datastax java-driverには、jackson、Jsr353を使用してcassandraからJSONを書き込み/読み込むためのいくつかの例が含まれています。また、ドライバの例hereにあるプレーンテキストもあります。ここで
private static void insertWithCoreApi(Session session) {
// Bind in a simple statement:
session.execute("INSERT INTO examples.querybuilder_json JSON ?",
"{ \"id\": 1, \"name\": \"Mouse\", \"specs\": { \"color\": \"silver\" } }");
// Bind in a prepared statement:
// (we use a local variable here for the sake of example, but in a real application you would cache and reuse
// the prepared statement)
PreparedStatement pst = session.prepare("INSERT INTO examples.querybuilder_json JSON :payload");
.setString("payload", "{ \"id\": 2, \"name\": \"Keyboard\", \"specs\": { \"layout\": \"qwerty\" } }"));
// fromJson lets you provide individual columns as JSON:
session.execute("INSERT INTO examples.querybuilder_json " +
"(id, name, specs) VALUES (?, ?, fromJson(?))",
3, "Screen", "{ \"size\": \"24-inch\" }");