2017-03-08 13 views


def is_equal(a, b): 
    assert a == b 

def inner(): 
    yield is_equal, 2, 2 
    yield is_equal, 3, 3 

def test_simple(): 
    yield is_equal, 0, 0 
    yield is_equal, 1, 1 
    for test in inner(): 
     yield test 
    yield is_equal, 4, 4 
    yield is_equal, 5, 5 

def test_complex(): 

    integers = list() 

    def update_integers(): 
     integers.extend([0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5]) 

    yield update_integers 

    for x in integers: 
     yield is_equal, x, x 


~/projects/testbox$ nosetests -v 
test_nose_tests.test_simple(0, 0) ... ok 
test_nose_tests.test_simple(1, 1) ... ok 
test_nose_tests.test_simple(2, 2) ... ok 
test_nose_tests.test_simple(3, 3) ... ok 
test_nose_tests.test_simple(4, 4) ... ok 
test_nose_tests.test_simple(5, 5) ... ok 
test_nose_tests.test_complex ... ok 
test_nose_tests.test_complex(0, 0) ... ok 
test_nose_tests.test_complex(1, 1) ... ok 
test_nose_tests.test_complex(2, 2) ... ok 
test_nose_tests.test_complex(3, 3) ... ok 
test_nose_tests.test_complex(4, 4) ... ok 
test_nose_tests.test_complex(5, 5) ... ok 

Ran 13 tests in 0.004s 

~/projects/testbox$ pytest -v 
====================================================================  test session starts   ===================================================================== 
platform linux2 -- Python 2.7.12, pytest-3.0.6, py-1.4.32, pluggy-0.4.0 -- /usr/bin/python 
cachedir: .cache 
rootdir: /home/local/ANT/cladam/projects/testbox, inifile: 
collected 7 items 

tests/test_nose_tests.py::test_simple::[0] PASSED 
tests/test_nose_tests.py::test_simple::[1] PASSED 
tests/test_nose_tests.py::test_simple::[2] PASSED 
tests/test_nose_tests.py::test_simple::[3] PASSED 
tests/test_nose_tests.py::test_simple::[4] PASSED 
tests/test_nose_tests.py::test_simple::[5] PASSED 
tests/test_nose_tests.py::test_complex::[0] PASSED 

=================================================================== pytest-warning summary  =================================================================== 
WC1 /home/local/ANT/cladam/projects/testbox/tests/test_nose_tests.py yield tests are deprecated, and scheduled to be removed in pytest 4.0 
======================================================== 7 passed, 7  pytest-warnings in 0.01 seconds ========================================================= 



pytestでこのテスト構造を複製する方法はありますか? via pytest_generate_tests?


  1. モデル何か
  2. 変化があるかどうかを確認するために既知の出力に対するモデル
  3. 差分に基づいてファイルを作成し、出力いくつかのモデルプロパティ
  4. を検証します。





WC1 /home/local/ANT/cladam/projects/testbox/tests/test_nose_tests.py yield tests are deprecated, and scheduled to be removed in pytest 4.0 



test_complex.py::TestComplexScenario::test_complex[0] PASSED 
test_complex.py::TestComplexScenario::test_complex[1] PASSED 
test_complex.py::TestComplexScenario::test_complex[2] PASSED 


def is_equal(a, b): 
    return a == b 

import pytest 

class TestComplexScenario: 
    @pytest.mark.parametrize("my_integer", [0, 1, 2]) 
    def test_complex(self, my_integer): 
     assert is_equal(my_integer, my_integer) 


:問題はpytest前にそれらのいずれかを実行するすべてのテストを収集し、そのtest_complexupdate_integers機能があるということである pytest: parameterized test with cartesian product of arguments




import pytest 
from _pytest.compat import is_generator 
def pytest_pycollect_makeitem(collector, name, obj): 
    Override the collector so that generators are saved as functions 
    to be run during the test phase rather than the collection phase. 
    if collector.istestfunction(obj, name) and is_generator(obj): 
     return [pytest.Function(name, collector, args=(), callobj=obj)] 

def pytest_runtestloop(session): 
    Copy of _pytest.main.pytest_runtestloop with the session iteration 
    modified to perform a subitem iteration. 
    if (session.testsfailed and 
      not session.config.option.continue_on_collection_errors): 
     raise session.Interrupted(
      "%d errors during collection" % session.testsfailed) 

    if session.config.option.collectonly: 
     return True 

    for i, item in enumerate(session.items): 
     nextitem = session.items[i + 1] if i + 1 < len(session.items) else None 
     # The new functionality is here: treat all items as if they 
     # might have sub-items, and run through them one by one. 

     for subitem in get_subitems(item): 
      subitem.config.hook.pytest_runtest_protocol(item=subitem, nextitem=nextitem) 
      if getattr(session, "shouldfail", False): 
       raise session.Failed(session.shouldfail) 
      if session.shouldstop: 
       raise session.Interrupted(session.shouldstop) 
    return True 

def get_subitems(item): 
    Return a sequence of subitems for the given item. If the item is 
    not a generator, then just yield the item itself as the sequence. 
    if not isinstance(item, pytest.Function): 
     yield item 
    obj = item.obj 
    if is_generator(obj): 
     for number, yielded in enumerate(obj()): 
      index, call, args = interpret_yielded_test(yielded, number) 
      test = pytest.Function(item.name+index, item.parent, args=args, callobj=call) 
      yield test 
     yield item 

def interpret_yielded_test(obj, number): 
    Process an item yielded from a generator. If the item is named, 
    then set the index to "['name']", otherwise set it to "[number]". 
    Return the index, the callable and the arguments to the callable. 
    if not isinstance(obj, (tuple, list)): 
     obj = (obj,) 
    if not callable(obj[0]): 
     index = "['%s']"%obj[0] 
     obj = obj[1:] 
     index = "[%d]"%number 
    call, args = obj[0], obj[1:] 
    return index, call, args 

