2017-02-14 3 views


    X Month Treatment Block Bee_Richness Bee_Abundance Bare Grass Forb Dead Moss 
1 1 May  DS  1   0    0 23.20 15.72 37.80 17.00 0 
2 2 May  GS  1   0    0 33.52 21.88 33.60 9.88 0 
3 3 May  UB  1   1    1 0.60 18.28 35.00 43.48 0 
4 4 May  DS  2   7   71 11.20 11.20 58.80 16.68 0 
5 5 May  GS  2   5    6 37.00 12.08 43.92 5.12 0 
6 6 May  UB  2   5   16 4.40 14.88 12.32 67.88 0 


    plot(bee.ground$Bare, bee.ground$Bee_Richness, main = "Bee Richness and Bare Ground Cover", 
xlab = "Percent Bare Ground", ylab = "Bee Richness", 
pch = shape, 
col = color, 
las = 1, 
cex = 1.5) 

test graph

これは私がもらう素敵なグラフであり、私は黒がDSだと思います、赤はGS、緑はUBです。ブロック(4つの異なる形)も正しいと思われる。私はこれらの同じパラメータで伝説を作る際 はしかし、私はこれを取得:legend's in the top corner...

    pch = shape, 
    col = color, 
    legend = c("Block 1","Block 2","Block 3","Block 4", NA, "DS","GS","UB")) 


〜グラフの下に凡例を配置して中央に配置する方法もありますか?編集:私はこれを考え出した! ylimを-3に調整し、水平の凡例のためのスペースを残しました。




shape <- ifelse(bee.ground$Block == "1", 1,ifelse(bee.ground$Block == "2", 2, ifelse(bee.ground$Block == "3",3,4))) 
color <- ifelse(bee.ground$Treatment == "DS", 'red',ifelse(bee.ground$Treatment == "GS", 'green', 'black')) 

plot(bee.ground$Bare, bee.ground$Bee_Richness, main = "Bee Richness and Bare Ground Cover", 
    xlab = "Percent Bare Ground", ylab = "Bee Richness",pch = c(shape), 
    col = c(color),las = 1,cex = 1.5,ylim = c(0,35)) 
legend("topleft", c('1','2','3','4'),pch = c(1,2,3,4),horiz = TRUE,title = "Block") 
legend("topright",c("DS","GS","UB"),horiz = TRUE, text.col = c("red","green","black"),title = "Treatment",title.col = "black") 




shape <- as.numeric(as.factor(bee.ground$Block)) 
color <- as.numeric(as.factor(bee.ground$Treatment)) 

plot(bee.ground$Bare, bee.ground$Bee_Richness, 
    main = "Bee Richness and Bare Ground Cover", 
    xlab = "Percent Bare Ground", ylab = "Bee Richness", 
    pch = shape, col = color, las = 1, cex = 1.5) 

    legend("topleft", c('Block DS, Treatment 1', 
         'Block DS, Treatment 2', 
         'Block DS, Treatment 3', 
         'Block GS, Treatment 1', 
         'Block GS, Treatment 2', 
         'Block GS, Treatment 3', 
         'Block UB, Treatment 1', 
         'Block UB, Treatment 2', 
         'Block UB, Treatment 3'), 
         pch = c(1,1,1,2,2,2,3,3,3), 
         col = c('blue', 'green', 'brown', 
           'blue', 'green', 'brown', 
           'blue', 'green', 'brown')) 

shape <- ifelse(bee.ground$Block == 'DS', 3, 
     ifelse(bee.ground$Block == 'GS', 6, 9)) 

color <- ifelse(bee.ground$Treatment == 1, 'red', 
     ifelse(bee.ground$Treatment == 2, 'blue', 'black')) 

plot(bee.ground$Bare, bee.ground$Bee_Richness, 
    main = "Bee Richness and Bare Ground Cover", 
    xlab = "Percent Bare Ground", ylab = "Bee Richness", 
    pch = shape, col = color, las = 1, cex = 1.5) 

    legend("topleft", c('Block DS, Treatment 1', 
         'Block DS, Treatment 2', 
         'Block DS, Treatment 3', 
         'Block GS, Treatment 1', 
         'Block GS, Treatment 2', 
         'Block GS, Treatment 3', 
         'Block UB, Treatment 1', 
         'Block UB, Treatment 2', 
         'Block UB, Treatment 3'), 
         pch = c(3,3,3,6,6,6,9,9,9), 
         col = c('red', 'blue', 'black', 
           'red', 'blue', 'black', 
           'red', 'blue', 'black')) 

ありがとうございます!私は元の投稿にいくつかの編集を入れました:) – Brenna