2016-04-03 10 views

私のJavaプロジェクトでhibernate ORMを実装しています。 Iveがソースをダウンロードしましたgithub サンプルに含まれているIveがコンパイルされたhibernate-maven-web。 ここでは、実装の1つでメソッドをオーバーロードしたいと仮定します。 例:CitizenDAOImpl.java 変更前は、そのように見えました。hibernate generic dao overloading removeById

package sample.googlecode.genericdao.oldworld.dao; 

import org.springframework.stereotype.Repository; 

import sample.googlecode.genericdao.oldworld.model.Citizen; 

* <p> 
* This is the implementation of the Citizen DAO. You can see that we don't 
* actually have to implement anything, it is all inherited from GenericDAOImpl 
* through BaseDAO. We just specify the entity type (Citizen) and its identifier 
* type (Long). 
* <p> 
* The @Repository allows Spring to recognize this as a managed component (so we 
* don't need to specify it in XML) and also tells spring to do DAO exception 
* translation to the Spring exception hierarchy. 
* @author dwolverton 
public class CitizenDAOImpl extends BaseDAO<Citizen, Long> implements CitizenDAO { 


私がしたすべては、ちょうどスーパークラスを呼び出すだろうとremoveByIdを上書きしました。 その後、ecrypt機能を追加しようとしていますので、idはすべてスクランブルされます。私はをMVNクリーンインストールを実行するとき

package sample.googlecode.genericdao.oldworld.dao; 

import org.springframework.stereotype.Repository; 

import sample.googlecode.genericdao.oldworld.model.Citizen; 

* <p> 
* This is the implementation of the Citizen DAO. You can see that we don't 
* actually have to implement anything, it is all inherited from GenericDAOImpl 
* through BaseDAO. We just specify the entity type (Citizen) and its identifier 
* type (Long). 
* <p> 
* The @Repository allows Spring to recognize this as a managed component (so we 
* don't need to specify it in XML) and also tells spring to do DAO exception 
* translation to the Spring exception hierarchy. 
* @author dwolverton 
public class CitizenDAOImpl extends BaseDAO<Citizen, Long> implements CitizenDAO { 

    public boolean removeById(java.io.Serializable id) { 
     return super.removeById(id); 


[ERROR] Failed to execute goal org.apache.maven.plugins:maven-compiler-plugin:3. 
1:compile (default-compile) on project hibernate-maven-web: Compilation failure 
[ERROR] /C:/Dev/spike/hibernate-maven-web/src/main/java/sample/googlecode/generi 
cdao/oldworld/dao/CitizenDAOImpl.java:[26,24] name clash: removeById(java.io.Ser 
ializable) in sample.googlecode.genericdao.oldworld.dao.CitizenDAOImpl and remov 
eById(ID) in com.googlecode.genericdao.dao.hibernate.GenericDAO have the same er 
asure, yet neither overrides the other 
[ERROR] -> [Help 1] 
[ERROR] To see the full stack trace of the errors, re-run Maven with the -e swit 
[ERROR] Re-run Maven using the -X switch to enable full debug logging. 
[ERROR] For more information about the errors and possible solutions, please rea 
d the following articles: 
[ERROR] [Help 1] http://cwiki.apache.org/confluence/display/MAVEN/MojoFailureExc 

をエラー与えます。 この場合、良い解決策は何ですか? おかげで

