from random import *
#Package class
class Package:
def __int__(self, name, destination, weight):
self._name = name
self._destination = destination
self._weight = weight
self._Next = None
self._ID = 0
#Container Class
class Container:
def __init__(self, dest):
self._dest = dest
self._Front = None
self._next = None
self._Maxweight = 2000
self._size = 0
self._Identification = 0
class Shipyard:
def __init__(self):
self._Front = None
self._size = 0
def size(self):
return self._size
def add_container(self, Destination):
container = Container(Destination)
if self._Front == None:
self._Front = container
self._size += 1
container._Identification = ((randint(1,1999)))
elif container._dest < self._Front._dest:
container._next = self._Front
self._Front = container
self._size += 1
container._Identification = ((randint(1, 1999)))
current = self._Front
previous = None
while current is not None and current._dest < Destination:
previous = current
current = current._next
if current == None:
previous._next = container
self._size += 1
container._Identification = ((randint(1, 1999)))
container._next = current
previous._next = container
self._size += 1
container._Identification = ((randint(1, 1999)))
def is_empty(self):
return self._size == 0
def container_exists(self, dest):
container_found = False
First_container = self._Front
if First_container == None:
while container_found != True:
previous = First_container
First_container = First_container._next
if previous._dest == dest:
container_found = True
return True
return False
def printAll(self):
current = self._Front
while current != None:
current = current._next
def add(self, name, destination, weight):
package = Package(name, destination, weight)
if self.container_exists(destination) == True:
current = self._Front
while current._dest != destination:
current = current._next
if current._dest == destination:
weightlimit = current._Maxtwiehgt - weight
if weightlimit <= 0:
print("Container to ", destination, "is full!")
if current._Front == None:
current._Front = package
current._Maxtweihgt -= weight
current._size += 1
current._Front._ID = (randint(1,1999))
currentPackage = current._Front
previousPackage = None
while currentPackage._Next!= None:
previousPackage = currentPackage
currentPackage = currentPackage._Next
if currentPackage._weight > weight > previousPackage:
package._Next = currentPackage
previousPackage._Next = package
package._ID = (randint(1,1999))
current._Maxweight -= weight
current._size += 1
container = Container(destination)
if self._Front == None:
self._Front = container
self._Front._Front = package #new package
self._Front._Identification = (randint(1,1999)) #container ID
self._Front._Maxweight -= weight #container weight
self._Front._Front._ID = (randint(1,1999)) #package id
self._size += 1 #shipyard size
self._Front._size += 1 #container size
elif self._Front._dest > destination:
container._next = self._Front
self._Front = container
self._Front._Front = package # new package
self._Front._Identification = (randint(1, 1999)) # container ID
self._Front._Maxweight -= weight # container weight
self._Front._Front._ID = (randint(1, 1999)) # package id
self._size += 1 # shipyard size
self._Front._size += 1 # container size
current = self._Front
previous = None
while current._next != None:
previous = current
current = current._next
if current._dest > destination > previous._dest:
container._next = current
previous._next = container
container._Front = package
container._Identification = (randint(1,1999))
container._Maxweight -= weight
container._Front._ID = (randint(1,1999))
self._size += 1
container._size += 1
def main():
myYard = Shipyard()
myYard.add("Jamie", "Atlanta", 120)
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@StephenRauch大変申し訳ございません。私はここで新しく、問題を完全に突きつけました。私の質問は、プログラムがクラッシュする理由を知る必要があり、パッケージクラスが引数を取らないと言うことです。 –
ごめんなさい。ここには多くの人があなたを助けたいと思っています。しかし、私たちがあなたを助けるのを助ける必要があります。それはあなたの問題をちょっと解き放つことを意味します。これを行うと、あなたは自分で答えを見つけることが多いのです。あなたが答えを見つけられない場合、悩まされている問題はしばしば非常に迅速に答えられます。 –