2009-07-09 10 views

私のゲームに2つの問題があります。Visual Basic 2005でTic Tac Toeのゲームを修正しました


2.)私がシングルプレイヤーをしているとき、私のAIは正しく動作していません。 AIが四角形を選択すると、あたかも私がマルチプレイヤーゲームをしているかのようにAIのシンボルで四角形を選択することができます。私は、AIのターンが完了したときにターン1になるAIサブクラスに指定していても、それは自分の順番でなければなりません。私はバットをオフに気づい

Public Class frmTicTacToe 

Dim turn As Integer 
Dim computer As Integer 
Private Sub AI() 
    Call Win() 
    If turn <> 1 Then 
     computer = Int(9 * Rnd()) + 1 
    End If 

    If computer = 1 Then 
     btnOne.Text = "O" 
     turn = 1 
    End If 

    If computer = 2 Then 
     btnTwo.Text = "O" 
     turn = 1 
    End If 

    If computer = 3 Then 
     btnThree.Text = "O" 
     turn = 1 
    End If 

    If computer = 4 Then 
     btnFour.Text = "O" 
     turn = 1 
    End If 

    If computer = 5 Then 
     btnFive.Text = "O" 
     turn = 1 
    End If 

    If computer = 6 Then 
     btnSix.Text = "O" 
     turn = 1 
    End If 

    If computer = 7 Then 
     btnSeven.Text = "O" 
     turn = 1 
    End If 

    If computer = 8 Then 
     btnEight.Text = "O" 
     turn = 1 
    End If 

    If computer = 9 Then 
     btnNine.Text = "O" 
     turn = 1 
    End If 

End Sub 
Private Sub Win() 
    If btnOne.Text = "X" And btnTwo.Text = "X" And btnThree.Text = "X" Then 
     txtSummary.Text = "Player 1 Wins" 
     MsgBox("Player 1 Wins") 
     Call disablebuttons() 

    ElseIf btnOne.Text = "X" And btnFour.Text = "X" And btnSeven.Text = "X" Then 
     txtSummary.Text = "Player 1 Wins!" 
     MsgBox("Player 1 Wins") 
     Call disablebuttons() 

    ElseIf btnOne.Text = "X" And btnFive.Text = "X" And btnNine.Text = "X" Then 
     txtSummary.Text = "Player 1 Wins!" 
     MsgBox("Player 1 Wins") 
     Call disablebuttons() 

    ElseIf btnThree.Text = "X" And btnSix.Text = "X" And btnNine.Text = "X" Then 
     txtSummary.Text = "Player 1 Wins!" 
     MsgBox("Player 1 Wins") 
     Call disablebuttons() 

    ElseIf btnSeven.Text = "X" And btnEight.Text = "X" And btnNine.Text = "X" Then 
     txtSummary.Text = "Player 1 Wins!" 
     MsgBox("Player 1 Wins") 
     Call disablebuttons() 

    ElseIf btnFour.Text = "X" And btnFive.Text = "X" And btnSix.Text = "X" Then 
     txtSummary.Text = "Player 1 Wins!" 
     MsgBox("Player 1 Wins") 
     Call disablebuttons() 

    ElseIf btnTwo.Text = "X" And btnFive.Text = "X" And btnEight.Text = "X" Then 
     txtSummary.Text = "Player 1 Wins!" 
     MsgBox("Player 1 Wins") 
     Call disablebuttons() 

    ElseIf btnThree.Text = "X" And btnFive.Text = "X" And btnSeven.Text = "X" Then 
     txtSummary.Text = "Player 1 Wins!" 
     MsgBox("Player 1 Wins") 
     Call disablebuttons() 
    End If 

    If btnOne.Text = "O" And btnTwo.Text = "O" And btnThree.Text = "O" Then 
     txtSummary.Text = "Player 2 Wins!" 
     MsgBox("Player 2 Wins") 
     Call disablebuttons() 

    ElseIf btnOne.Text = "O" And btnFour.Text = "O" And btnSeven.Text = "O" Then 
     txtSummary.Text = "Player 2 Wins!" 
     MsgBox("Player 2 Wins") 
     Call disablebuttons() 

    ElseIf btnOne.Text = "O" And btnFive.Text = "O" And btnNine.Text = "O" Then 
     txtSummary.Text = "Player 2 Wins!" 
     MsgBox("Player 2 Wins") 
     Call disablebuttons() 

    ElseIf btnThree.Text = "O" And btnSix.Text = "O" And btnNine.Text = "O" Then 
     txtSummary.Text = "Player 2 Wins!" 
     MsgBox("Player 2 Wins") 
     Call disablebuttons() 

    ElseIf btnSeven.Text = "O" And btnEight.Text = "O" And btnNine.Text = "O" Then 
     txtSummary.Text = "Player 2 Wins!" 
     MsgBox("Player 2 Wins") 
     Call disablebuttons() 

    ElseIf btnFour.Text = "O" And btnFive.Text = "O" And btnSix.Text = "O" Then 
     txtSummary.Text = "Player 2 Wins!" 
     MsgBox("Player 2 Wins") 
     Call disablebuttons() 

    ElseIf btnTwo.Text = "O" And btnFive.Text = "O" And btnEight.Text = "O" Then 
     txtSummary.Text = "Player 2 Wins!" 
     MsgBox("Player 2 Wins") 
     Call disablebuttons() 

    ElseIf btnThree.Text = "O" And btnFive.Text = "O" And btnSeven.Text = "O" Then 
     txtSummary.Text = "Player 2 Wins!" 
     MsgBox("Player 2 Wins") 
     Call disablebuttons() 
    End If 
End Sub 
Private Sub disablebuttons() 
    btnOne.Enabled = False 
    btnTwo.Enabled = False 
    btnThree.Enabled = False 
    btnFour.Enabled = False 
    btnFive.Enabled = False 
    btnSix.Enabled = False 
    btnSeven.Enabled = False 
    btnEight.Enabled = False 
    btnNine.Enabled = False 
End Sub 

Private Sub btnOne_Click(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles btnOne.Click 
    If turn = 1 Then 
     btnOne.Text = "X" 
     txtSummary.Text = "Player 2's Turn" 
     btnOne.Text = "O" 
     txtSummary.Text = "Player 1's Turn" 
    End If 
    turn += 1 
    If turn > 2 Then 
     turn = 1 
    End If 

    If rdoSinglePlayer.Checked Then Call AI() 
    Call Win() 
    btnOne.Enabled = False 

End Sub 

Private Sub btnTwo_Click(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles btnTwo.Click 
    If turn = 1 Then 
     btnTwo.Text = "X" 
     txtSummary.Text = "Player 2's Turn" 
     btnTwo.Text = "O" 
     txtSummary.Text = "Player 1's Turn" 
    End If 
    turn += 1 
    If turn > 2 Then 
     turn = 1 
    End If 

    If rdoSinglePlayer.Checked Then Call AI() 
    Call Win() 
    btnTwo.Enabled = False 
End Sub 

Private Sub btnThree_Click(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles btnThree.Click 
    If turn = 1 Then 
     btnThree.Text = "X" 
     txtSummary.Text = "Player 2's Turn" 
     btnThree.Text = "O" 
     txtSummary.Text = "Player 1's Turn" 
    End If 
    turn += 1 
    If turn > 2 Then 
     turn = 1 
    End If 

    If rdoSinglePlayer.Checked Then Call AI() 
    Call Win() 
    btnThree.Enabled = False 
End Sub 

Private Sub btnFour_Click(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles btnFour.Click 
    If turn = 1 Then 
     btnFour.Text = "X" 
     txtSummary.Text = "Player 2's Turn" 
     btnFour.Text = "O" 
     txtSummary.Text = "Player 1's Turn" 
    End If 
    turn += 1 
    If turn > 2 Then 
     turn = 1 
    End If 

    If rdoSinglePlayer.Checked Then Call AI() 
    Call Win() 
    btnFour.Enabled = False 
End Sub 

Private Sub btnFive_Click(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles btnFive.Click 
    If turn = 1 Then 
     btnFive.Text = "X" 
     txtSummary.Text = "Player 2's Turn" 
     btnFive.Text = "O" 
     txtSummary.Text = "Player 1's Turn" 
    End If 
    turn += 1 
    If turn > 2 Then 
     turn = 1 
    End If 

    If rdoSinglePlayer.Checked Then Call AI() 
    Call Win() 
    btnFive.Enabled = False 
End Sub 

Private Sub btnSix_Click(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles btnSix.Click 
    If turn = 1 Then 
     btnSix.Text = "X" 
     txtSummary.Text = "Player 2's Turn" 
     btnSix.Text = "O" 
     txtSummary.Text = "Player 1's Turn" 
    End If 
    turn += 1 
    If turn > 2 Then 
     turn = 1 
    End If 

    If rdoSinglePlayer.Checked Then Call AI() 
    Call Win() 
    btnSix.Enabled = False 
End Sub 

Private Sub btnSeven_Click(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles btnSeven.Click 
    If turn = 1 Then 
     btnSeven.Text = "X" 
     txtSummary.Text = "Player 2's Turn" 
     btnSeven.Text = "O" 
     txtSummary.Text = "Player 1's Turn" 
    End If 
    turn += 1 
    If turn > 2 Then 
     turn = 1 
    End If 

    If rdoSinglePlayer.Checked Then Call AI() 
    Call Win() 
    btnSeven.Enabled = False 
End Sub 

Private Sub btnEight_Click(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles btnEight.Click 
    If turn = 1 Then 
     btnEight.Text = "X" 
     txtSummary.Text = "Player 2's Turn" 
     btnEight.Text = "O" 
     txtSummary.Text = "Player 1's Turn" 
    End If 
    turn += 1 
    If turn > 2 Then 
     turn = 1 
    End If 

    If rdoSinglePlayer.Checked Then Call AI() 
    Call Win() 
    btnEight.Enabled = False 
End Sub 

Private Sub btnNine_Click(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles btnNine.Click 
    If turn = 1 Then 
     btnNine.Text = "X" 
     txtSummary.Text = "Player 2's Turn" 
     btnNine.Text = "O" 
     txtSummary.Text = "Player 1's Turn" 
    End If 
    turn += 1 
    If turn > 2 Then 
     turn = 1 
    End If 

    If rdoSinglePlayer.Checked Then Call AI() 
    Call Win() 
    btnNine.Enabled = False 
End Sub 

Private Sub btnReset_Click(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles btnReset.Click 
    btnOne.Text = "" 
    btnOne.Enabled = True 
    btnTwo.Text = "" 
    btnTwo.Enabled = True 
    btnThree.Text = "" 
    btnThree.Enabled = True 
    btnFour.Text = "" 
    btnFour.Enabled = True 
    btnFive.Text = "" 
    btnFive.Enabled = True 
    btnSix.Text = "" 
    btnSix.Enabled = True 
    btnSeven.Text = "" 
    btnSeven.Enabled = True 
    btnEight.Text = "" 
    btnEight.Enabled = True 
    btnNine.Text = "" 
    btnNine.Enabled = True 
    rdoSinglePlayer.Checked = False 
    rdoMultiplayer.Checked = False 
    If turn = 1 Then 
     txtSummary.Text = "Player 1's Turn" 
     txtSummary.Text = "Player 2's Turn" 
    End If 
End Sub 

Private Sub frmTicTacToe_Load(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles MyBase.Load 
    txtSummary.Text = "Select Single Player or Multiplayer" 

    If rdoSinglePlayer.Checked = False And rdoMultiplayer.Checked = False Then 
     Call disablebuttons() 
    End If 

    If rdoSinglePlayer.Checked = True Or rdoMultiplayer.Checked = True Then 
     turn = 1 
    End If 

End Sub 
Private Sub Start() 
    btnOne.Text = "" 
    btnOne.Enabled = True 
    btnTwo.Text = "" 
    btnTwo.Enabled = True 
    btnThree.Text = "" 
    btnThree.Enabled = True 
    btnFour.Text = "" 
    btnFour.Enabled = True 
    btnFive.Text = "" 
    btnFive.Enabled = True 
    btnSix.Text = "" 
    btnSix.Enabled = True 
    btnSeven.Text = "" 
    btnSeven.Enabled = True 
    btnEight.Text = "" 
    btnEight.Enabled = True 
    btnNine.Text = "" 
    btnNine.Enabled = True 
    If turn = 1 Then 
     txtSummary.Text = "Player 1's Turn" 
     txtSummary.Text = "Player 2's Turn" 
    End If 
End Sub 
Private Sub rdoSinglePlayer_CheckedChanged(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles rdoSinglePlayer.CheckedChanged 
    Call Start() 
End Sub 

Private Sub ExitToolStripMenuItem_Click(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles ExitToolStripMenuItem.Click 
End Sub 

Private Sub AboutToolStripMenuItem_Click(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles AboutToolStripMenuItem.Click 
    Dim AboutBox1 As New AboutBox1 
End Sub 

Private Sub ResetToolStripMenuItem_Click(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles ResetToolStripMenuItem.Click 
    btnOne.Text = "" 
    btnOne.Enabled = True 
    btnTwo.Text = "" 
    btnTwo.Enabled = True 
    btnThree.Text = "" 
    btnThree.Enabled = True 
    btnFour.Text = "" 
    btnFour.Enabled = True 
    btnFive.Text = "" 
    btnFive.Enabled = True 
    btnSix.Text = "" 
    btnSix.Enabled = True 
    btnSeven.Text = "" 
    btnSeven.Enabled = True 
    btnEight.Text = "" 
    btnEight.Enabled = True 
    btnNine.Text = "" 
    btnNine.Enabled = True 
    rdoSinglePlayer.Checked = False 
    rdoMultiplayer.Checked = False 
    If turn = 1 Then 
     txtSummary.Text = "Player 1's Turn" 
     txtSummary.Text = "Player 2's Turn" 
    End If 
End Sub 
End Class 




  • あなたAI()方法は、以前に選択された正方形を上書きすることができます。それはまだプレイヤー2の番だのようにAIが行く後
If computer = 1 Then 
     btnOne.Text = "O" 
     turn = 1 
 btnOne.Enabled = False 
    End If
  • は、あなたがテキストをリセットしていないので、それはなります
  • はおそらくAIが同様に選択し、ボタンを無効にしたいです:
If computer = 1 Then 
     btnOne.Text = "O" 
     turn = 1 
 txtSummary.Text = "Player 1's Turn" 
 btnOne.Enabled = False 
    End If
  • あなたはAIがすべてのTIを手放すしています私は勝利条件を最初に確認することなく。最も単純なのは、Win()をbooleanを返す関数に変更し、ゲームオーバーの場合はtrueを返し、そうでない場合はfalseを返します。そして、次のおAI()の呼び出しを変更:
If Not Win() Then 
     If rdoSinglePlayer.Checked Then Call AI() 
    End If


  • あなたが繰り返しのコードの多くを持っています。それを複数回呼び出される単一のメソッドにリファクタリングすることを考えてみましょう。これにより、コードの保守が非常に簡単になり、読みやすくなります。 たとえば、あなたは(勝利は()上記のようなブール値を返すと仮定した場合)かもしれない:
Private Sub NextTurn() 
     If Not Win() Then 
      If turn = 1 Then 
       txtSummary.Text = "Player 2's Turn" 
       turn = 2 
       If rdoSinglePlayer.Checked Then Call AI() 
       txtSummary.Text = "Player 1's Turn" 
       turn = 1 
     End If 
    End Sub 

    Private Sub btnOne_Click(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles btnOne.Click 
     If turn = 1 Then 
      btnOne.Text = "X" 
     txtSummary.Text = "Player 2's Turn" 
      btnOne.Text = "O" 
     txtSummary.Text = "Player 1's Turn" 
     End If 
     turn += 1 
     If turn > 2 Then 
     turn = 1 
     End If 

     If rdoSinglePlayer.Checked Then Call AI() 
     Call Win() 
     btnOne.Enabled = False 
     Call NextTurn() 
    End Sub



(2)に関しては、コンピュータが選択するときにボタンを無効にする必要があります。そのままでは、ボタンはユーザがクリックしたときにのみ無効になります。 AIルーチンでは、ボタンのテキストを変更した後、無効にします。
