2017-07-11 10 views



Given line separated blocks of text, how can I return each block which contains a specific keyword?



* This is a block of text it goes on and on. This is a block of text it goes on and on. This is a block of text it goes on and on. This is a block of text it goes on and on. This is a block of text it goes on and on. This is a block of text it goes on and on. This is a block of text it goes on and on. This is a block of text it goes on and on. (STOP-String-023) 

* This is a block of text it goes on and on. This is a block of text it goes on and on. This is a block of text it goes on and on. This is a block of text it goes on and on. This is a block of text it goes on and on. (Search-String-085) 

Here is random text. Here is random text. 

* This is a block of text it goes on and on. This is a block of text it goes on and on. This is a block of text it goes on and on. (Search-String-035) 
Some text here 
Some text here 


awk -v RS= '/Search-String[^\n]/ text.txt 



コード/データの前に4つの空白を付けます。 [edit-help](http://stackoverflow.com/editing-help)を見てください。 – Cyrus


「検索文字列」、「085」、「035」のどの文字列ですか?また、 "ちょうど"を引っ張る? – NetMage


私はあなたの質問をより理にかなって編集するために全力を尽くしましたが、私は終わりに達しました。あなたが質問を作成することをとても怠っている場合、人々はあなたを助ける傾向がありません。そして、「フレーズブックプログラミング」を使って有用なソフトウェアを書くことを期待しないでください。 – Borodin


awk -v RS= 'sub(/.*Search-String/,"")' text.txt 

