2016-11-06 5 views

私のリアクションプロジェクトで、ビデオスライダプラグインをビデオjsプレーヤーに実装しようとしています。私はすでにプラグインを自分のプレーヤーに統合したマーカーです。私はRangeslider Pluginのドキュメントを見て、https://github.com/iamjem/rangeslider-videojsの指示に従っていて、動作させることができませんでした。私がそれをするとき、私はプレーヤーでも、また、私はマーカーを得ることができません(また、範囲のライダーを追加する前に働いていた)。ここに私のコードです。ビデオJSレンジスライダが動作しない


class PlayerLogic extends Component { 
    constructor() { 
     this.state = { 
      player: {} 

    componentDidMount() { 
     var self = this; 
     var player = videojs(this.refs.video, this.props.options).ready(function() { 
      self.player = this; 
      self.player.on('play', self.handlePlay); 

     if (this.props.onPlayerInit) this.props.onPlayerInit(player); 
var options = {}; 
      markerStyle: {}, 
      markers: [ 
       {length: 8, startTime: 10, endTime: 15, time: 9.5, text: "Cigarette"}, 
       {length: 2, startTime: 20, endTime: 25, time: 16, text: "Cigarette"}, 
       {length: 15, startTime: 30, endTime: 38, time: 23.6, text: "Cigarette"}, 
       {length: 11, startTime: 30, endTime: 38, time: 23.6, text: "Alcohol"}, 
       {length: 25, startTime: 51, endTime: 55, time: 28, text: "Cigarette"}, 
       {length: 10, startTime: 60, endTime: 80, time: 35, text: "Alcohol"}, 
       {length: 15, startTime: 70, endTime: 115, time: 50, text: "Alcohol"}, 
      onMarkerReached: function() { 


     this.setState({player: player}); 


    handlePlay() { 
     console.log("handle play ") 

    render() { 
     var props = blacklist(this.props, 'children', 'className', 'src', 'type', 'onPlay'); 
     props.className = cx(this.props.className, 'videojs', 'video-js vjs-default-skin', 'vjs-big-play-centered'); 

     assign(props, { 
      ref: 'video', 
      controls: true, 
      width: "700", height: "450" 

     return (
       <video {... props}> 
        <source src={this.props.src} type={this.props.type} id={this.props.id}/> 



//----------------Load Plugin----------------// 
(function() { 
//-- Load RangeSlider plugin in videojs 
    function RangeSlider(options) { 
     player.rangeslider = new RangeSlider(player, options); 

     //When the DOM and the video media is loaded 
     function initialVideoFinished(event) { 
      var plugin = player.rangeslider; 
      //All components will be initialize after they have been loaded by videojs 
      for (var index in plugin.components) { 

      if (plugin.options.hidden) 
       plugin.hide(); //Hide the Range Slider 

      if (plugin.options.locked) 
       plugin.lock(); //Lock the Range Slider 

      if (plugin.options.panel == false) 
       plugin.hidePanel(); //Hide the second Panel 

      if (plugin.options.controlTime == false) 
       plugin.hidecontrolTime(); //Hide the control time panel 

      player.trigger('loadedRangeSlider'); //Let know if the Range Slider DOM is ready 
     if (player.techName == 'Youtube') { 
      //Detect youtube problems 
      player.one('error', function (e) { 
       switch (player.error) { 
        case 2: 
         alert("The request contains an invalid parameter value. For example, this error occurs if you specify a video ID that does not have 11 characters, or if the video ID contains invalid characters, such as exclamation points or asterisks."); 
        case 5: 
         alert("The requested content cannot be played in an HTML5 player or another error related to the HTML5 player has occurred."); 
        case 100: 
         alert("The video requested was not found. This error occurs when a video has been removed (for any reason) or has been marked as private."); 
        case 101: 
         alert("The owner of the requested video does not allow it to be played in embedded players."); 
        case 150: 
         alert("The owner of the requested video does not allow it to be played in embedded players."); 
         alert("Unknown Error"); 
      player.on('firstplay', initialVideoFinished); 
     } else { 
      player.one('playing', initialVideoFinished); 

     console.log("Loaded Plugin RangeSlider"); 
    videojs.plugin('rangeslider', RangeSlider); 

//-- Plugin 
    function RangeSlider(player, options) { 
     var player = player || this; 

     this.player = player; 

     this.components = {}; // holds any custom components we add to the player 

     options = options || {}; // plugin options 

     if (!options.hasOwnProperty('locked')) 
      options.locked = false; // lock slider handles 

     if (!options.hasOwnProperty('hidden')) 
      options.hidden = true; // hide slider handles 

     if (!options.hasOwnProperty('panel')) 
      options.panel = true; // Show Second Panel 

     if (!options.hasOwnProperty('controlTime')) 
      options.controlTime = true; // Show Control Time to set the arrows in the edition 

     this.options = options; 


//-- Methods 
    RangeSlider.prototype = { 
     init: function() { 
      var player = this.player || {}; 

      this.updatePrecision = 3; 

      //position in second of the arrows 
      this.start = 0; 
      this.end = 0; 

      //components of the plugin 
      var controlBar = player.controlBar; 
      var seekBar = controlBar.progressControl.seekBar; 
      this.components.RSTimeBar = seekBar.RSTimeBar; 
      this.components.ControlTimePanel = controlBar.ControlTimePanel; 

      //Save local component 
      this.rstb = this.components.RSTimeBar; 
      this.box = this.components.SeekRSBar = this.rstb.SeekRSBar; 
      this.bar = this.components.SelectionBar = this.box.SelectionBar; 
      this.left = this.components.SelectionBarLeft = this.box.SelectionBarLeft; 
      this.right = this.components.SelectionBarRight = this.box.SelectionBarRight; 
      this.tp = this.components.TimePanel = this.box.TimePanel; 
      this.tpl = this.components.TimePanelLeft = this.tp.TimePanelLeft; 
      this.tpr = this.components.TimePanelRight = this.tp.TimePanelRight; 
      this.ctp = this.components.ControlTimePanel; 
      this.ctpl = this.components.ControlTimePanelLeft = this.ctp.ControlTimePanelLeft; 
      this.ctpr = this.components.ControlTimePanelRight = this.ctp.ControlTimePanelRight; 

     lock: function() { 
      this.options.locked = true; 
      if (typeof this.box != 'undefined') 
       videojs.addClass(this.box.el_, 'locked'); 
     unlock: function() { 
      this.options.locked = false; 
      if (typeof this.box != 'undefined') 
       videojs.removeClass(this.box.el_, 'locked'); 
     show: function() { 
      this.options.hidden = false; 
      if (typeof this.rstb != 'undefined') { 
       if (this.options.controlTime) 
     hide: function() { 
      this.options.hidden = true; 
      if (typeof this.rstb != 'undefined') { 
     showPanel: function() { 
      this.options.panel = true; 
      if (typeof this.tp != 'undefined') 
       videojs.removeClass(this.tp.el_, 'disable'); 
     hidePanel: function() { 
      this.options.panel = false; 
      if (typeof this.tp != 'undefined') 
       videojs.addClass(this.tp.el_, 'disable'); 
     showcontrolTime: function() { 
      this.options.controlTime = true; 
      if (typeof this.ctp != 'undefined') 
     hidecontrolTime: function() { 
      this.options.controlTime = false; 
      if (typeof this.ctp != 'undefined') 
     setValue: function (index, seconds, writeControlTime) { 
      //index = 0 for the left Arrow and 1 for the right Arrow. Value in seconds 
      var writeControlTime = typeof writeControlTime != 'undefined' ? writeControlTime : true; 

      var percent = this._percent(seconds); 
      var isValidIndex = (index === 0 || index === 1); 
      var isChangeable = !this.locked; 
      if (isChangeable && isValidIndex) 
       this.box.setPosition(index, percent, writeControlTime); 
     setValues: function (start, end, writeControlTime) { 
      //index = 0 for the left Arrow and 1 for the right Arrow. Value in seconds 
      var writeControlTime = typeof writeControlTime != 'undefined' ? writeControlTime : true; 


      this._setValuesLocked(start, end, writeControlTime); 
     getValues: function() { //get values in seconds 
      var values = {}, start, end; 
      start = this.start || this._getArrowValue(0); 
      end = this.end || this._getArrowValue(1); 
      return {start: start, end: end}; 
     playBetween: function (start, end, showRS) { 
      showRS = typeof showRS == 'undefined' ? true : showRS; 
      if (showRS) { 
      } else { 
      this._setValuesLocked(start, end); 

      this.bar.activatePlay(start, end); 
     loop: function (start, end, show) { 
      var player = this.player; 

      if (player) { 
       player.on("pause", videojs.bind(this, function() { 
        this.looping = false; 

       show = typeof show === 'undefined' ? true : show; 

       if (show) { 
       else { 
       this._setValuesLocked(start, end); 

       this.timeStart = start; 
       this.timeEnd = end; 
       this.looping = true; 


       this.player.on("timeupdate", videojs.bind(this, this.bar.process_loop)); 
     _getArrowValue: function (index) { 
      var index = index || 0; 
      var duration = this.player.duration(); 

      duration = typeof duration == 'undefined' ? 0 : duration; 

      var percentage = this[index === 0 ? "left" : "right"].el_.style.left.replace("%", ""); 
      if (percentage == "") 
       percentage = index === 0 ? 0 : 100; 

      return videojs.round(this._seconds(percentage/100), this.updatePrecision - 1); 
     _percent: function (seconds) { 
      var duration = this.player.duration(); 
      if (isNaN(duration)) { 
       return 0; 
      return Math.min(1, Math.max(0, seconds/duration)); 
     _seconds: function (percent) { 
      var duration = this.player.duration(); 
      if (isNaN(duration)) { 
       return 0; 
      return Math.min(duration, Math.max(0, percent * duration)); 
     _reset: function() { 
      var duration = this.player.duration(); 
      this.tpl.el_.style.left = '0%'; 
      this.tpr.el_.style.left = '100%'; 
      this._setValuesLocked(0, duration); 
     _setValuesLocked: function (start, end, writeControlTime) { 
      var triggerSliderChange = typeof writeControlTime != 'undefined'; 
      var writeControlTime = typeof writeControlTime != 'undefined' ? writeControlTime : true; 
      if (this.options.locked) { 
       this.unlock();//It is unlocked to change the bar position. In the end it will return the value. 
       this.setValue(0, start, writeControlTime); 
       this.setValue(1, end, writeControlTime); 
      } else { 
       this.setValue(0, start, writeControlTime); 
       this.setValue(1, end, writeControlTime); 

      // Trigger slider change 
      if (triggerSliderChange) { 
     _checkControlTime: function (index, TextInput, timeOld) { 
      var h = TextInput[0], 
       m = TextInput[1], 
       s = TextInput[2], 
       newHour = h.value, 
       newMin = m.value, 
       newSec = s.value, 
       obj, objNew, objOld; 
      index = index || 0; 

      if (newHour != timeOld[0]) { 
       obj = h; 
       objNew = newHour; 
       objOld = timeOld[0]; 
      } else if (newMin != timeOld[1]) { 
       obj = m; 
       objNew = newMin; 
       objOld = timeOld[1]; 
      } else if (newSec != timeOld[2]) { 
       obj = s; 
       objNew = newSec; 
       objOld = timeOld[2]; 
      } else { 
       return false; 

      var duration = this.player.duration() || 0, 

      var intRegex = /^\d+$/;//check if the objNew is an integer 
      if (!intRegex.test(objNew) || objNew > 60) { 
       objNew = objNew == "" ? "" : objOld; 

      newHour = newHour == "" ? 0 : newHour; 
      newMin = newMin == "" ? 0 : newMin; 
      newSec = newSec == "" ? 0 : newSec; 

      durationSel = videojs.TextTrack.prototype.parseCueTime(newHour + ":" + newMin + ":" + newSec); 
      if (durationSel > duration) { 
       obj.value = objOld; 
       obj.style.border = "1px solid red"; 
      } else { 
       obj.value = objNew; 
       h.style.border = m.style.border = s.style.border = "1px solid transparent"; 
       this.setValue(index, durationSel, false); 

       // Trigger slider change 
      if (index === 1) { 
       var oldTimeLeft = this.ctpl.el_.children, 
        durationSelLeft = videojs.TextTrack.prototype.parseCueTime(oldTimeLeft[0].value + ":" + oldTimeLeft[1].value + ":" + oldTimeLeft[2].value); 
       if (durationSel < durationSelLeft) { 
        obj.style.border = "1px solid red"; 
      } else { 

       var oldTimeRight = this.ctpr.el_.children, 
        durationSelRight = videojs.TextTrack.prototype.parseCueTime(oldTimeRight[0].value + ":" + oldTimeRight[1].value + ":" + oldTimeRight[2].value); 
       if (durationSel > durationSelRight) { 
        obj.style.border = "1px solid red"; 
     _triggerSliderChange: function() { 

//----------------Public Functions----------------// 

//-- Public Functions added to video-js 

//Lock the Slider bar and it will not be possible to change the arrow positions 
    videojs.Player.prototype.lockSlider = function() { 
     return this.rangeslider.lock(); 

//Unlock the Slider bar and it will be possible to change the arrow positions 
    videojs.Player.prototype.unlockSlider = function() { 
     return this.rangeslider.unlock(); 

//Show the Slider Bar Component 
    videojs.Player.prototype.showSlider = function() { 
     return this.rangeslider.show(); 

//Hide the Slider Bar Component 
    videojs.Player.prototype.hideSlider = function() { 
     return this.rangeslider.hide(); 

//Show the Panel with the seconds of the selection 
    videojs.Player.prototype.showSliderPanel = function() { 
     return this.rangeslider.showPanel(); 

//Hide the Panel with the seconds of the selection 
    videojs.Player.prototype.hideSliderPanel = function() { 
     return this.rangeslider.hidePanel(); 

//Show the control Time to edit the position of the arrows 
    videojs.Player.prototype.showControlTime = function() { 
     return this.rangeslider.showcontrolTime(); 

//Hide the control Time to edit the position of the arrows 
    videojs.Player.prototype.hideControlTime = function() { 
     return this.rangeslider.hidecontrolTime(); 

//Set a Value in second for both arrows 
    videojs.Player.prototype.setValueSlider = function (start, end) { 
     return this.rangeslider.setValues(start, end); 

//The video will be played in a selected section 
    videojs.Player.prototype.playBetween = function (start, end) { 
     return this.rangeslider.playBetween(start, end); 

//The video will loop between to values 
    videojs.Player.prototype.loopBetween = function (start, end) { 
     return this.rangeslider.loop(start, end); 

//Set a Value in second for the arrows 
    videojs.Player.prototype.getValueSlider = function() { 
     return this.rangeslider.getValues(); 

//----------------Create new Components----------------// 

//--Charge the new Component into videojs 
    videojs.SeekBar.prototype.options_.children.RSTimeBar = {}; //Range Slider Time Bar 
    videojs.ControlBar.prototype.options_.children.ControlTimePanel = {}; //Panel with the time of the range slider 

//-- Design the new components 

    * Range Slider Time Bar 
    * @param {videojs.Player|Object} player 
    * @param {Object=} options 
    * @constructor 


それあなたがどのようにリアクションビデオjsでマーカjsを統合したかをあなたが分かち合うなら、私にとって助けになるでしょう –



このプラグインはvideojsと互換性がありませんバージョン4.2以上。 あなたはREADME



それで、それを動作させる方法はありませんか? – ApurvG


新しいvideojsバージョンでコンパイルするにはソースを変更する必要があります –


申し訳ありませんが、私はあなたを取得しませんでした。\ – ApurvG
