を歌っているが、それはうまく動作しますが、私はGNUTLSの問題を持っているし、最後のORG(9.1をインストールします。 6)が、それは伝統的な方法のためによく
せずに分散し、最新のためのEmacs 27を、取得後、あなたは、これはスポットライトを使用するために行う必要があります(23-01-2018)今必要とせず、見てくださいemacs wiki
Homebrew has Emacs 25.3 as of October 2017. Cask homebrew installation
Homebrew now recommends to use the cask version with the following message: “Please try the Cask for a better-supported Cocoa version”
To install the cask version:
brew cask install emacs
This installs a pre-built package from https://emacsformacosx.com/ Standard homebrew installation
If you prefer not to run the cask version, you can still use the old homebrew recipe.
A Cocoa-specific Emacs.app can be built using the --with-cocoa switch.
A version supporting X11 can be built using the --with-x switch. Note that this version will not have all of the features of the Cocoa
version; use only if necessary.
Other options include:
--keep-ctags Don’t remove the ctags executable that emacs provides. Use of this flag is not recommended Instead, use brew
install ctags after installation. --srgb This option will enable sRGB colors when using Cocoa.
To install using the --with-cocoa switch, one simply uses:
brew install --with-cocoa emacs
to get some “pretty” colours add the --srgb switch:
brew install --with-cocoa --srgb emacs
and finally link it to your Applications folder:
brew linkapps emacs
This creates a symlink and not an alias. So Spotlight may not find it (tested on macOS Sierra 10.12.2). Spotlight indexes symlinks to files that are treated as system files, but it doesn’t show them in the GUI. It does show aliases though, so you could just command-option-drag /usr/local/Cellar/emacs/*/Emacs.app to /Applications/ from Finder. Or:
$ osascript -e "tell application \"Finder\" to make alias file to (POSIX file \"/usr/local/Cellar/emacs-plus/25.3/Emacs.app\") at POSIX file \"$HOME/Applications\""
After installation, using the emacs command in the terminal or shell will run the -nw version of Emacs. If you want to run the Cocoa version using this command, you simply add a line to your .bash_profile. Emacs-Plus version in tap
To instead use the emacs-plus version, which is like regular homebrew emacs but with some configuration options enabled,
brew tap d12frosted/emacs-plus brew install emacs-plus
Mitsaharu version in tap
To instead use the Yamamoto Mitsuharu version of Emacs 25.2 (with more mac-specific features):
brew tap railwaycat/emacsmacport brew install emacs-mac
and finally link it to your Applications folder:
brew linkapps emacs-mac
多分あなたが探しているものではありませんが、AquaMacsを見てみてください。 osx – Duxducis
@Duxducisありがとうございます。私はGNUバージョンを実行することを好むでしょう... – maximusdooku
Gotchaは、OSXのGNUバージョンのプリコンパイルされたバイナリです。https://emacsformacosx.com/ – Duxducis