var text = '<div class="mura-region-local"><p>In October 2010, Lisa and Eugene Jeffers learned that their daughter Jade, then nearly 2 and a half years old, has autism. The diagnosis felt like a double whammy. The parents were soon engulfed by stress from juggling Jade’s new therapy appointments and wrangling with their health insurance provider, but they now had an infant son to worry about, too. Autism runs in families. Would Bradley follow in his big sister’s footsteps?</p></div><img href=""/>'
var match = text.match(/<?\w+((\s+\w+(\s*=\s*(?:".*?"|'.*?'|[\^'">\s]+))?)+\s*|\s*)?>/g);
XHTML自己完結型タグを除く[RegEx一致の公開タグ]の複製が可能です(https://stackoverflow.com/questions/1732348/regex-match-open-tags-except-xhtml-self-contained-tags) – Nisarg
_ "正規表現を1つ作成しましたが、コンテンツなしでタグだけを取得します" ._結果は既存の文字列になりますか? – guest271314
@ NisargShah、この質問は同じではありません...彼らの解決策は機能せず、プラグインの使用を提案しています......私は厳密に言えば、それぞれのコンテンツを含むすべてのhtmlタグを取得したいと述べています –