2016-06-12 11 views


はポイントカットである: -

@Around("execution (* *..Repository+.save*(..))" + " && args(entity,..) && target(target)") 
    public Object cacheEvictOnSaveSingle(ProceedingJoinPoint proceedingJoinPoint, Region entity, 
      RegionRepositoryCassandraImpl target) { 

とリポジトリのインターフェイスは次のようである: -

public interface Repository<ENTITY extends Entity<IDENTITY>, IDENTITY extends Serializable, DATAOBJECT> { 

    * Find. 
    * @param id the id 
    * @return the t 
    public ENTITY find(IDENTITY id); 

    * Save. 
    * @param entity the entity 
    public void save(ENTITY entity); 

    * Save async. 
    * @param entity the entity 
    * @return the result set future 
    public ResultSetFuture saveAsync(ENTITY entity); 

    * Save. 
    * @param entity the entity 
    * @param batchStatement the batch statement 
    public void save(ENTITY entity, BatchStatement batchStatement); 

    * Save. 
    * @param entities the entities 
    public void save(List<ENTITY> entities); 

    * Save async. 
    * @param entities the entities 
    * @return the result set future 
    public ResultSetFuture saveAsync(List<ENTITY> entities); 

    * Save. 
    * @param entities the entities 
    * @param batchStatement the batch statement 
    public void save(List<ENTITY> entities, BatchStatement batchStatement); 

    * Delete. 
    * @param id the id 
    public void delete(IDENTITY id); 

    * Delete async. 
    * @param id the id 
    * @return the result set future 
    public ResultSetFuture deleteAsync(IDENTITY id); 

    * Delete. 
    * @param id the id 
    * @param batchStatement the batch statement 
    public void delete(IDENTITY id, BatchStatement batchStatement); 

    * Delete. 
    * @param ids the ids 
    public void delete(List<IDENTITY> ids); 

    * Delete async. 
    * @param ids the ids 
    * @return the result set future 
    public ResultSetFuture deleteAsync(List<IDENTITY> ids); 

    * Delete. 
    * @param ids the ids 
    * @param batchStatement the batch statement 
    public void delete(List<IDENTITY> ids, BatchStatement batchStatement); 


これは次のように抽象クラス内で実装されています -

    public void save(ENTITY entity) { 
     BatchStatement batchStatement = new BatchStatement(); 
     addEntityToSaveBatch(batchStatement, entity); 


    /* (non-Javadoc) 
    * @see com.byteobject.cloudsanthe.dbclient.repository.Repository#saveAsync(com.byteobject.cloudsanthe.dbclient.dto.compute.Entity) 
    public ResultSetFuture saveAsync(ENTITY entity) { 
     BatchStatement batchStatement = new BatchStatement(); 
     addEntityToSaveBatch(batchStatement, entity); 

     return session.executeAsync(batchStatement); 

    /* (non-Javadoc) 
    * @see com.byteobject.cloudsanthe.dbclient.repository.Repository#save(com.byteobject.cloudsanthe.dbclient.dto.compute.Entity, com.datastax.driver.core.BatchStatement) 
    public void save(ENTITY entity, BatchStatement batchStatement) { 
     addEntityToSaveBatch(batchStatement, entity); 


@Around("execution (* *..Repository+.save*(..))" + " && args(entity,..) && target(target)") 
public Object cacheEvictOnSaveSingle(
    ProceedingJoinPoint proceedingJoinPoint, 
    Entity<UUID> entity, 
    RegionRepositoryCassandraImpl target 
) { 
    // ... 

私のクラスには、前述した抽象クラスが拡張: - - : –


Spring AOPでCGLIBまたはJDKベースのプロキシを使用していますか? –



私は、それがあるべきメソッドのシグネチャでミスをしたパブリッククラスRegionRepositoryCassandraImplは<、RegionDO地域、UUID> \t \t実装EntityRepositoryを拡張RegionRepository {