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<title>The Robert Frost Web Page</title>
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<a href="http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Robert_Frost">Robert Frost on Wikipedia</a>
<a href="http://www.poets.org/poet.php/prmPID/192">Robert Frost at Poets.org</a>
<a href="http://robertfrostoutloud.com">Robert Frost Out Loud</a>
<a href="http://www.ketzle.com/frost">Robert Frost: America's Poet</a>
<h1 id="head"><img alt="The Robert Frost Web Page" src="rflogo.gif"></h1>
<p class="firstp">Robert Frost was born in San Francisco on March 26, 1874.
While still a young boy, Frost's father died and the family moved to
Massachusetts. Frost attended Dartmouth College for less than a semester,
after which he moved back to Massachusetts to teach and work as a reporter
for a local newspaper. Frost returned to college in 1897 to attend Harvard,
but he did not graduate. Frost was essentially a self-educated man.</p>
<p>After Harvard, Frost married and sold the farm he had inherited. With
the proceeds of the sale, he moved his family to England, where he wrote for
ten years without success. His first works were published by a
London publisher in 1913.</p>
<p>Frost's works, once printed, met immediate acclaim. His collection of
poems <i>A Further Place</i> won the Pulitzer Prize in 1937. Though he is
sometimes cast as a pastoral poet, Frost was also a fierce intellectual with
a decidedly dark view of himself and the world. Frost would use rural
settings as a metaphor for his philosophical views. Robert Frost is one of
the best-known and most loved of American poets. He died in Boston on
January 29, 1963.</p>
<p>Two of Frost's poems are included below. Click the sound icon located next
to each poem to hear readings of each work.</p>
<div class="poem">
<h2>Fire and Ice</h2>
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<p>Click to <a href="fireice.mp3">download</a> the sound clip.</p>
Some say the world will end in fire,<br>
Some say in ice.<br>
From what I've tasted of desire<br>
I hold with those who favor fire.<br>
But if it had to perish twice,<br>
I think I know enough of hate<br>
To say that for destruction ice<br>
Is also great<br>
And would suffice.
<div class="poem">
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<embed width="18" height="16" controller="true" autoplay="false" type="audio/mpeg" src="devotion.mp3">
<p>Click to <a href="devotion.mp3">download</a> the sound clip.</p>
The heart can think of no devotion<br>
Greater than being shore to the ocean—<br>
Holding the curve of one position,<br>
Counting an endless repetition.
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<title>The Robert Frost Web Page</title>
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<a href="http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Robert_Frost">Robert Frost on Wikipedia</a>
<a href="http://www.poets.org/poet.php/prmPID/192">Robert Frost at Poets.org</a>
<a href="http://robertfrostoutloud.com">Robert Frost Out Loud</a>
<a href="http://www.ketzle.com/frost">Robert Frost: America's Poet</a>
<h1 id="head"><img src="rflogo.gif" alt="The Robert Frost Web Page" /></h1>
<p class="firstp">Robert Frost was born in San Francisco on March 26, 1874.
While still a young boy, Frost's father died and the family moved to
Massachusetts. Frost attended Dartmouth College for less than a semester,
after which he moved back to Massachusetts to teach and work as a reporter
for a local newspaper. Frost returned to college in 1897 to attend Harvard,
but he did not graduate. Frost was essentially a self-educated man.</p>
<p>After Harvard, Frost married and sold the farm he had inherited. With
the proceeds of the sale, he moved his family to England, where he wrote for
ten years without success. His first works were published by a
London publisher in 1913.</p>
<p>Frost's works, once printed, met immediate acclaim. His collection of
poems <i>A Further Place</i> won the Pulitzer Prize in 1937. Though he is
sometimes cast as a pastoral poet, Frost was also a fierce intellectual with
a decidedly dark view of himself and the world. Frost would use rural
settings as a metaphor for his philosophical views. Robert Frost is one of
the best-known and most loved of American poets. He died in Boston on
January 29, 1963.</p>
<p>Two of Frost's poems are included below. Click the sound icon located next
to each poem to hear readings of each work.</p>
<div class="poem">
<h2>Fire and Ice</h2>
<!--[if IE]><!-->
<object data="fireice.mp3" type="audio/mpeg" classid="clsid:02BF25D5-8C17-4B23-BC80-D3488ABDDC6B" codebase="http://www.apple.com/qtactivex/qtplugin.cab" width="18" height="16">
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<p>Click to <a href="fireice.mp3">download</a> the sound clip.</p>
Some say the world will end in fire,<br />
Some say in ice.<br />
From what I've tasted of desire<br />
I hold with those who favor fire.<br />
But if it had to perish twice,<br />
I think I know enough of hate<br />
To say that for destruction ice<br />
Is also great<br />
And would suffice.
<div class="poem">
<!--[if IE]><!-->
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<embed src="devotion.mp3" type="audio/mpeg" width="18" height="16" autoplay="false" controller="true">
<p>Click to <a href="devotion.mp3">download</a> the sound clip.</p>
The heart can think of no devotion<br />
Greater than being shore to the ocean—<br />
Holding the curve of one position,<br />
Counting an endless repetition.
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<a href="http://www.free-applets.com">http://www.free-applets.com</a>
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ありがとうございます! PHRoG
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はい、これは本の内容を示しています...また、いくつかのWebソースも同様でした。 Active Xがオフの場合、IEにコメントの一部が表示されないようになっています。あなたの方法を使って、Fire XとIceの両方の見出しの後にを取得し、Active XがオフのときIEのDevotionを取得します。 Active Xがオンの場合、IEではうまく動作し、コメントは表示されません。私はIE8を使用しています。 – PHRoG
正しいですが、Microsoftの構文は有効なXHTMLではないので、この悪夢、笑! – PHRoG
@PHRoG:そうかもしれないが、あなたの本が明らかに使っている方法は、ブラウザ間での互換性がない。私は助けてくれる別のオプションを追加しました。 – animuson