import random
Round = 0
Player_Score = 0
Computer_Score = 0
while Player_Score < 5 and Computer_Score < 5:
Player_object = input("Would you like to choose R, P, or S?")
Computer_object = random.sample("RPS", 1)[0]
if Player_object == "R" or Player_object == "r":
if Computer_object == "R":
print("You have chosen " +Player_object+ " and the Computer chose " +str(Computer_object)+ ".You have tied with the Computer and neither of you have scored a point.")
elif Computer_object == "P":
Computer_Score += 1
print("You have chosen " +Player_object+ " and the Computer chose " +str(Computer_object)+ ". You have been beaten by the Computer and it has scored a point.")
Player_Score += 1
print("You have chosen " +Player_object+ " and the Computer chose " +str(Computer_object)+ ".You have beaten the Computer and you have scored a point.")
if Player_object == "P" or Player_object == "p":
if str(Computer_object) == "R":
Player_Score += 1
print("You have chosen " +Player_object+ " and the Computer chose " +str(Computer_object)+ ".You have beaten the Computer and you have scored a point.")
elif str(Computer_object) == "P":
print("You have chosen " +Player_object+ " and the Computer chose " +str(Computer_object)+ ". You have tied with the Computer and neither of you have scored a point.")
Computer_Score += 1
print("You have chosen " +Player_object+ " and the Computer chose " +str(Computer_object)+ ".You have been beaten by the Computer and it has scored a point.")
if Player_object == "S" or Player_object == "s":
if str(Computer_object) == "R":
print("You have chosen " +Player_object+ " and the Computer chose " +str(Computer_object)+ ".You have been beaten by the Computer and it has scored a point.")
elif str(Computer_object) == "P":
Computer_Score += 1
print("You have chosen " +Player_object+ " and the Computer chose " +str(Computer_object)+ ". You have beaten the Computer and you have scored a point.")
Player_Score += 1
print("You have chosen " +Player_object+ " and the Computer chose " +str(Computer_object)+ ".You have tied with the Computer and neither of you have scored a point.")
if Computer_Score == 5 and Player_Score != 5:
print("The Computer has won!")
if Player_Score == 5 and Computer_Score != 5:
print("You have won and beaten the computer")
R = "Rock"
r = "Rock"
P = "Paper"
p = "Paper"
S = "Scissors"
s = "Scissors"
あなたの 'while'ループが始まる前にリストを作成し、各結果のリストに結果を追加してください。あなたのコードは非常に反復的であるので、関数について学ぶことを考慮する必要があります - あなた自身を繰り返さない(DRY)。 – roganjosh