私はチュートリアルを通して学んだことのいくつかを組み合わせようとしているPythonのnoobです。 guizeroとGUIを具体的に作っています。guizero/tkinter PushButton NameError from guizero PushButton.py
guizeroドキュメントリスト ")(有効" とプッシュボタンに添付メソッドとして ")(無効" が、詳細には触れません。これまでhttps://lawsie.github.io/guizero/pushbutton/#methods
import random
from guizero import App, Text, TextBox, PushButton, ButtonGroup, Combo, Box
def print_story():
print("Button Pressed")
app = App(title="Visual Adventure", width=550, height=400,)
hello_message = Text(app, text="Hello, Traveler", size=20, color="red")
story_message = Text(app, text="Would you like to hear a tale?", size=14, color="black")
# organize into box with grid
selections = Box(app, layout="grid")
# text for questions
name_ques = Text(selections, text="What is your name?", size=10, color="black", grid=[0,0], align="left")
gender_ques = Text(selections, text="Boy or a girl?", size=10, color="black", grid=[0,2], align="left")
day_ques = Text(selections, text="What day is it?", size=10, color="black", grid=[0,4], align="left")
# text for grid padding
pad1 = Text(selections, text=" ", size=10, grid=[0,1], align="left")
pad2 = Text(selections, text=" ", size=10, grid=[0,3], align="left")
# interactive objects
player_name = TextBox(selections, width=15, grid=[1,0], align="top")
player_gender = ButtonGroup(selections, options=[ ["Boy", "He"], ["Girl", "She"] ], selected="He", horizontal=True, grid=[1,2], align="top")
day_set = Combo(selections, options=["Monday", "Tuesday", "Wednesday", "Thursday", "Friday", "Saturday", "Sunday"], selected="Monday", grid=[1,4], align="top")
create_story = PushButton(app, command=print_story, text="Tell me!")
if not player_name.get():
elif player_name.get():
Traceback (most recent call last):
File "/home/pi/Desktop/python/VisualAdventure.py", line 32, in <module>
File "/usr/local/lib/python3.4/dist-packages/guizero/PushButton.py", line 59, in disable
NameError: name 'DISABLED' is not defined