私はエクセルシートからチャートをコピーし、pythonを使用して私のハードディスクに画像として保存したいと思います。 その後、私はOutlookのメール本文にその画像を残したいと思います。画像をExcelからエクスポートして、その画像をPythonで保存する方法は?
私はエクセルシートからチャートをコピーし、pythonを使用して私のハードディスクに画像として保存したいと思います。 その後、私はOutlookのメール本文にその画像を残したいと思います。画像をExcelからエクスポートして、その画像をPythonで保存する方法は?
import datetime
import win32com.client as win32
from win32com.client import Dispatch
from PIL import ImageGrab # for this module you should have "Download Windows x86-64 executable installer" You can download it from link:-https://www.python.org/downloads/windows/
import os
#Creating object for an excel application. So that we can access and work on it.
xlApp = Dispatch('Excel.Application')
# To open existing spread sheet.
workbook = xlApp.Workbooks.Open(r'D:\Script\How to mail\Sigos_DailyHealthCheckReport.xlsx')
# Function 1 :-
def capture_image(worksheet_name,name_of_image): #worksheet_name :- from which worksheet you want to pick a chart . name_of_image:- what name you want to save it as image.
#To select particular worksheet of the workbook by name.
# To create an object for the worksheet.
xlSheet1 = xlApp.Sheets(worksheet_name)
#WARNING: The following line will cause the script to discard any unsaved changes in your workbook
#Ensure to save any work before running script
xlApp.DisplayAlerts = False
i =0
# "chart" will capture all the charts available in the seleted worksheet.
for chart in xlSheet1.ChartObjects():
print (chart.Name)
#Create new temporary sheet
xlApp.ActiveWorkbook.Sheets.Add(After=xlApp.ActiveWorkbook.Sheets(3)).Name="temp_sheet" + str(i)
# To create an object for the worksheet.
temp_sheet = xlApp.ActiveSheet
#Add chart object to new sheet.
cht = xlApp.ActiveSheet.ChartObjects().Add(0,0,800, 600)
#Paste copied chart into new object
#Export image
#cht.Chart.Export("chart" + str(i) + ".png")
#Provide a range in which the image need to be copied from the temporary worksheet.
#It will capture copied image from the clipboard and assign that to img variable.
img = ImageGrab.grabclipboard()
if img is None:
print('Error: No image data in clipboard')
#we will provide address and name to which the immage need to be saved.
imgFile = os.path.join(r'D:\Script\How to mail',name_of_image)
#Delete the temporary worksheet when chart image is capture.