public abstract class Vector
protected abstract Vector Add(Vector otherVector);
public static Vector operator +(Vector v1, Vector v2)
return v1.Add(v2);
public class SubVector : Vector
protected override Vector Add(Vector otherVector)
//do some SubVector addition
に追加する方法を知っている必要がありますか? ThirdVectorType
public class Vector2D : Vector
public double X { get; set; }
public double Y { get; set; }
protected override Vector Add(Vector otherVector)
Vector2D otherVector2D = otherVector as Vector2D;
if (otherVector2D != null)
return new Vector2D() { X = this.X + otherVector2D.X, Y = this.Y + otherVector2D.Y };
Vector3D otherVector3D = otherVector as Vector3D;
if (otherVector3D != null)
return new Vector3D() { X = this.X + otherVector3D.X, Y = this.Y + otherVector3D.Y, Z = otherVector3D.Z };
//handle other cases
public class Vector3D : Vector
public double X { get; set; }
public double Y { get; set; }
public double Z { get; set; }
protected override Vector Add(Vector otherVector)
Vector2D otherVector2D = otherVector as Vector2D;
if (otherVector2D != null)
return new Vector3D() { X = this.X + otherVector2D.X, Y = this.Y + otherVector2D.Y, Z = this.Z };
Vector3D otherVector3D = otherVector as Vector3D;
if (otherVector3D != null)
return new Vector3D() { X = this.X + otherVector3D.X, Y = this.Y + otherVector3D.Y, Z = this.Z + otherVector3D.Z };
//handle other cases
public class Vector
protected double[] Values;
public int Length { get { return Values.Length; } }
public static Vector operator +(Vector v1, Vector v2)
if (v1.Length != v2.Length)
throw new VectorTypeException("Vector Dimensions Must Be Equal");
//perform generic matrix addition/operation
double[] newValues = new double[v1.Length];
for (int i = 0; i < v1.Length; i++)
newValues[i] = v1.Values[i] + v2.Values[i];
//or use some factory/service to give you a Vector2D, Vector3D, or VectorND
return new Vector() { Values = newValues };
public class Vector2D : Vector
public double X
get { return Values[0]; }
set { Values[0] = value; }
public double Y
get { return Values[1]; }
set { Values[1] = value; }
public class Vector3D : Vector
public double X
get { return Values[0]; }
set { Values[0] = value; }
public double Y
get { return Values[1]; }
set { Values[1] = value; }
public double Z
get { return Values[2]; }
set { Values[2] = value; }
private static Vector Add(Vector v1, Vector v2)
if (v1.Length != v2.Length)
throw new VectorTypeException("Vector Dimensions Must Be Equal");
//perform generic matrix addition/operation
double[] newValues = new double[v1.Length];
for (int i = 0; i < v1.Length; i++)
newValues[i] = v1.Values[i] + v2.Values[i];
//or use some factory/service to give you a Vector2D, Vector3D, or VectorND
switch (newValues.Length)
case 1 :
return new Vector1D() { Values = newValues };
case 2 :
return new Vector2D() { Values = newValues };
case 3 :
return new Vector3D() { Values = newValues };
case 4 :
return new Vector4D() { Values = newValues };
//... and so on
default :
throw new DimensionOutOfRangeException("Do not support vectors greater than 10 dimensions");
//or you could just return the generic Vector which doesn't expose X,Y,Z values?
public class Vector2D
public static Vector2D operator +(Vector2D v1, Vector2D v2)
return (Vector2D)Add(v1, v2);
public class Vector3D
public static Vector3D operator +(Vector3D v1, Vector3D v2)
return (Vector3D)Add(v1, v2);
Vector3 v1 = new Vector3(2, 2, 2);
Vector3 v2 = new Vector3(1, 1, 1);
var v3 = v1 + v2; //Vector3(3, 3, 3);
Console.WriteLine(v3.X + ", " + v3.Y + ", " + v3.Z);
Vector2 v1 = new Vector2(2, 2);
Vector2 v2 = new Vector2(1, 1);
var v3 = v1 + v2; //Vector2(3, 3, 3);
Console.WriteLine(v3.X + ", " + v3.Y); // no "Z" property to output!
派生クラスはどのように見えますか? – JotaBe
'Vector'(これは主に' double'の配列であるようです)をサブクラス化する必要があることは奇妙に思えます。あなたの階層についてもう少し説明できますか? – dlev
'VectorA + VectorB'の結果は' Vector'から派生したものとすればどうなりますか? –