2017-02-14 7 views


     throw er; // Unhandled 'error' event 
CssSyntaxError: Unexpected input 
    at parseError (/Users/***/Sites/client/node_modules/csso/lib/parser/index.js:46:17) 
    at getAny (/Users/***/Sites/client/node_modules/csso/lib/parser/index.js:704:13) 
    at getBraces (/Users/***/Sites/client/node_modules/csso/lib/parser/index.js:842:25) 
    at getAtruleExpression (/Users/***/Sites/client/node_modules/csso/lib/parser/index.js:256:25) 
    at getAtrule (/Users/***/Sites/client/node_modules/csso/lib/parser/index.js:280:21) 
    at Object.getStylesheet [as stylesheet] (/Users/***/Sites/client/node_modules/csso/lib/parser/index.js:162:25) 
    at parse (/Users/***/Sites/client/node_modules/csso/lib/parser/index.js:1849:34) 
    at minify (/Users/***/Sites/client/node_modules/csso/lib/index.js:69:9) 
    at Object.minifyStylesheet [as minify] (/Users/***/Sites/client/node_modules/csso/lib/index.js:100:12) 
    at Object.exports.fn (/Users/***/Sites/client/node_modules/svgo/plugins/minifyStyles.js:30:45) 



私は –


..あなたがあなたのCSSファイルで構文エラーをしたと思うが、CSSファイルの構文エラーは、別の方法で表示されます。.. – mens0r


あなたゴクゴクファイルを投稿します –




// ## Globals 
/*global $:true*/ 
var $   = require('gulp-load-plugins')(); 
var argv  = require('yargs').argv; 
var browserSync = require('browser-sync'); 
var gulp  = require('gulp'); 
var lazypipe = require('lazypipe'); 
var merge  = require('merge-stream'); 

// See https://github.com/austinpray/asset-builder 
var manifest = require('asset-builder')('./assets/manifest.json'); 

// `path` - Paths to base asset directories. With trailing slashes. 
// - `path.source` - Path to the source files. default: `assets/` 
// - `path.dist` - Path to the build directory. default: `dist/` 
var path = manifest.paths; 

// `config` - Store arbitrary configuration values here. 
var config = manifest.config || {}; 

// `globs` - These ultimately end up in their respective `gulp.src`. 
// - `globs.js` - Array of asset-builder js Dependency objects. Example: 
// ``` 
// {type: 'js', name: 'main.js', globs: []} 
// ``` 
// - `globs.css` - Array of asset-builder css Dependency objects. Example: 
// ``` 
// {type: 'css', name: 'main.css', globs: []} 
// ``` 
// - `globs.fonts` - Array of font path globs. 
// - `globs.images` - Array of image path globs. 
// - `globs.bower` - Array of all the bower main files. 
var globs = manifest.globs; 

// `project` - paths to first-party assets. 
// - `project.js` - Array of first-party js assets. 
// - `project.css` - Array of first-party css assets. 
var project = manifest.getProjectGlobs(); 

// CLI options 
var enabled = { 
    // Enable static asset revisioning when `--production` 
    rev: argv.production, 
    // Disable source maps when `--production` 
    maps: !argv.production 

// Path to the compiled assets manifest in the dist directory 
var revManifest = path.dist + 'assets.json'; 

// ## Reusable Pipelines 
// see https://github.com/OverZealous/lazypipe 

// ### CSS processing pipeline 
// Example 
// ``` 
// gulp.src(cssFiles) 
// .pipe(cssTasks('main.css') 
// .pipe(gulp.dest(path.dist + 'styles')) 
// ``` 
var cssTasks = function(filename) { 
    return lazypipe() 
    .pipe(function() { 
     return $.if(enabled.maps, $.sourcemaps.init()); 
     .pipe(function() { 
     return $.if('*.less', $.less().on('error', function(err) { 
     // .pipe(function() { 
     // return $.if('*.scss', $.sass({ 
     //  outputStyle: 'nested', // libsass doesn't support expanded yet 
     //  precision: 10, 
     //  includePaths: ['.'], 
     //  onError: console.error.bind(console, 'Sass error:') 
     // })); 
     // }) 
     .pipe($.concat, filename) 
     .pipe($.pleeease, { 
     autoprefixer: { 
      browsers: [ 
      'last 2 versions', 'ie 8', 'ie 9', 'android 2.3', 'android 4', 
      'opera 12' 
    .pipe(function() { 
     return $.if(enabled.rev, $.rev()); 
    .pipe(function() { 
     return $.if(enabled.maps, $.sourcemaps.write('.')); 

// ### JS processing pipeline 
// Example 
// ``` 
// gulp.src(jsFiles) 
// .pipe(jsTasks('main.js') 
// .pipe(gulp.dest(path.dist + 'scripts')) 
// ``` 
var jsTasks = function(filename) { 
    return lazypipe() 
    .pipe(function() { 
     return $.if(enabled.maps, $.sourcemaps.init()); 
    .pipe($.concat, filename) 
    .pipe(function() { 
     return $.if(enabled.rev, $.rev()); 
    .pipe(function() { 
     return $.if(enabled.maps, $.sourcemaps.write('.')); 

// ### Write to Rev Manifest 
// If there are any revved files then write them to the rev manifest. 
// See https://github.com/sindresorhus/gulp-rev 
var writeToManifest = function(directory) { 
    return lazypipe() 
    .pipe(gulp.dest, path.dist + directory) 
    .pipe(function() { 
     return $.if('**/*.{js,css}', browserSync.reload({stream:true})); 
    .pipe($.rev.manifest, revManifest, { 
     base: path.dist, 
     merge: true 
    .pipe(gulp.dest, path.dist)(); 

// ## Gulp Tasks 
// Run `gulp -T` for a task summary 

// ### Styles 
// `gulp styles` - Compiles, combines, and optimizes bower css and project css. 
gulp.task('styles', function() { 
    var merged = merge(); 
    manifest.forEachDependency('css', function(dep) { 
    merged.add(gulp.src(dep.globs, {base: 'styles'}) 
    return merged 

// ### Scripts 
// `gulp scripts` - Runs jshint then compiles, combines, and optimizes bower 
// javascript and project javascript. 
gulp.task('scripts', ['jshint'], function() { 
    var merged = merge(); 
    manifest.forEachDependency('js', function(dep) { 
     gulp.src(dep.globs, {base: 'scripts'}) 
    return merged 

// ### Fonts 
// `gulp fonts` - Grabs all the fonts and outputs them in a flattened directory 
// structure. See: https://github.com/armed/gulp-flatten 
gulp.task('fonts', function() { 
    return gulp.src(globs.fonts) 
    .pipe(gulp.dest(path.dist + 'fonts')); 

// ### Images 
// `gulp images` - Run lossless compression on all the images. 
gulp.task('images', function() { 
    return gulp.src(globs.images) 
     progressive: true, 
     interlaced: true 
    .pipe(gulp.dest(path.dist + 'images')); 

// ### JsHint 
// `gulp jshint` - Lints configuration JSON and project javascript. 
gulp.task('jshint', function() { 
    return gulp.src([ 
    'bower.json', 'gulpfile.js' 

// ### Clean 
// `gulp clean` - Deletes the build folder entirely. 
gulp.task('clean', require('del').bind(null, [path.dist])); 

// ### Watch 
// `gulp watch` - Use BrowserSync to proxy your dev server and synchronize code 
// changes across devices. Specify the hostname of your dev server at 
// `manifest.config.devUrl`. When a modification is made to an asset, run the 
// build step for that asset and inject the changes into the page. 
// See: http://www.browsersync.io 
gulp.task('watch', function() { 
    proxy: config.devUrl, 
    snippetOptions: { 
     ignorePaths: 'wp-admin/**' 
    gulp.watch([path.source + 'styles/**/*'], ['styles']); 
    gulp.watch([path.source + 'scripts/**/*'], ['jshint', 'scripts']); 
    gulp.watch(['bower.json'], ['wiredep']); 
    gulp.watch('**/*.php', function() { 

// ### Build 
// `gulp build` - Run all the build tasks but don't clean up beforehand. 
// Generally you should be running `gulp` instead of `gulp build`. 
gulp.task('build', ['styles', 'scripts', 'fonts', 'images']); 

// ### Wiredep 
// `gulp wiredep` - Automatically inject less and Sass bower dependencies. See 
// https://github.com/taptapship/wiredep 
gulp.task('wiredep', function() { 
    var wiredep = require('wiredep').stream; 
    return gulp.src(project.css) 
    .pipe($.changed(path.source + 'styles')) 
    .pipe(gulp.dest(path.source + 'styles')); 

// ### Gulp 
// `gulp` - Run a complete build. To compile for production run `gulp --production`. 
gulp.task('default', ['clean'], function() { 