私はプログラミングが本当に新しいです。 C#は私が取った最初のクラスで、私はこのプロジェクトに固執しています。ワークショップラジオボタンと場所ラジオボタンを選択した後、ワークショップの費用を計算するプログラムを作成しなければなりませんでした。私はそれが1つの事を除いて仮定されているようにすべての作業をしています。ラジオボタンが選択されていない場合、プログラムの計算を停止するにはどうすればよいですか?
public partial class frmWorkshopSelector : Form
public frmWorkshopSelector()
private void btnExit_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
this.Close(); //When clicking the exit button, the program will close
private void btncalc_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
int wsregistration = 0;
int lcost = 0;
const decimal DAYS = 3;
//For the following if statements, depending on what workshop and location is selected,
//their correstponding registration and lodging fees will be displayed
if (rbtHandlingStress.Checked == true)
wsregistration = 1000;
else if (rbtSupervisionSkills.Checked == true)
wsregistration = 1500;
else if (rbtTimeManagement.Checked == true)
wsregistration = 800;
MessageBox.Show("Please Select a Workshop");
lblTotalCost.Text = "";
lblLodgingCost.Text = "";
lblRegistrationCost.Text = "";
if (rbtAustin.Checked == true)
lcost = 150;
else if (rbtChicago.Checked == true)
lcost = 225;
else if (rbtDallas.Checked == true)
lcost = 175;
MessageBox.Show("Please Select a Location");
lblRegistrationCost.Text = " ";
lblTotalCost.Text = " ";
lblLodgingCost.Text = " ";
lblRegistrationCost.Text = wsregistration.ToString("C");
lblLodgingCost.Text = lcost.ToString("C");
lblTotalCost.Text = (wsregistration + (lcost * DAYS)).ToString("C");
private void btnReset_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
//unchecks all radio buttons as well as clears out the previous calculations
lblRegistrationCost.Text = "";
lblLodgingCost.Text = "";
lblTotalCost.Text = "";
rbtHandlingStress.Checked = false;
rbtSupervisionSkills.Checked = false;
rbtTimeManagement.Checked = false;
rbtAustin.Checked = false;
rbtChicago.Checked = false;
rbtDallas.Checked = false;