var fadeOutCt = 0;
var fadeOutInterval;
// Decrements the opacity of element by amt, until cap
function decrementOpacity(element, amt, cap) {
var currentOpacity = Number(window.getComputedStyle(element).getPropertyValue("opacity"));
currentOpacity = currentOpacity - amt;
element.setAttribute("style", "opacity:" + currentOpacity);
fadeOutCt = fadeOutCt + 1;
if (fadeOutCt >= cap) {
element.setAttribute("style", "opacity:0");
// Calls decrementOpacity to fill the specified interval.
function fadeOut(element, interval) {
var currentOpacity = Number(window.getComputedStyle(element).getPropertyValue("opacity"));
fadeOutCt = 0;
if (currentOpacity > 0) {
cap = interval/10.0;
amt = 1.0/cap;
fadeOutInterval = setInterval(decrementOpacity, 10, element, amt, cap);
function resizeForSlideshow(imgToResize) {
// Get size of usable area for slideshow
var usableWidth = window.innerWidth;
var titleTable = document.getElementById("descTable");
var windowHeight = window.innerHeight;
var tableHeight = titleTable.offsetHeight;
var usableHeight = windowHeight - tableHeight;
// Resize containing div
var slideDiv = document.getElementById("slideDiv");
slideDiv.setAttribute("style", "height:" + usableHeight + "px");
// Get size of native image to be displayed
var nativeWidth = imgToResize.naturalWidth;
var nativeHeight = imgToResize.naturalHeight;
// Determine width-to-height ratios of those two
var windowRatio = usableWidth/usableHeight;
var imageRatio = nativeWidth/nativeHeight;
if (imageRatio > windowRatio) {
// image's width-to-height is greater than window
// image should be set to 100% width, less height
imgToResize.width = usableWidth;
imgToResize.height = usableWidth * (nativeHeight/nativeWidth);
// relocate image accordingly
var newTop = (usableHeight - imgToResize.height)/2;
imgToResize.style.left = 0;
imgToResize.style.top = newTop + "px";
else {
// image's width-to-height is less than window
// image should be set to 100% height, less width
imgToResize.height = usableHeight;
imgToResize.width = usableHeight * (nativeWidth/nativeHeight);
// relocate image accordingly
var newLeft = (usableWidth - imgToResize.width)/2;
imgToResize.style.top = 0;
imgToResize.style.left = newLeft + "px";
EDITを:私は、後で問題を考え出し 問題は不透明度を設定するsetAttribute
これは、相対的な位置付けのために画像を重ね合わせることができないという点を除いて、この問題を解決します。その周りに良い方法がありますか? –