// ch5ProgExercise28.cpp : Defines the entry point for the console application.
#include "stdafx.h"
#include <iostream>
using namespace std;
int main()
int totalUnits, occupiedUnits, vacantUnits;
double rentAllOccupied, rentIncreaseVacant, maintenance, oldProfit, newProfit;
cout << "Enter the total number of units, the rent to occupy all the units,"
<< " the increase in rent that results in a vacant unit, and the amount"
<< " to maintain a rented unit.";
cin >> totalUnits >> rentAllOccupied >> rentIncreaseVacant >> maintenance;
oldProfit = ((rentAllOccupied)*totalUnits) - (maintenance*totalUnits);
occupiedUnits = totalUnits;
vacantUnits = totalUnits - occupiedUnits;
oldProfit = (rentAllOccupied + (rentIncreaseVacant*vacantUnits))*
occupiedUnits - (maintenance*occupiedUnits);
vacantUnits = totalUnits - occupiedUnits;
newProfit = (rentAllOccupied + (rentIncreaseVacant*vacantUnits))*
occupiedUnits - (maintenance*occupiedUnits);
} while (oldProfit < newProfit);
occupiedUnits += 1;
cout << "To maximize profits, " << occupiedUnits << " units will be rented." << endl;
cin >> oldProfit; //stops the program from exiting right away
return 0;