to modify accordingly.
Also is there any specific reason for using Teamcity and Jenkins simultaneously, unless you are making use of already created Jenkins build?
Get CLI based command for Jenkins:
you can achieve in two ways
Method 1:
As build step is in current build.
Create a build step before your current step and trigger the Jenkins build using CLI
Based on the return value of the Jenkins build step, next step will execute
Method 2:
create a new build with above CLI step and add a dependency in your primary build.
so whenever the primary build is started, it will start the dependent CLI jenkins build. and once the dependent build is completed, will return success/failure, based on that the primary build will start.
i haven't tested the CLI of Jenkins but as Teamcity supports the steps and dependencies structure, expecting this will work.
will keep posted once i implement it.
の実装ですパラメータ化されたビルド+「ビルドをパラメータで起動する」セクションのビルド –