2016-11-17 12 views


しかし、ある瞬間に中断したいだけで、通常のCtrl + Breakキーボードショートカットはプロセスの途中でマクロを中断する可能性があります。これは私が使用している座標値を暴くことがあります。だから私は、特定の瞬間にマクロを中断する方法が望ましく、キーを押すことが好ましい。


Sub optimize() 
Dim Distance As Double 
Dim OldNumber As Double 
Dim OldNumbers(1 To 3) As Double 
Dim l As Double 
Dim n As Integer 
Dim m As Integer 
Distance = Range("H14").Value 'This cell contains the distance between the closest 2 points in the coordinates, using =MIN() 
l = 0 
l = l + 1 
For n = 0 To 7 
For m = 0 To 2 'The coordinates are stored at F4:H11. 
OldNumber = Range("F4").Offset(n, m).Value 
If Rnd() > 0.01 Then 
Range("F4").Offset(n, m).Value = OldNumber + Rnd()/10000 - 0.00005 'Just slighty nudge the values... 
Range("F4").Offset(n, m).Value = Rnd() '...but only sometimes. 
End If 
If Range("F4").Offset(n, m).Value > 1 Then Range("F4").Offset(n, m).Value = 1 
If Range("F4").Offset(n, m).Value < 0 Then Range("F4").Offset(n, m).Value = 0 'Making sure the values don't go too high or low 
If Range("H14").Value >= Distance Then 'Are the closest points as far away as before? If so, that's Ok. 
    If Range("H14").Value > Distance Then 'Are the closest points further away? If so, reset counter. 
    l = 0 
    End If 
Distance = Range("H14").Value 
Else 'Are the closest points closer? If so, reset. 
Range("F4").Offset(n, m).Value = OldNumber 
End If 
Next m 
OldNumbers(1) = Range("F4").Offset(n, 0).Value 
OldNumbers(2) = Range("F4").Offset(n, 1).Value 
OldNumbers(3) = Range("F4").Offset(n, 2).Value 
Range("F4").Offset(n, 0).Value = Rnd() 
Range("F4").Offset(n, 1).Value = Rnd() 
Range("F4").Offset(n, 2).Value = Rnd() 'I don't know why I put this in, but it might become useful sometime. 
If Range("H14").Value >= Distance Then 'Are the closest points as far away as before? If so, that's Ok. 
    If Range("H14").Value > Distance Then 'Are the closest points further away? If so, reset counter. 
    l = 0 
    End If 
Distance = Range("H14").Value 
Else 'Are the closest points closer? If so, reset. 
Range("F4").Offset(n, 0).Value = OldNumbers(1) 
Range("F4").Offset(n, 1).Value = OldNumbers(2) 
Range("F4").Offset(n, 2).Value = OldNumbers(3) 
End If 
Next n 
'I only want to interrupt here. 
If l > 10000 Then 'Has it found nothing for so long? Then quit. 
'I sometimes adjust the barrier l needs to hit to very high values so it can compute on its own for a long ass-time without any input. 
MsgBox ("Done!") 
Exit Sub 
End If 
GoTo LoopIt 
End Sub 



VOGはa nice answerを持っているようです。あなたのケースでは

Type KeyboardBytes 
    kbb(0 To 255) As Byte 
End Type 

Declare Function GetKeyboardState Lib "User32.DLL" (kbArray As KeyboardBytes) As Long 

Sub StartLotteryDraw() 
Dim kbArray As KeyboardBytes 
Application.Cursor = xlWait 
    GetKeyboardState kbArray 
    If kbArray.kbb(32) And 128 Then 
     Application.Cursor = xlNormal 
     Exit Sub 
    End If 
End Sub 


Type KeyboardBytes 
    kbb(0 To 255) As Byte 
End Type 

Declare Function GetKeyboardState Lib "User32.DLL" (kbArray As KeyboardBytes) As Long 


Dim doInterrupt As Boolean 


If doInterrupt = False Then doInterrupt = CheckInterrupt 


If l > 1000000 Or doInterrupt = True Then 


If l > 10000 Then 

Function CheckInterrupt() As Boolean 
    Dim kb As KeyboardBytes 
    GetKeyboardState kb 

    If kb.kbb(32) And 128 Then CheckInterrupt = True 
End Function 