=Title of the note (it's the very first line)
@context (mandatory)
!action (mandatory)
#tag-1 (optional)
#tag-2 (optional)
#tag-n (optional)
>attached-files (optional)
My note come after the first blank line
and continue until the end of the file...
No matter any additional empty line
augroup gtd
autocmd BufRead,BufNewFile *.gtd set filetype=gtd
autocmd FileType gtd syntax region gtdTags start="\%1l" end="^\s*$" fold transparent contains=gtdTitle,gtdContext,gtdStatus,gtdHashtags,gtdAttachedFiles
autocmd FileType gtd syntax match gtdTitle '^=.*' contained
autocmd FileType gtd syntax match gtdContext '^@\S\+$' contained
autocmd FileType gtd syntax match gtdStatus '^!\S\+$' contained
autocmd FileType gtd syntax match gtdHashtags '^#\S\+$' contained
autocmd FileType gtd syntax match gtdAttachedFiles '^>attached-files$' contained
autocmd FileType gtd syntax match gtdSubtitle '^\s*\*\* .*'
autocmd FileType gtd syntax keyword gtdTodo TODO WAITING SOMEDAY SCHEDULED
autocmd FileType gtd highlight gtdTitle guifg=white guibg=NONE gui=bold
autocmd FileType gtd highlight gtdContext guifg=yellow
autocmd FileType gtd highlight gtdStatus guifg=red gui=NONE
autocmd FileType gtd highlight gtdHashtags guifg=grey gui=italic
autocmd FileType gtd highlight gtdAttachedFiles guifg=red guibg=white gui=bold
autocmd FileType gtd highlight gtdSubtitle guifg=black guibg=lightgrey gui=bold
autocmd FileType gtd highlight gtdTodo guifg=white guibg=red gui=NONE
augroup END