2016-08-08 6 views








電子メールにはテーブル以外のものがありますか?つまり、他のものからテーブルを解析する必要がありますか、テーブル全体が電子メールの本文ですか? –


あなたの人事制度は何か、その能力はわかりません。誰もがOutlookでExchangeを使用している場合、1つの方法はパブリックカレンダーを作成することです(例えば、 "Staff's On Leave")。それから、彼らにオフタイムを設定させて、誰が誰がオフになっているかを見ることができます。 – PatricK


@DickKusleika私は電子メールがどのように見えるかについて多くの支配権を持っています。現在、[this](http://i.imgur.com/rY1L4uw.jpg)のように見えます。 –





' Author: Joshua Bryant 
' Version 1.1 
' Date: 8/16/2016 
' This routine will search for the system notifier email 
' which holds the leave data. Once found, it will call the 
' Copy_Paste_Data sub routine which will take the data from 
' the selected email and copy it to the clipboard. Once 
' copied the subroutine will then paste it into the Excel 
' Leave Notifier Table Workbook. It then calls the Add_Time 
' subroutine to adjust the start and end time columns of the 
' worksheet to allow for a more readable calendar. 
' This routine temporarily disables Excel notifications 
' Public, passes olItem to Copy_Paste_Data, returns nothing. 
' Version 1.1: Added exit for loop if statement, to exit 
' loop once email has been found (If Found Then Exit For). 
' __________________________________________________________ 

Public Sub Get_Data() 
' Declare Variables 
    Dim myOlApp As New Outlook.Application 
    Dim myNameSpace As Outlook.Namespace 
    Dim myInbox As Outlook.MAPIFolder 
    Dim myitems As Outlook.Items 
    Dim myitem As Object 
    Dim Found As Boolean 
    Dim olItem As MailItem 
    Dim objInsp As Outlook.Inspector 
    Dim myDate As Variant 
    Dim DateStr As String 
    Dim oOutlook As Object 

' Un-comment the following section to have program check and 
' make sure Outlook is open before proceeding. This is not 
' necessary for this program to operate effectively: 
' On Error Resume Next 
' Set oOutlook = GetObject(, "Outlook.Application") 
' On Error GoTo 0 
' If oOutlook Is Nothing Then 
'  MsgBox "Outlook Mail is not open. Please open Outlook Mail and try again." 
'  Exit Sub 
' End If 

    ' On error (wrong data type found) it will skip the item and 
    ' continue to look for the email. 
    On Error Resume Next 
    ' Initialize objInsp variable as an inspector item which can be 
    ' used to search for, and point, to items in the outlook folder 
    Set objInsp = Outlook.Application.ActiveInspector 

    ' Create a string item which holds todays date in a specifically formatted manner. 
    DateStr = CStr(DatePart("m", Date)) & "/" & CStr(DatePart("d", Date)) & "/" & CStr(DatePart("yyyy", Date)) 

    ' Initialize variables and select default message folder for search. 
    Set myNameSpace = myOlApp.GetNamespace("MAPI") 
    Set myInbox = myNameSpace.GetDefaultFolder(olFolderInbox) 
    Set myitems = myInbox.Items 

    ' Set intitial state of Found variable to False 
    Found = False 

    ' For loop to search through all items in the selected mail folder. 
    For Each myitem In myitems 
     ' If the item belongs to outlook mail class continue. 
     ' Else continue looking until no items are present. 
     If myitem.Class = olMail Then 
      ' Once mail item is found compare it's subject to this string. 
      ' If sting matchs hold selected item and set Found variable to true. 
      ' Else continue looking until no items are present. 
      If InStr(1, myitem.Subject, DateStr & " Upcoming Leave Notifier") > 0 Then 
       ' Set the held item equal to MailItem type variable to hold it for later use. 
       ' Takes object being pointed to and saves it for later use. 
       Set olItem = myitem 
       ' Set true "flag" (make Found variable True) 
       Found = True 
       If Found Then Exit For 
      End If 
     End If 
    Next myitem 

    ' Once all items have been searched check if Found "flag" is true 
    ' If true notify end user and procede to copying and pasting data into worksheept. 
    ' If False go to Else. 
    If Found = True Then 

     MsgBox "Data Found." 
     ' If found pass item to Copy_Paste_Data and call sub rountine. 
     Copy_Paste_Data olItem 

    ' Else query end user for date when email was recieved. 
' Set point to return to if item was still not found at user provided date. 
     ' Prompt user for date when email was recieved from the system. 
     myDate = InputBox("Email with todays date not found." & Chr(13) & Chr(13) & "Please enter the date that the email was recieved in the field below. The date should be written in the mm/dd/yyyy format." & Chr(13) & Chr(13) & "Note: Do not include leading zeros. Ex. 01/02/2015 should be 1/2/2015" & Chr(13)) 
     ' If the user does not enter a value or presses Cancle then exit routine. 
     If myDate = "" Then Exit Sub 

     ' Repeat search for email with new date value. 
     For Each myitem In myitems 
      If myitem.Class = olMail Then 
       If InStr(1, myitem.Subject, myDate & " Upcoming Leave Notifier") > 0 Then 
        Set olItem = myitem 
        Found = True 
        If Found Then Exit For 
       End If 
      End If 
     Next myitem 

     ' Query again to see if email was found 
     If Found = True Then 
      ' If found pass item to Copy_Paste_Data and call sub rountine. 
      Copy_Paste_Data olItem 
     ' Else, repeat prompt to end user. 
      GoTo Not_Found 
     End If 
    End If 

    ' Once information has been added run add time to index results with start and end times. 
    Call Add_Time 

End Sub 

' Author: Joshua Bryant 
' Version 1.0 
' Date: 8/15/2016 
' This subroutine takes object passed from Get_Data and 
' copies the data from the body of the email. It then pastes 
' that data into the active Excel sheet. 
' This subroutine temporarily disables Excel Display Alerts 
' Private, returns nothing. 

Private Sub Copy_Paste_Data(olItem) 
    ' Delcare/Initialize variable 
    Dim DataObj As MSForms.DataObject 
    Set DataObj = New MSForms.DataObject 
    ' Copy HTML body of email to data object 
    DataObj.SetText olItem.HTMLBody 
    ' Copy data object to clipboard 
    ' Disable display alerts (e.g. size doesn't match warning) 
    Application.DisplayAlerts = False 
    ' Paste the contents of the clipboard to the worksheet (dimensions dont have to match exactly) 
    ActiveSheet.Paste Destination:=Worksheets("Leave Table").Range("A3:G300") 
    ' Notify end user that data transfer was successful. 
    MsgBox "Your data has been transfered successfully." 
    ' Re-enable Excel alerts 
    Application.DisplayAlerts = True 

End Sub 

' Author: Joshua Bryant 
' Version 1.0 
' Date: 8/15/2016 
' This subroutine examines the items in the table and looks 
' for days where multiple employees have requested time off 
' On those days it will increment each employees scheduled 
' start and end time by 30 minutes to provide a cleaner 
' appointment view on the calendar. This allows the names to 
' appear as though they are listed on the days of the week 
' they are added to. For each new date, the routine will 
' begin the appointment start times at 8:00 AM and add 30 
' minuted for every subsequent employee. 
' Private, returns nothing. 

Private Sub Add_Time() 
    ' Initialize variables 
    Dim time As Date 
    Dim HoldDate As Date 
    Dim PrevRowDate As Date 
    Dim LastDate As Date 
    Dim LastName As String 
    Dim NextRowDate As Date 

    ' Set Work sheet to be edited 
    Dim wsSrc As Worksheet 
    Set wsSrc = ActiveWorkbook.Sheets("Leave Table") 

    ' Set initial values 
    HoldDate = DateValue(wsSrc.Cells(4, 3)) 
    PrevRowDate = DateValue(wsSrc.Cells(4, 3)) 
    time = TimeValue("08:00:00") 
    ' Set values for first row (after header) of the table (row 3) 
    wsSrc.Cells(4, 8).Value = TimeValue("08:00:00") 
    wsSrc.Cells(4, 9).Value = TimeValue("08:30:00") 
    r = 4 

    ' Loop to find the end of the list 
    Do Until Trim(wsSrc.Cells(r, 1).Value) = "" 
     r = r + 1 

    ' Set the second to last item as the ending point. 
    ' We do not want to use the last row because it would throw a data type error when the end is reached. 
    r = r - 1 
    LastName = wsSrc.Cells(r, 1).Value 
    LastDate = DateValue(wsSrc.Cells(r, 3)) 

    ' Begin at row 4 (Rows 1 & 2 are headers. Beginning at row 3 would include invalid data type from row 2) 
    r = 5 

    ' Repeat this loop until the second to last row is reached. 
     Do Until wsSrc.Cells(r, 1).Value = wsSrc.Cells(r, 1).Value And DateValue(wsSrc.Cells(r, 3)) = LastDate 
     ' Hold the date in the current row 
      HoldDate = DateValue(wsSrc.Cells(r, 3)) 
      ' Set the next date equal to the date being held. 
      ' This allows for the next loops conditions to be met for entry into the do/while loop. 
      NextRowDate = DateValue(wsSrc.Cells(r, 3)) 
      ' Get the date from the previous row and hold it for comparison to the held date. 
      ' This is done to endure the add time loop is not entered prematurely. 
      r = r - 1 
      PrevRowDate = DateValue(wsSrc.Cells(r, 3)) 
      r = r + 1 

      ' Add time loop to increment time in calendar by 30 minutes 
      ' while HoldDate does not equal PrevRowDate or NextRowDate. 
      ' Note: Previous row date holds the same value it recieved from outside of the loop. 
      ' Thus, the condition relies entirely on the NextRowDate. 
      Do Until HoldDate <> PrevRowDate Or HoldDate <> NextRowDate 
       ' Get the date of the next row. 
       r = r + 1 
       NextRowDate = DateValue(wsSrc.Cells(r, 3)) 
       r = r - 1 
       ' Plase the current time value + 30 min into the Start time column of this row 
       wsSrc.Cells(r, 8).Value = CDate(time) + 1/48 
       ' Add 30 min to the time value 
       time = CDate(time) + 1/48 
       ' Plase the current time value + 30 min into the End time column of this row 
       wsSrc.Cells(r, 9).Value = CDate(time) + 1/48 
       ' Increment row 
       r = r + 1 
      ' Reset time to 8:00 AM 
      time = TimeValue("08:00:00") 
      ' Place 8:00 Am in the Start time column of this row 
      wsSrc.Cells(r, 8).Value = CDate(time) 
      ' Place 8:30 Am in the End time column of this row 
      wsSrc.Cells(r, 9).Value = CDate(time) + 1/48 
      ' Increment row 
      r = r + 1 

    ' Add time values for the last date in the table. 
    ' Begin at 7:30 AM for simplicity 
    time = TimeValue("07:30:00") 
    ' Repeat loop to add start and end times for each person on the last day of the 
    ' table, adding 30 minutes each time. 
    Do Until Trim(wsSrc.Cells(r, 1).Value) = "" 
     wsSrc.Cells(r, 8).Value = CDate(time) + 1/48 
     time = CDate(time) + 1/48 
     wsSrc.Cells(r, 9).Value = CDate(time) + 1/48 
     r = r + 1 

End Sub 


' Author: Joshua Bryant 
' Version 1.0 
' Date: 8/16/2016 
' This is the main program which will call the other subs. 
' The Create_Outlook sub calls Clean_Leave_Calendar sub to 
' delete all emails from the leave calendar before attempting 
' to add new items to the calendar. Once the calendar has 
' been cleaned and the times have been added, the program 
' creates new appointments items in the predetermined outlook 
' folder "oFolder". Once the appointment items have been 
' created the program notifies the end user that the process 
' ran successfully and runs Close_Workbook subroutine to 
' close workbook without saving. 

Public Sub Populate_Calendar() 
    ' Initialize variables 
    Dim oApp As Object 
    Dim oNameSpace As Namespace 
    Dim oFolder As Object 
    Dim wsSrc As Worksheet 
    Set wsSrc = Sheets("Leave Table") 

    ' Call subroutines 
    Call Clean_Leave_Calendar 

    ' Start looping at row 3 (first two rows are for readability) 
    r = 4 
    ' Do/while set condition 
    Do Until Trim(wsSrc.Cells(r, 1).Value) = "" 

    ' Create the Outlook session 
    Set oApp = New Outlook.Application 
    ' Set the namespace 
    Set oNameSpace = oApp.GetNamespace("MAPI") 
    ' Set the folder the appointment will be created in. 
    Set oFolder = oNameSpace.GetFolderFromID("000000007CF129E6C6BAA74F9B2AB399FABB280E01006EC36FFC70429B4EAE1875321A4609670078C4FA00320000").Items.Add(olAppointmentItem) 

    ' Use the following code in Outlook to find the Folder ID #: 
    ' SELECTED, press F11 to bring up Outlook macros and run the 
    ' code under "ThisOutlookSession" 
    ' Private Sub GetOutlookFolderID() 
    '  'Determines the Folder ID of Folder 
    ' Dim olfolder As Outlook.MAPIFolder 
    ' Dim olapp As Outlook.Application 
    ' Set olapp = CreateObject("Outlook.Application") 
    ' Set olfolder = olapp.GetNamespace("MAPI").PickFolder 
    ' olfolder.Display 
    ' MsgBox (olfolder.EntryID) 
    ' Set olfolder = Nothing 
    ' Set olapp = Nothing 
    ' End Sub 

    ' Set with block for the appointment configuration loop 
    With oFolder 
     ' Set Subject line of event 
     .Subject = wsSrc.Cells(r, 1).Value & " " & wsSrc.Cells(r, 2).Value 
     ' Set start time 
     .Start = DateValue(wsSrc.Cells(r, 3)) + wsSrc.Cells(r, 8).Value 
     ' Set end time 
     .End = DateValue(wsSrc.Cells(r, 3)) + wsSrc.Cells(r, 9).Value 
     ' Turn reminders off 
     .ReminderSet = False 
     ' Set busy status to free 
     .BusyStatus = 0 
     ' Have the body of the event read as the decription from the leave form in Viewpoint 
     .Body = wsSrc.Cells(r, 4).Value 
     ' Save event in owners calendar 
     ' End with block 
     End With 
     ' Move to next row 
     r = r + 1 
     ' Repeat do/while loop until condition is no longer valid 

    ' Clean house 
    Set oApp = Nothing 
    Set oNameSpace = Nothing 
    Set oFolder = Nothing 
    Set wsSrc = Nothing 

    MsgBox "Data was successfully added to the Outlook Leave Calendar." & Chr(13) & Chr(13) & "Excel workbook will now close." 

    Call CloseWorkbook 

End Sub 

' Author: Joshua Bryant 
' Version 1.0 
' Date: 8/15/2016 
' This sub will close the current workbook without saving. 
' Before closing it will check to make sure there are no 
' other workbooks are open and if there are none, it will 
' close the Excel application as well. This sub will also 
' temporarily disable displayed "Would you like to save your 
' workbook" notification. 
' Private, returns nothing. 

Private Sub CloseWorkbook() 
Application.DisplayAlerts = False 
If Workbooks.Count < 2 Then 
End If 
End Sub 

' Author: Joshua Bryant 
' Version 1.0 
' Date: 8/15/2016 
' This sub will call the Clean_Leave_Calendar subroutine 
' 5 times. The Clean_Leave_Calendar subroutine will look for 
' appointment items in the predefined outlook folder. Once 
' an appointment item is identified the program will 
' perminately delete the item to avoid scheduling conflicts 
' with new items to be added. The deletion loop runs 10 
' times to ensure all items are successfully removed. 
' Public, returns nothing 

Public Sub Power_Wash() 
Dim i As Integer 
i = 0 
Do Until i = 5 
Call Clean_Leave_Calendar 
i = i + 1 
End Sub 

' Author: Joshua Bryant 
' Version 1.0 
' Date: 8/15/2016 
' This sub will look for appointment items in the predefined 
' outlook folder. Once an appointment item is identified the 
' program will perminately delete the item to avoid schedule 
' conflicts with new items to be added. The deletion loop 
' runs 10 times to ensure all items are successfully removed 
' Private, returns nothing 

Private Sub Clean_Leave_Calendar() 
    ' Initialize variables 
    Dim oApp As Outlook.Application 
    Dim oNameSpace As Outlook.Namespace 
    Dim oApptItem As Outlook.AppointmentItem 
    Dim oFolder As Outlook.MAPIFolder 
    Dim oMeetingoApptItem As Outlook.MeetingItem 
    Dim oObject As Object 
    Dim i As Integer 

    ' Set error states 
    On Error Resume Next 
    ' Check if Outlook is running 
    Set oApp = GetObject("Outlook.Application") 
    If Err <> 0 Then 
    'If Outlook is not running, start it. 
    Set oApp = CreateObject("Outlook.Application") 
    End If 

    ' Set the folder the appointments can be found in. See main function "Create Outlook" for more details. 
    Set oApp = New Outlook.Application 
    Set oNameSpace = oApp.GetNamespace("MAPI") 
    Set oFolder = oNameSpace.GetFolderFromID("000000007CF129E6C6BAA74F9B2AB399FABB280E01006EC36FFC70429B4EAE1875321A4609670078C4FA00320000") 

    ' Set initial value of i to 0 
    i = 0 
    ' Repeat deleting function 10 times to make sure all apointments have been cleared from the folder. 
    Do Until i = 10 
    CheckAppointment = False 
    ' For each of the "objects" appointments and other in the folder specified above repeat the loop. 
    ' Beacause not all of the objects are appointments it sometimes ends to early, 
    ' which is why it runs 10 times. (Easier than coding a more stringent code, and really not the 
    ' resource demanding). 
    For Each oObject In oFolder.Items 
     ' Compare each object to appoint class and delete objects where match is found. 
     If oObject.Class = olAppointment Then 
      Set oApptItem = oObject 
     End If 
    ' Repeat for each object/item. 
    Next oObject 
    ' Rinse and repeat. 
    i = i + 1 

    ' Clear variables 
    Set oApp = Nothing 
    Set oNameSpace = Nothing 
    Set oApptItem = Nothing 
    Set oFolder = Nothing 
    Set oObject = Nothing 

End Sub 






ここにいくつかの改善アイデアがあります。 Forループ 'For Each myitem In myitems'では、Ifが見つかった場合にForループを終了しますか?これにより、プログラムの実行時間が短縮されます。 'Do ontilntil(wsSrc.Cells(r、1).Value)=" "は、すべてのループで変更されないので、Set oFolder = oNameSpace.GetFolderFromID(...)の後に置く必要があります。 – PatricK


ありがとう@PatricK。はい、存在している場合は1つの電子メールしかないはずですので、見つかったら終了してください。また、私はプロセスを少し減らすべき折り畳み宣言を移動する必要があります。レスポンスありがとう! –


@PatricKもう一度ありがとう、それはかなり速く走っています! –
