2016-09-01 25 views

私はこのウェブサイトでSVG Pie Chartを使用しています。それはかなりのアニメーションをロードしています(下のスニペットを実行すると分かります)が、デフォルトでは表示したくありません。私はそれがページがロードされた後にボタンをクリックしてそのアニメーションで表示したい。ボタンをクリックして外部Javascriptの機能を呼び出す


 <!-- Pie chart JS--> 

<script src="js/pie.js"></script> 

ボタンのクリックからどのように機能を制御できますか?ヘルプをいただければ幸いです。 PIE.html

    { title: "Tokyo",   value : 180, color: "#02B3E7" }, 
    { title: "San Francisco", value: 60, color: "#CFD3D6" }, 
    { title: "London",  value : 50, color: "#736D79" }, 
    { title: "New York",  value: 30, color: "#776068" }, 
    { title: "Sydney",  value : 20, color: "#EB0D42" }, 
    { title: "Berlin",  value : 20, color: "#FFEC62" }, 
    { title: "Osaka",   value : 7, color: "#04374E" } 

* jquery.drawPieChart.js 
* Version: 0.3(Beta) 
* Inspired by Chart.js(http://www.chartjs.org/) 
* Copyright 2013 hiro 
* https://github.com/githiro/drawPieChart 
* Released under the MIT license. 
;(function($, undefined) { 
    $.fn.drawPieChart = function(data, options) { 
    var $this = this, 
     W = $this.width(), 
     H = $this.height(), 
     centerX = W/2, 
     centerY = H/2, 
     cos = Math.cos, 
     sin = Math.sin, 
     PI = Math.PI, 
     settings = $.extend({ 
     segmentShowStroke : true, 
     segmentStrokeColor : "#fff", 
     segmentStrokeWidth : 1, 
     baseColor: "#fff", 
     baseOffset: 15, 
     edgeOffset: 30,//offset from edge of $this 
     pieSegmentGroupClass: "pieSegmentGroup", 
     pieSegmentClass: "pieSegment", 
     lightPiesOffset: 12,//lighten pie's width 
     lightPiesOpacity: .3,//lighten pie's default opacity 
     lightPieClass: "lightPie", 
     animation : true, 
     animationSteps : 90, 
     animationEasing : "easeInOutExpo", 
     tipOffsetX: -15, 
     tipOffsetY: -45, 
     tipClass: "pieTip", 
     beforeDraw: function(){ }, 
     afterDrawed : function(){ }, 
     onPieMouseenter : function(e,data){ }, 
     onPieMouseleave : function(e,data){ }, 
     onPieClick : function(e,data){ } 
     }, options), 
     animationOptions = { 
     linear : function (t){ 
      return t; 
     easeInOutExpo: function (t) { 
      var v = t<.5 ? 8*t*t*t*t : 1-8*(--t)*t*t*t; 
      return (v>1) ? 1 : v; 
     requestAnimFrame = function(){ 
     return window.requestAnimationFrame || 
      window.webkitRequestAnimationFrame || 
      window.mozRequestAnimationFrame || 
      window.oRequestAnimationFrame || 
      window.msRequestAnimationFrame || 
      function(callback) { 
      window.setTimeout(callback, 1000/60); 

    var $wrapper = $('<svg width="' + W + '" height="' + H + '" viewBox="0 0 ' + W + ' ' + H + '" xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2000/svg" xmlns:xlink="http://www.w3.org/1999/xlink"></svg>').appendTo($this); 
    var $groups = [], 
     $pies = [], 
     $lightPies = [], 
     easingFunction = animationOptions[settings.animationEasing], 
     pieRadius = Min([H/2,W/2]) - settings.edgeOffset, 
     segmentTotal = 0; 

    //Draw base circle 
    var drawBasePie = function(){ 
     var base = document.createElementNS('http://www.w3.org/2000/svg', 'circle'); 
     var $base = $(base).appendTo($wrapper); 
     base.setAttribute("cx", centerX); 
     base.setAttribute("cy", centerY); 
     base.setAttribute("r", pieRadius+settings.baseOffset); 
     base.setAttribute("fill", settings.baseColor); 

    //Set up pie segments wrapper 
    var pathGroup = document.createElementNS('http://www.w3.org/2000/svg', 'g'); 
    var $pathGroup = $(pathGroup).appendTo($wrapper); 

    //Set up tooltip 
    var $tip = $('<div class="' + settings.tipClass + '" />').appendTo('body').hide(), 
     tipW = $tip.width(), 
     tipH = $tip.height(); 

    for (var i = 0, len = data.length; i < len; i++){ 
     segmentTotal += data[i].value; 
     var g = document.createElementNS('http://www.w3.org/2000/svg', 'g'); 
     g.setAttribute("data-order", i); 
     g.setAttribute("class", settings.pieSegmentGroupClass); 
     $groups[i] = $(g).appendTo($pathGroup); 
     .on("mouseenter", pathMouseEnter) 
     .on("mouseleave", pathMouseLeave) 
     .on("mousemove", pathMouseMove) 
     .on("click", pathClick); 

     var p = document.createElementNS('http://www.w3.org/2000/svg', 'path'); 
     p.setAttribute("stroke-width", settings.segmentStrokeWidth); 
     p.setAttribute("stroke", settings.segmentStrokeColor); 
     p.setAttribute("stroke-miterlimit", 2); 
     p.setAttribute("fill", data[i].color); 
     p.setAttribute("class", settings.pieSegmentClass); 
     $pies[i] = $(p).appendTo($groups[i]); 

     var lp = document.createElementNS('http://www.w3.org/2000/svg', 'path'); 
     lp.setAttribute("stroke-width", settings.segmentStrokeWidth); 
     lp.setAttribute("stroke", settings.segmentStrokeColor); 
     lp.setAttribute("stroke-miterlimit", 2); 
     lp.setAttribute("fill", data[i].color); 
     lp.setAttribute("opacity", settings.lightPiesOpacity); 
     lp.setAttribute("class", settings.lightPieClass); 
     $lightPies[i] = $(lp).appendTo($groups[i]); 

    //Animation start 

    function pathMouseEnter(e){ 
     var index = $(this).data().order; 
     $tip.text(data[index].title + ": " + data[index].value).fadeIn(200); 
     if ($groups[index][0].getAttribute("data-active") !== "active"){ 
     $lightPies[index].animate({opacity: .8}, 180); 
    function pathMouseLeave(e){ 
     var index = $(this).data().order; 
     if ($groups[index][0].getAttribute("data-active") !== "active"){ 
     $lightPies[index].animate({opacity: settings.lightPiesOpacity}, 100); 
    function pathMouseMove(e){ 
     top: e.pageY + settings.tipOffsetY, 
     left: e.pageX - $tip.width()/2 + settings.tipOffsetX 
    function pathClick(e){ 
     var index = $(this).data().order; 
     var targetGroup = $groups[index][0]; 
     for (var i = 0, len = data.length; i < len; i++){ 
     if (i === index) continue; 
     $lightPies[i].css({opacity: settings.lightPiesOpacity}); 
     if (targetGroup.getAttribute("data-active") === "active"){ 
     $lightPies[index].css({opacity: .8}); 
     } else { 
     $lightPies[index].css({opacity: 1}); 
    function drawPieSegments (animationDecimal){ 
     var startRadius = -PI/2,//-90 degree 
      rotateAnimation = 1; 
     if (settings.animation) { 
     rotateAnimation = animationDecimal;//count up between0~1 


     //draw each path 
     for (var i = 0, len = data.length; i < len; i++){ 
     var segmentAngle = rotateAnimation * ((data[i].value/segmentTotal) * (PI*2)),//start radian 
      endRadius = startRadius + segmentAngle, 
      largeArc = ((endRadius - startRadius) % (PI * 2)) > PI ? 1 : 0, 
      startX = centerX + cos(startRadius) * pieRadius, 
      startY = centerY + sin(startRadius) * pieRadius, 
      endX = centerX + cos(endRadius) * pieRadius, 
      endY = centerY + sin(endRadius) * pieRadius, 
      startX2 = centerX + cos(startRadius) * (pieRadius + settings.lightPiesOffset), 
      startY2 = centerY + sin(startRadius) * (pieRadius + settings.lightPiesOffset), 
      endX2 = centerX + cos(endRadius) * (pieRadius + settings.lightPiesOffset), 
      endY2 = centerY + sin(endRadius) * (pieRadius + settings.lightPiesOffset); 
     var cmd = [ 
      'M', startX, startY,//Move pointer 
      'A', pieRadius, pieRadius, 0, largeArc, 1, endX, endY,//Draw outer arc path 
      'L', centerX, centerY,//Draw line to the center. 
      'Z'//Cloth path 
     var cmd2 = [ 
      'M', startX2, startY2, 
      'A', pieRadius + settings.lightPiesOffset, pieRadius + settings.lightPiesOffset, 0, largeArc, 1, endX2, endY2,//Draw outer arc path 
      'L', centerX, centerY, 
     $pies[i][0].setAttribute("d",cmd.join(' ')); 
     $lightPies[i][0].setAttribute("d", cmd2.join(' ')); 
     startRadius += segmentAngle; 

    var animFrameAmount = (settings.animation)? 1/settings.animationSteps : 1,//if settings.animationSteps is 10, animFrameAmount is 0.1 
     animCount =(settings.animation)? 0 : 1; 
    function triggerAnimation(){ 
     if (settings.animation) { 
     } else { 
    function animationLoop(){ 
     animCount += animFrameAmount;//animCount start from 0, after "settings.animationSteps"-times executed, animCount reaches 1. 
     if (animCount < 1){ 
     } else { 
    function Max(arr){ 
     return Math.max.apply(null, arr); 
    function Min(arr){ 
     return Math.min.apply(null, arr); 
    return $this; 
.chart { 
    position: absolute; 
    width: 250px; 
    height: 250px; 
    top: 100%; 
    left: 50%; 
    margin: -225px 0 0 -225px; 
.pieTip { 
    position: absolute; 
    float: left; 
    min-width: 30px; 
    max-width: 300px; 
    padding: 5px 18px 6px; 
    border-radius: 2px; 
    background: rgba(255,255,255,.97); 
    color: #444; 
    font-size: 19px; 
    text-shadow: 0 1px 0 #fff; 
    text-transform: uppercase; 
    text-align: center; 
    line-height: 1.3; 
    letter-spacing: .06em; 
    box-shadow: 0 0 3px rgba(0,0,0,0.2), 0 1px 2px rgba(0,0,0,0.5); 
    -webkit-transform: all .3s; 
    -moz-transform: all .3s; 
     -ms-transform: all .3s; 
     -o-transform: all .3s; 
      transform: all .3s; 
    pointer-events: none; 
.pieTip:after { 
     position: absolute; 
     left: 50%; 
     bottom: -6px; 
     content: ""; 
     height: 0; 
     margin: 0 0 0 -6px; 
     border-right: 5px solid transparent; 
     border-left: 5px solid transparent; 
     border-top: 6px solid rgba(255,255,255,.95); 
     line-height: 0; 
.chart path { cursor: pointer; }
<script src="https://ajax.googleapis.com/ajax/libs/jquery/2.1.1/jquery.min.js"></script> 
<div id="pieChart" class="chart"></div>



の代わりに、ページのロードにdrawPieChart() '' $( "#pieChartの")を呼び出す、あなたは*その*上行わない理由:ボタンclickイベントに3210コール.drawPieChart()ボタンをクリックしますか? – Joe



$(function() { 
    $('button').click(function() { 
    // Clean up old chart contents 
    // Clean up Tooltips created by chart 
    // Draw a new chart 
     title: "Tokyo", 
     value: 180, 
     color: "#02B3E7" 
    }, { 
     title: "San Francisco", 
     value: 60, 
     color: "#CFD3D6" 
    }, { 
     title: "London", 
     value: 50, 
     color: "#736D79" 
    }, { 
     title: "New York", 
     value: 30, 
     color: "#776068" 
    }, { 
     title: "Sydney", 
     value: 20, 
     color: "#EB0D42" 
    }, { 
     title: "Berlin", 
     value: 20, 
     color: "#FFEC62" 
    }, { 
     title: "Osaka", 
     value: 7, 
     color: "#04374E" 

* jquery.drawPieChart.js 
* Version: 0.3(Beta) 
* Inspired by Chart.js(http://www.chartjs.org/) 
* Copyright 2013 hiro 
* https://github.com/githiro/drawPieChart 
* Released under the MIT license. 
(function($, undefined) { 
    $.fn.drawPieChart = function(data, options) { 
    var $this = this, 
     W = $this.width(), 
     H = $this.height(), 
     centerX = W/2, 
     centerY = H/2, 
     cos = Math.cos, 
     sin = Math.sin, 
     PI = Math.PI, 
     settings = $.extend({ 
     segmentShowStroke: true, 
     segmentStrokeColor: "#fff", 
     segmentStrokeWidth: 1, 
     baseColor: "#fff", 
     baseOffset: 15, 
     edgeOffset: 30, //offset from edge of $this 
     pieSegmentGroupClass: "pieSegmentGroup", 
     pieSegmentClass: "pieSegment", 
     lightPiesOffset: 12, //lighten pie's width 
     lightPiesOpacity: .3, //lighten pie's default opacity 
     lightPieClass: "lightPie", 
     animation: true, 
     animationSteps: 90, 
     animationEasing: "easeInOutExpo", 
     tipOffsetX: -15, 
     tipOffsetY: -45, 
     tipClass: "pieTip", 
     beforeDraw: function() {}, 
     afterDrawed: function() {}, 
     onPieMouseenter: function(e, data) {}, 
     onPieMouseleave: function(e, data) {}, 
     onPieClick: function(e, data) {} 
     }, options), 
     animationOptions = { 
     linear: function(t) { 
      return t; 
     easeInOutExpo: function(t) { 
      var v = t < .5 ? 8 * t * t * t * t : 1 - 8 * (--t) * t * t * t; 
      return (v > 1) ? 1 : v; 
     requestAnimFrame = function() { 
     return window.requestAnimationFrame || 
      window.webkitRequestAnimationFrame || 
      window.mozRequestAnimationFrame || 
      window.oRequestAnimationFrame || 
      window.msRequestAnimationFrame || 
      function(callback) { 
      window.setTimeout(callback, 1000/60); 

    var $wrapper = $('<svg width="' + W + '" height="' + H + '" viewBox="0 0 ' + W + ' ' + H + '" xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2000/svg" xmlns:xlink="http://www.w3.org/1999/xlink"></svg>').appendTo($this); 
    var $groups = [], 
     $pies = [], 
     $lightPies = [], 
     easingFunction = animationOptions[settings.animationEasing], 
     pieRadius = Min([H/2, W/2]) - settings.edgeOffset, 
     segmentTotal = 0; 

    //Draw base circle 
    var drawBasePie = function() { 
     var base = document.createElementNS('http://www.w3.org/2000/svg', 'circle'); 
     var $base = $(base).appendTo($wrapper); 
     base.setAttribute("cx", centerX); 
     base.setAttribute("cy", centerY); 
     base.setAttribute("r", pieRadius + settings.baseOffset); 
     base.setAttribute("fill", settings.baseColor); 

    //Set up pie segments wrapper 
    var pathGroup = document.createElementNS('http://www.w3.org/2000/svg', 'g'); 
    var $pathGroup = $(pathGroup).appendTo($wrapper); 
    $pathGroup[0].setAttribute("opacity", 0); 

    //Set up tooltip 
    var $tip = $('<div class="' + settings.tipClass + '" />').appendTo('body').hide(), 
     tipW = $tip.width(), 
     tipH = $tip.height(); 

    for (var i = 0, len = data.length; i < len; i++) { 
     segmentTotal += data[i].value; 
     var g = document.createElementNS('http://www.w3.org/2000/svg', 'g'); 
     g.setAttribute("data-order", i); 
     g.setAttribute("class", settings.pieSegmentGroupClass); 
     $groups[i] = $(g).appendTo($pathGroup); 
     .on("mouseenter", pathMouseEnter) 
     .on("mouseleave", pathMouseLeave) 
     .on("mousemove", pathMouseMove) 
     .on("click", pathClick); 

     var p = document.createElementNS('http://www.w3.org/2000/svg', 'path'); 
     p.setAttribute("stroke-width", settings.segmentStrokeWidth); 
     p.setAttribute("stroke", settings.segmentStrokeColor); 
     p.setAttribute("stroke-miterlimit", 2); 
     p.setAttribute("fill", data[i].color); 
     p.setAttribute("class", settings.pieSegmentClass); 
     $pies[i] = $(p).appendTo($groups[i]); 

     var lp = document.createElementNS('http://www.w3.org/2000/svg', 'path'); 
     lp.setAttribute("stroke-width", settings.segmentStrokeWidth); 
     lp.setAttribute("stroke", settings.segmentStrokeColor); 
     lp.setAttribute("stroke-miterlimit", 2); 
     lp.setAttribute("fill", data[i].color); 
     lp.setAttribute("opacity", settings.lightPiesOpacity); 
     lp.setAttribute("class", settings.lightPieClass); 
     $lightPies[i] = $(lp).appendTo($groups[i]); 

    //Animation start 

    function pathMouseEnter(e) { 
     var index = $(this).data().order; 
     $tip.text(data[index].title + ": " + data[index].value).fadeIn(200); 
     if ($groups[index][0].getAttribute("data-active") !== "active") { 
      opacity: .8 
     }, 180); 
     settings.onPieMouseenter.apply($(this), [e, data]); 

    function pathMouseLeave(e) { 
     var index = $(this).data().order; 
     if ($groups[index][0].getAttribute("data-active") !== "active") { 
      opacity: settings.lightPiesOpacity 
     }, 100); 
     settings.onPieMouseleave.apply($(this), [e, data]); 

    function pathMouseMove(e) { 
     top: e.pageY + settings.tipOffsetY, 
     left: e.pageX - $tip.width()/2 + settings.tipOffsetX 

    function pathClick(e) { 
     var index = $(this).data().order; 
     var targetGroup = $groups[index][0]; 
     for (var i = 0, len = data.length; i < len; i++) { 
     if (i === index) continue; 
     $groups[i][0].setAttribute("data-active", ""); 
      opacity: settings.lightPiesOpacity 
     if (targetGroup.getAttribute("data-active") === "active") { 
     targetGroup.setAttribute("data-active", ""); 
      opacity: .8 
     } else { 
     targetGroup.setAttribute("data-active", "active"); 
      opacity: 1 
     settings.onPieClick.apply($(this), [e, data]); 

    function drawPieSegments(animationDecimal) { 
     var startRadius = -PI/2, //-90 degree 
     rotateAnimation = 1; 
     if (settings.animation) { 
     rotateAnimation = animationDecimal; //count up between0~1 

     $pathGroup[0].setAttribute("opacity", animationDecimal); 

     //draw each path 
     for (var i = 0, len = data.length; i < len; i++) { 
     var segmentAngle = rotateAnimation * ((data[i].value/segmentTotal) * (PI * 2)), //start radian 
      endRadius = startRadius + segmentAngle, 
      largeArc = ((endRadius - startRadius) % (PI * 2)) > PI ? 1 : 0, 
      startX = centerX + cos(startRadius) * pieRadius, 
      startY = centerY + sin(startRadius) * pieRadius, 
      endX = centerX + cos(endRadius) * pieRadius, 
      endY = centerY + sin(endRadius) * pieRadius, 
      startX2 = centerX + cos(startRadius) * (pieRadius + settings.lightPiesOffset), 
      startY2 = centerY + sin(startRadius) * (pieRadius + settings.lightPiesOffset), 
      endX2 = centerX + cos(endRadius) * (pieRadius + settings.lightPiesOffset), 
      endY2 = centerY + sin(endRadius) * (pieRadius + settings.lightPiesOffset); 
     var cmd = [ 
      'M', startX, startY, //Move pointer 
      'A', pieRadius, pieRadius, 0, largeArc, 1, endX, endY, //Draw outer arc path 
      'L', centerX, centerY, //Draw line to the center. 
      'Z' //Cloth path 
     var cmd2 = [ 
      'M', startX2, startY2, 
      'A', pieRadius + settings.lightPiesOffset, pieRadius + settings.lightPiesOffset, 0, largeArc, 1, endX2, endY2, //Draw outer arc path 
      'L', centerX, centerY, 
     $pies[i][0].setAttribute("d", cmd.join(' ')); 
     $lightPies[i][0].setAttribute("d", cmd2.join(' ')); 
     startRadius += segmentAngle; 

    var animFrameAmount = (settings.animation) ? 1/settings.animationSteps : 1, //if settings.animationSteps is 10, animFrameAmount is 0.1 
     animCount = (settings.animation) ? 0 : 1; 

    function triggerAnimation() { 
     if (settings.animation) { 
     } else { 

    function animationLoop() { 
     animCount += animFrameAmount; //animCount start from 0, after "settings.animationSteps"-times executed, animCount reaches 1. 
     if (animCount < 1) { 
     } else { 

    function Max(arr) { 
     return Math.max.apply(null, arr); 

    function Min(arr) { 
     return Math.min.apply(null, arr); 
    return $this; 
.chart { 
    position: absolute; 
    width: 250px; 
    height: 250px; 
    top: 100%; 
    left: 50%; 
    margin: -225px 0 0 -225px; 
.pieTip { 
    position: absolute; 
    float: left; 
    min-width: 30px; 
    max-width: 300px; 
    padding: 5px 18px 6px; 
    border-radius: 2px; 
    background: rgba(255, 255, 255, .97); 
    color: #444; 
    font-size: 19px; 
    text-shadow: 0 1px 0 #fff; 
    text-transform: uppercase; 
    text-align: center; 
    line-height: 1.3; 
    letter-spacing: .06em; 
    box-shadow: 0 0 3px rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.2), 0 1px 2px rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.5); 
    -webkit-transform: all .3s; 
    -moz-transform: all .3s; 
    -ms-transform: all .3s; 
    -o-transform: all .3s; 
    transform: all .3s; 
    pointer-events: none; 
.pieTip:after { 
    position: absolute; 
    left: 50%; 
    bottom: -6px; 
    content: ""; 
    height: 0; 
    margin: 0 0 0 -6px; 
    border-right: 5px solid transparent; 
    border-left: 5px solid transparent; 
    border-top: 6px solid rgba(255, 255, 255, .95); 
    line-height: 0; 
.chart path { 
    cursor: pointer; 
<script src="https://ajax.googleapis.com/ajax/libs/jquery/2.1.1/jquery.min.js"></script> 
<div id="pieChart" class="chart"></div> 


なぜ時にはうまくいくのですか? – Saibbyweb


いつも私のために働く...あなたは別の問題がないと確信していますか?私は、ツールのヒントがクリーンアップされておらず、答えを編集していないことが分かった。 –


参照:http://stackoverflow.com/questions/39291021/click-works-but-onclick-doesnt – Saibbyweb
