私のゲームに2つの問題があります。Visual Basic 2005でTic Tac Toeのゲームを修正しました
2.)私がシングルプレイヤーをしているとき、私のAIは正しく動作していません。 AIが四角形を選択すると、あたかも私がマルチプレイヤーゲームをしているかのようにAIのシンボルで四角形を選択することができます。私は、AIのターンが完了したときにターン1になるAIサブクラスに指定していても、それは自分の順番でなければなりません。私はバットをオフに気づい
Public Class frmTicTacToe
Dim turn As Integer
Dim computer As Integer
Private Sub AI()
Call Win()
If turn <> 1 Then
computer = Int(9 * Rnd()) + 1
End If
If computer = 1 Then
btnOne.Text = "O"
turn = 1
End If
If computer = 2 Then
btnTwo.Text = "O"
turn = 1
End If
If computer = 3 Then
btnThree.Text = "O"
turn = 1
End If
If computer = 4 Then
btnFour.Text = "O"
turn = 1
End If
If computer = 5 Then
btnFive.Text = "O"
turn = 1
End If
If computer = 6 Then
btnSix.Text = "O"
turn = 1
End If
If computer = 7 Then
btnSeven.Text = "O"
turn = 1
End If
If computer = 8 Then
btnEight.Text = "O"
turn = 1
End If
If computer = 9 Then
btnNine.Text = "O"
turn = 1
End If
End Sub
Private Sub Win()
If btnOne.Text = "X" And btnTwo.Text = "X" And btnThree.Text = "X" Then
txtSummary.Text = "Player 1 Wins"
MsgBox("Player 1 Wins")
Call disablebuttons()
ElseIf btnOne.Text = "X" And btnFour.Text = "X" And btnSeven.Text = "X" Then
txtSummary.Text = "Player 1 Wins!"
MsgBox("Player 1 Wins")
Call disablebuttons()
ElseIf btnOne.Text = "X" And btnFive.Text = "X" And btnNine.Text = "X" Then
txtSummary.Text = "Player 1 Wins!"
MsgBox("Player 1 Wins")
Call disablebuttons()
ElseIf btnThree.Text = "X" And btnSix.Text = "X" And btnNine.Text = "X" Then
txtSummary.Text = "Player 1 Wins!"
MsgBox("Player 1 Wins")
Call disablebuttons()
ElseIf btnSeven.Text = "X" And btnEight.Text = "X" And btnNine.Text = "X" Then
txtSummary.Text = "Player 1 Wins!"
MsgBox("Player 1 Wins")
Call disablebuttons()
ElseIf btnFour.Text = "X" And btnFive.Text = "X" And btnSix.Text = "X" Then
txtSummary.Text = "Player 1 Wins!"
MsgBox("Player 1 Wins")
Call disablebuttons()
ElseIf btnTwo.Text = "X" And btnFive.Text = "X" And btnEight.Text = "X" Then
txtSummary.Text = "Player 1 Wins!"
MsgBox("Player 1 Wins")
Call disablebuttons()
ElseIf btnThree.Text = "X" And btnFive.Text = "X" And btnSeven.Text = "X" Then
txtSummary.Text = "Player 1 Wins!"
MsgBox("Player 1 Wins")
Call disablebuttons()
End If
If btnOne.Text = "O" And btnTwo.Text = "O" And btnThree.Text = "O" Then
txtSummary.Text = "Player 2 Wins!"
MsgBox("Player 2 Wins")
Call disablebuttons()
ElseIf btnOne.Text = "O" And btnFour.Text = "O" And btnSeven.Text = "O" Then
txtSummary.Text = "Player 2 Wins!"
MsgBox("Player 2 Wins")
Call disablebuttons()
ElseIf btnOne.Text = "O" And btnFive.Text = "O" And btnNine.Text = "O" Then
txtSummary.Text = "Player 2 Wins!"
MsgBox("Player 2 Wins")
Call disablebuttons()
ElseIf btnThree.Text = "O" And btnSix.Text = "O" And btnNine.Text = "O" Then
txtSummary.Text = "Player 2 Wins!"
MsgBox("Player 2 Wins")
Call disablebuttons()
ElseIf btnSeven.Text = "O" And btnEight.Text = "O" And btnNine.Text = "O" Then
txtSummary.Text = "Player 2 Wins!"
MsgBox("Player 2 Wins")
Call disablebuttons()
ElseIf btnFour.Text = "O" And btnFive.Text = "O" And btnSix.Text = "O" Then
txtSummary.Text = "Player 2 Wins!"
MsgBox("Player 2 Wins")
Call disablebuttons()
ElseIf btnTwo.Text = "O" And btnFive.Text = "O" And btnEight.Text = "O" Then
txtSummary.Text = "Player 2 Wins!"
MsgBox("Player 2 Wins")
Call disablebuttons()
ElseIf btnThree.Text = "O" And btnFive.Text = "O" And btnSeven.Text = "O" Then
txtSummary.Text = "Player 2 Wins!"
MsgBox("Player 2 Wins")
Call disablebuttons()
End If
End Sub
Private Sub disablebuttons()
btnOne.Enabled = False
btnTwo.Enabled = False
btnThree.Enabled = False
btnFour.Enabled = False
btnFive.Enabled = False
btnSix.Enabled = False
btnSeven.Enabled = False
btnEight.Enabled = False
btnNine.Enabled = False
End Sub
Private Sub btnOne_Click(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles btnOne.Click
If turn = 1 Then
btnOne.Text = "X"
txtSummary.Text = "Player 2's Turn"
btnOne.Text = "O"
txtSummary.Text = "Player 1's Turn"
End If
turn += 1
If turn > 2 Then
turn = 1
End If
If rdoSinglePlayer.Checked Then Call AI()
Call Win()
btnOne.Enabled = False
End Sub
Private Sub btnTwo_Click(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles btnTwo.Click
If turn = 1 Then
btnTwo.Text = "X"
txtSummary.Text = "Player 2's Turn"
btnTwo.Text = "O"
txtSummary.Text = "Player 1's Turn"
End If
turn += 1
If turn > 2 Then
turn = 1
End If
If rdoSinglePlayer.Checked Then Call AI()
Call Win()
btnTwo.Enabled = False
End Sub
Private Sub btnThree_Click(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles btnThree.Click
If turn = 1 Then
btnThree.Text = "X"
txtSummary.Text = "Player 2's Turn"
btnThree.Text = "O"
txtSummary.Text = "Player 1's Turn"
End If
turn += 1
If turn > 2 Then
turn = 1
End If
If rdoSinglePlayer.Checked Then Call AI()
Call Win()
btnThree.Enabled = False
End Sub
Private Sub btnFour_Click(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles btnFour.Click
If turn = 1 Then
btnFour.Text = "X"
txtSummary.Text = "Player 2's Turn"
btnFour.Text = "O"
txtSummary.Text = "Player 1's Turn"
End If
turn += 1
If turn > 2 Then
turn = 1
End If
If rdoSinglePlayer.Checked Then Call AI()
Call Win()
btnFour.Enabled = False
End Sub
Private Sub btnFive_Click(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles btnFive.Click
If turn = 1 Then
btnFive.Text = "X"
txtSummary.Text = "Player 2's Turn"
btnFive.Text = "O"
txtSummary.Text = "Player 1's Turn"
End If
turn += 1
If turn > 2 Then
turn = 1
End If
If rdoSinglePlayer.Checked Then Call AI()
Call Win()
btnFive.Enabled = False
End Sub
Private Sub btnSix_Click(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles btnSix.Click
If turn = 1 Then
btnSix.Text = "X"
txtSummary.Text = "Player 2's Turn"
btnSix.Text = "O"
txtSummary.Text = "Player 1's Turn"
End If
turn += 1
If turn > 2 Then
turn = 1
End If
If rdoSinglePlayer.Checked Then Call AI()
Call Win()
btnSix.Enabled = False
End Sub
Private Sub btnSeven_Click(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles btnSeven.Click
If turn = 1 Then
btnSeven.Text = "X"
txtSummary.Text = "Player 2's Turn"
btnSeven.Text = "O"
txtSummary.Text = "Player 1's Turn"
End If
turn += 1
If turn > 2 Then
turn = 1
End If
If rdoSinglePlayer.Checked Then Call AI()
Call Win()
btnSeven.Enabled = False
End Sub
Private Sub btnEight_Click(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles btnEight.Click
If turn = 1 Then
btnEight.Text = "X"
txtSummary.Text = "Player 2's Turn"
btnEight.Text = "O"
txtSummary.Text = "Player 1's Turn"
End If
turn += 1
If turn > 2 Then
turn = 1
End If
If rdoSinglePlayer.Checked Then Call AI()
Call Win()
btnEight.Enabled = False
End Sub
Private Sub btnNine_Click(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles btnNine.Click
If turn = 1 Then
btnNine.Text = "X"
txtSummary.Text = "Player 2's Turn"
btnNine.Text = "O"
txtSummary.Text = "Player 1's Turn"
End If
turn += 1
If turn > 2 Then
turn = 1
End If
If rdoSinglePlayer.Checked Then Call AI()
Call Win()
btnNine.Enabled = False
End Sub
Private Sub btnReset_Click(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles btnReset.Click
btnOne.Text = ""
btnOne.Enabled = True
btnTwo.Text = ""
btnTwo.Enabled = True
btnThree.Text = ""
btnThree.Enabled = True
btnFour.Text = ""
btnFour.Enabled = True
btnFive.Text = ""
btnFive.Enabled = True
btnSix.Text = ""
btnSix.Enabled = True
btnSeven.Text = ""
btnSeven.Enabled = True
btnEight.Text = ""
btnEight.Enabled = True
btnNine.Text = ""
btnNine.Enabled = True
rdoSinglePlayer.Checked = False
rdoMultiplayer.Checked = False
If turn = 1 Then
txtSummary.Text = "Player 1's Turn"
txtSummary.Text = "Player 2's Turn"
End If
End Sub
Private Sub frmTicTacToe_Load(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles MyBase.Load
txtSummary.Text = "Select Single Player or Multiplayer"
If rdoSinglePlayer.Checked = False And rdoMultiplayer.Checked = False Then
Call disablebuttons()
End If
If rdoSinglePlayer.Checked = True Or rdoMultiplayer.Checked = True Then
turn = 1
End If
End Sub
Private Sub Start()
btnOne.Text = ""
btnOne.Enabled = True
btnTwo.Text = ""
btnTwo.Enabled = True
btnThree.Text = ""
btnThree.Enabled = True
btnFour.Text = ""
btnFour.Enabled = True
btnFive.Text = ""
btnFive.Enabled = True
btnSix.Text = ""
btnSix.Enabled = True
btnSeven.Text = ""
btnSeven.Enabled = True
btnEight.Text = ""
btnEight.Enabled = True
btnNine.Text = ""
btnNine.Enabled = True
If turn = 1 Then
txtSummary.Text = "Player 1's Turn"
txtSummary.Text = "Player 2's Turn"
End If
End Sub
Private Sub rdoSinglePlayer_CheckedChanged(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles rdoSinglePlayer.CheckedChanged
Call Start()
End Sub
Private Sub ExitToolStripMenuItem_Click(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles ExitToolStripMenuItem.Click
End Sub
Private Sub AboutToolStripMenuItem_Click(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles AboutToolStripMenuItem.Click
Dim AboutBox1 As New AboutBox1
End Sub
Private Sub ResetToolStripMenuItem_Click(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles ResetToolStripMenuItem.Click
btnOne.Text = ""
btnOne.Enabled = True
btnTwo.Text = ""
btnTwo.Enabled = True
btnThree.Text = ""
btnThree.Enabled = True
btnFour.Text = ""
btnFour.Enabled = True
btnFive.Text = ""
btnFive.Enabled = True
btnSix.Text = ""
btnSix.Enabled = True
btnSeven.Text = ""
btnSeven.Enabled = True
btnEight.Text = ""
btnEight.Enabled = True
btnNine.Text = ""
btnNine.Enabled = True
rdoSinglePlayer.Checked = False
rdoMultiplayer.Checked = False
If turn = 1 Then
txtSummary.Text = "Player 1's Turn"
txtSummary.Text = "Player 2's Turn"
End If
End Sub
End Class