私は父と子プロセスの間にパイプを作成しようとしています。このパイプ内の 、子プロセスはデータを書き、父はそれを読み込んで印刷します。 なぜか分かりませんが、大きな文字列を入力するとデータが間違ってしまいます。 バッファーの大きさだと思っていますが、それを修正することはできません。父と子のプロセス間にパイプを作成する
#include <sys/wait.h>
#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <unistd.h>
#include <string.h>
/* in this code i will make a child process with fork command
then i will create pipe using pipe commands.
i will transfer data from the child process to the father process
omriziner code
void main(int argc,char *argv[])
if(argc < 2){
printf("prototype error \n<Enter any data you wana write> \n");
int fd[2]; // creating array with 2 places for 2 fd'stdio
// fd[0] is set to read file in the pipe
//fd[1] is set to write file in the pipe
int piperes;
pid_t childpid;
char buff[5];
char * data = "learning to the exam";
printf("father pid %d:\n",getpid());
printf ("size of data is %d \n",(int)sizeof(argv[1]));
printf ("size of buff is %d \n",(int)sizeof(buff));
piperes = pipe(fd);
if(piperes < 0){
perror("PIPE ERR");
printf("Pipe succeed \n");
if((childpid = fork()) == -1){ // fork will create a child process
perror("FORK ERR");
// when fork suceed - the pid of the child will return in the parent and 0 will return in the child
// when fork fail - the pid will be -1
printf("Fork succeed, fork return is %d and process pid is %d :\n",childpid,getpid());
if(childpid == 0){ // if pid zero , wer in the child prcs
write(fd[1],argv[1],sizeof(argv[1])); // send data to the write fd of the pipe
printf("data was written to fd[1] by pid : %d \n",getpid());
else{ // in this case, we're in the father process
printf("Recived data is ''%s''", buff);
printf("By pid : %d \n",getpid());
私はそれを変更し、それは動作します、ありがとう! –