Im AlamofireImageを使用して画像を非同期で読み込みます。 非常に速くスクロールしてアプリがクラッシュする場合を除いて、これはかなりうまく機能します。スクロールUItableviewでAlamofireImageがクラッシュすると、スクロールが速くなります
非常に短い時間に10件以上のリクエストが送信されている場合(アプリをクラッシュさせると速くスクロールすると思います) 私はまた、メモリ使用量が突然急増するのを見ています。
// Dequeue your cell and other code goes here.
// with as! the cell is set to the custom cell class: DemoCell
// afterwards all data can be loaded from the JSON response into the cells
override func tableView(tableView: UITableView, cellForRowAtIndexPath
indexPath: NSIndexPath) -> UITableViewCell {
let cell =
forIndexPath: indexPath) as! DemoCell
cell.delegate = self
//tag the cell with the indexpath row number to make sure the loaded asynch image corresponds to the right cell
cell.tag = indexPath.row
//clear cell of eventually reused images
cell.schoolCoverImage.image = UIImage()
cell.schoolBiggerImage.image = UIImage()
//TODO: set all custom cell properties here (retrieve JSON and set in cell), use indexPath.row as arraypointer
let resultList = self.items["result"] as! [[String: AnyObject]]
let itemForThisRow = resultList[indexPath.row]
cell.schoolNameClosedCell.text = itemForThisRow["name"] as! String
cell.schoolNameOpenedCell.text = itemForThisRow["name"] as! String
self.schoolIdHelperField = itemForThisRow["name"] as! String
cell.schoolIntroText.text = itemForThisRow["name"] as! String
// set the button's tag like below.
cell.innerCellButton.tag = indexPath.row
//call method when button inside cell is tapped
cell.innerCellButton.addTarget(self, action: #selector(MainTableViewController.cellButtonTapped(_:)), forControlEvents: .TouchUpInside)
cell.schoolIntroText.text = "We from xx University..."
//handle the image from a separate API call
let schoolIdNumber = itemForThisRow["sco_id"] as! NSInteger
let schoolIdString = String(schoolIdNumber)
//TOCHeck: maybe Id is not correct and should be replaced by indexCount
let imageNameString = itemForThisRow["image"] as! String
//only load the image of the cell which is visible in the screen
// print("current cells visible?")
// print(tableView.visibleCells)
// print("currentCell")
// print(cell.tag)
// if(tableView.visibleCells.contains(cell)) {
let urlRequest = NSURLRequest(URL: NSURL(string: "https://ol-web- test.herokuapp.com/olweb/api/v1/schools/"+schoolIdString+"/image/"+imageNameString)!)
//does cell number/tag match current indexpath row?
if(cell.tag == indexPath.row) {
//use cache in case image has been saved to cache already, otherwise get image from networking
if(self.photoCache.imageForRequest(urlRequest) != nil) {
cell.schoolCoverImage.image = photoCache.imageForRequest(urlRequest)
cell.schoolBiggerImage.image = photoCache.imageForRequest(urlRequest)
print("image from cache loaded")
self.imageDownloader.downloadImage(URLRequest: urlRequest) { response in
if let image = response.result.value {
print("here comes the printed image:: ")
//set image to the cell
cell.schoolCoverImage.image = image
cell.schoolBiggerImage.image = image
self.photoCache.addImage(image, forRequest: urlRequest)
print("image from network loaded and added to cache")
return cell
は、コードでエラーが発生する、NullPointerでログイン30/image/Beet_Language_Bournemouth_1.jpeg }
fatal error: unexpectedly found nil while unwrapping an Optional va lue
let urlRequest = NSURLRequest(URL: NSURL(string: "https://ol-web- test.herokuapp.com/olweb/api/v1/schools/"+schoolIdString+"/image/"+imageNameString)!)
私はここからのparams schoolIdStringとimageNameStringをロード前のクエリ
これをチェックする[MJ-TableView-Image-Swift](https://github.com/JaleelNazir/MJ-TableView-Image-Swift) –
は良いクラッシュのエラーログを貼り付けることができます。 –
あなたのイメージダウンローダーのものでなければなりません。計測器を使ってhttps://www.raywenderlich.com/97886/instruments-tutorial-with-swift-getting-started – xmhafiz