2016-04-05 12 views



は私のコードです: カーネルは、それが戻って、それは、私がゼロに$ S6を設定することを見て、すべてのレジスタをきれいに当時の私の最初のジャンプ以外の場所にジャンプし、例外を処理した後、プログラム。これは、プログラムを再起動し、ユーザーに小さな入力を求める不正な方法ですか?私の目標は、このタイプのエラー処理でプログラムすることです。

## Daniel Revie 
## 2/8/2016 

.data 0x10000000 
.align 2 
Array1: .word 0:9 
str1: .asciiz "This is assignment 6 \n" 
str2: .asciiz "The value of a[" 
str5: .asciiz "] is: " 
str3: .asciiz "Arithmetic overflow" 
str4: .asciiz "Enter n: " 
str6: .asciiz "Arithmetic Overflow" 
clean: .asciiz "clean occurs" 

.text 0x00400000 
.align 2 
.globl main 



## Print str1 
li $v0, 4   # load 4 to $v0 to begin printing 
la $a0, str1  # load address of string to be printed 

## Print str4 
li $v0, 4 
la $a0, str4 

## Read in N 
li $v0, 5 
move $t6, $v0 
addi $t6, 1 
addi $s6, $t6, -1 

li $s6, 1 

## assign array values 
addi $t0, $zero 0 # value 0 
addi $t1, $zero 1 # value 1 
addi $t2, $zero 2 # value 2 
addi $t3, $zero 4 # value N = 4 
#addi $t6, $zero 10 # End value a[9] is the 10th element 

## byte addressing issue 
mul $a0, $t0, $t3 # $t0 *4 
mul $a1, $t1, $t3 # $t1 *4 
mul $a2, $t2, $t3 # $t2 *4 

## store first 3 elements of the array 
sw $t0, Array1($a0) # a[0] = 0 
sw $t1, Array1($a1) # a[1] = 1 
sw $t1, Array1($a2) # a[2] = 1 

addi $v1 $zero 4 # get value 4 

addi $t4, $zero 3 
## begin loop algoirthm to generate rest of array values 

## End condition 
beq $t4, $t6 END 

## generate n - k 
addi $t0, $t4 -1  # n-1 
addi $t1, $t4 -2  # n-2 
addi $t2, $t4 -3  # n-3 

## byte addressing issue 
mul $t0, $t0, $v1 # $t0 *4 
mul $t1, $t1, $v1 # $t1 *4 
mul $t2, $t2, $v1 # $t2 *4 

## store the values 
lw $a0, Array1($t0) # a[n-1] 
lw $a1, Array1($t1) # a[n-2] 
lw $a2, Array1($t2) # a[n-3] 

## begin addition 
add $t5, $a0 $a1  # a[n-1] + a[n-2] 
beq $s7, $s6, Clean 
add $t5, $t5 $a2  # a[n-1] + a[n-2] + a[n-3] 
beq $s7, $s6, Clean 

## save the result in the proper location 
mul $a3 $t4 $v1  # $a3 = $t4 * 4 
sw $t5, Array1($a3) 

## increment N 
addi $t4, $t4, 1 

## repeat 
j Loop 

mul $t6, $t6, $v1 # $t6 * 4 
lw $t7, Array1($a3) 

## print str2 
li $v0, 4 
la $a0, str2 

## print value of answer 
li $v0, 1 
move $a0, $s6 

# print str5 
li $v0, 4 
la $a0, str5 

## Print contents of $t7 
addi $a0, $t7, 0 # Move the product to $a0 
li $v0, 1   # code for printing register 

j Finish 


li $t0, 0 
li $t1, 0 
li $t2, 0 
li $t3, 0 
li $t4, 0 
li $t5, 0 
li $t6, 0 
li $t7, 0 

li $s0, 0 
li $s1, 0 
li $s2, 0 
li $s3, 0 
li $s4, 0 
li $s5, 0 
li $s6, 0 
li $s7, 0 

li $v0, 0 
li $v1, 0 
li $a0, 0 
li $a1, 0 
li $a2, 0 
li $a3, 0 

j Restart 

## End program 
li $v0, 10 

## Begin arithmetic overflow handling 
.ktext 0x80000180 

## Print overflow message 
move $k0,$v0 # Save $v0 value 
move $k1,$a0 # Save $a0 value 
li $v0, 4 
la $a0, kstr1 
move $v0,$k0 # Restore $v0 
move $a0,$k1 # Restore $a0 
mfc0 $k0,$14 # Coprocessor 0 register $14 has address of trapping instruction 
addi $k0,$k0,4 # Add 4 to point to next instruction 
mtc0 $k0,$14 # Store new address back into $14 

li $s7, 1 


kstr1: .asciiz "Arithmetic overflow" 




# Daniel Revie 
# 2/8/2016 

    ###.data 0x10000000   # BUG: does weird things in mars 
    ###.align 2 
Array1:  .word  0:9 
str1:  .asciiz  "This is assignment 6 \n" 
str2:  .asciiz  "The value of a[" 
str5:  .asciiz  "] is: " 
str3:  .asciiz  "Arithmetic overflow" 
str4:  .asciiz  "Enter n: " 
str6:  .asciiz  "Arithmetic Overflow" 
clean:  .asciiz  "clean occurs" 

    ###.text 0x00400000 
    ###.align 2     # BUG: flagged by assembler 
    .globl main 



    # Print str1 
    li  $v0,4     # load 4 to $v0 to begin printing 
    la  $a0,str1    # load address of string to be printed 

    # Print str4 
    li  $v0,4 
    la  $a0,str4 

    # Read in N 
    li  $v0,5 
    move $t6,$v0 
    ###addi $t6,1     # BUG: flagged -- invalid 
    addi $t6,$t6,1    # FIX: corrected 
    addi $s6,$t6,-1    # BUG: this gets trashed in next inst 

    # BUG: no check is made for t6 exceeding the end of Array1 
    # with large enough N, the stores below will overrun and destroy str1 et. 
    # al. so that on a restart, the first string print will be garbage [as well 
    # as any other messages] 

    li  $s6,1     # BUG: this never changes 

    # assign array values 
    addi $t0,$zero,0    # value 0 
    addi $t1,$zero,1    # value 1 
    addi $t2,$zero,2    # value 2 
    addi $t3,$zero,4    # value N = 4 
    # addi $t6, $zero, 10 # End value a[9] is the 10th element 

    # byte addressing issue 
    mul  $a0,$t0,$t3    # $t0 *4 
    mul  $a1,$t1,$t3    # $t1 *4 
    mul  $a2,$t2,$t3    # $t2 *4 

    # store first 3 elements of the array 
    sw  $t0,Array1($a0)   # a[0] = 0 
    sw  $t1,Array1($a1)   # a[1] = 1 
    sw  $t1,Array1($a2)   # a[2] = 1 

    addi $v1,$zero,4    # get value 4 

    addi $t4,$zero,3 
# begin loop algoirthm to generate rest of array values 

    # End condition 
    beq  $t4,$t6,END 

    # generate n - k 
    addi $t0,$t4,-1    # n-1 
    addi $t1,$t4,-2    # n-2 
    addi $t2,$t4,-3    # n-3 

    # byte addressing issue 
    mul  $t0,$t0,$v1    # $t0 *4 
    mul  $t1,$t1,$v1    # $t1 *4 
    mul  $t2,$t2,$v1    # $t2 *4 

    # store the values 
    lw  $a0,Array1($t0)   # a[n-1] 
    lw  $a1,Array1($t1)   # a[n-2] 
    lw  $a2,Array1($t2)   # a[n-3] 

    # begin addition 
    add  $t5,$a0,$a1    # a[n-1] + a[n-2] 
    beq  $s7,$s6,cleanup 
    add  $t5,$t5,$a2    # a[n-1] + a[n-2] + a[n-3] 
    beq  $s7,$s6,cleanup 

    # save the result in the proper location 
    mul  $a3,$t4,$v1    # $a3 = $t4 * 4 
    sw  $t5,Array1($a3) 

    # increment N 
    addi $t4,$t4,1 

    # repeat 
    j  Loop 

    mul  $t6,$t6,$v1    # $t6 * 4 
    lw  $t7,Array1($a3) 

    # print str2 
    li  $v0,4 
    la  $a0,str2 

    # print value of answer 
    # BUG -- answer is always 1 
    li  $v0,1 
    move $a0,$s6 

    # print str5 
    li  $v0,4 
    la  $a0,str5 

    # Print contents of $t7 
    addi $a0,$t7,0    # Move the product to $a0 
    li  $v0,1     # code for printing register 

    j  finish 


    li  $t0,0 
    li  $t1,0 
    li  $t2,0 
    li  $t3,0 
    li  $t4,0 
    li  $t5,0 
    li  $t6,0 
    li  $t7,0 

    li  $s0,0 
    li  $s1,0 
    li  $s2,0 
    li  $s3,0 
    li  $s4,0 
    li  $s5,0 
    li  $s6,0 
    li  $s7,0 

    li  $v0,0 
    li  $v1,0 
    li  $a0,0 
    li  $a1,0 
    li  $a2,0 
    li  $a3,0 

    j  restart 

    # End program 
    li  $v0,10 

# Begin arithmetic overflow handling 
    .ktext 0x80000180 

    # Print overflow message 
    move $k0,$v0     # Save $v0 value 
    move $k1,$a0     # Save $a0 value 
    li  $v0,4 
    la  $a0,kstr1 
    move $v0,$k0     # Restore $v0 
    move $a0,$k1     # Restore $a0 
    mfc0 $k0,$14     # Coproc 0 $14 has address of trapping inst 

    # BUG: in the general case, this doesn't do much and hinges on the base 
    # code testing the s7 value we set below 
    # much better to fill $14 with the address of restart 
    addi $k0,$k0,4    # Add 4 to point to next instruction 

    mtc0 $k0,$14     # Store new address back into $14 

    # BUG: this needs a comment to explain _why_ this is a corrective action 
    # we should _not_ have to _infer_ it 
    # BUG: this is a _weak_ response at best 
    li  $s7,1 


kstr1:  .asciiz  "Arithmetic overflow" 



# Daniel Revie 
# 2/8/2016 

###.data 0x10000000   # BUG: does weird things in mars 
###.align 2 

Array1:  .space  10000 
    # BUG -- this was way too short (see below) 
    ###Array1:  .word  0:9 

str1:  .asciiz  "This is assignment 6 \n" 
str2:  .asciiz  "The value of a[" 
str5:  .asciiz  "] is: " 
str3:  .asciiz  "Arithmetic overflow" 
str4:  .asciiz  "Enter n: " 
str6:  .asciiz  "Arithmetic Overflow" 
clean:  .asciiz  "clean occurs" 

###.text 0x00400000 
###.align 2     # BUG: flagged by assembler 
    .globl main 



    # Print str1 
    li  $v0,4     # load 4 to $v0 to begin printing 
    la  $a0,str1    # load address of string to be printed 

    # Print str4 
    li  $v0,4 
    la  $a0,str4 

    # Read in N 
    li  $v0,5 
    move $t6,$v0 
    ###addi $t6,1     # BUG: flagged -- invalid 
    addi $t6,$t6,1    # FIX: corrected 

    # BUG: no check is made for t6 exceeding the end of Array1 
    # with large enough N, the stores below will overrun and destroy str1 et. 
    # al. so that on a restart, the first string print will be garbage [as well 
    # as any other messages] 
    # FIX: increase size of Array1 from 10 words to something large enough 
    # this is just a quick fix -- the correct one is to limit N to the size 
    # of Array1 

    li  $s6,1     # BUG: this never changes 

    # assign array values 
    li  $t0,0     # value 0 
    li  $t1,1     # value 1 
    li  $t2,2     # value 2 
    li  $t3,4     # value N = 4 
    # li $t6,10 # End value a[9] is the 10th element 

    # byte addressing issue 
    mul  $a0,$t0,$t3    # $t0 *4 
    mul  $a1,$t1,$t3    # $t1 *4 
    mul  $a2,$t2,$t3    # $t2 *4 

    # store first 3 elements of the array 
    sw  $t0,Array1($a0)   # a[0] = 0 
    sw  $t1,Array1($a1)   # a[1] = 1 
    sw  $t1,Array1($a2)   # a[2] = 1 

    li  $v1,4     # get value 4 

    li  $t4,3 

# begin loop algorithm to generate rest of array values 

    # End condition 
    beq  $t4,$t6,done 

    # generate n - k 
    subi $t0,$t4,1    # n-1 
    subi $t1,$t4,2    # n-2 
    subi $t2,$t4,3    # n-3 

    # byte addressing issue 
    mul  $t0,$t0,$v1    # $t0 *4 
    mul  $t1,$t1,$v1    # $t1 *4 
    mul  $t2,$t2,$v1    # $t2 *4 

    # store the values 
    lw  $a0,Array1($t0)   # a[n-1] 
    lw  $a1,Array1($t1)   # a[n-2] 
    lw  $a2,Array1($t2)   # a[n-3] 

    # begin addition 
    add  $t5,$a0,$a1    # a[n-1] + a[n-2] 
    bnez $s7,cleanup 
    add  $t5,$t5,$a2    # a[n-1] + a[n-2] + a[n-3] 
    bnez $s7,cleanup 

    # save the result in the proper location 
    mul  $a3,$t4,$v1    # $a3 = $t4 * 4 
    sw  $t5,Array1($a3) 

    # increment N 
    addi $t4,$t4,1 

    # repeat 
    j  loop 

    mul  $t6,$t6,$v1    # $t6 * 4 
    lw  $t7,Array1($a3) 

    # print str2 
    li  $v0,4 
    la  $a0,str2 

    # print value of answer 
    # BUG -- answer is always 1 
    li  $v0,1 
    move $a0,$s6 

    # print str5 
    li  $v0,4 
    la  $a0,str5 

    # Print contents of $t7 
    addi $a0,$t7,0    # Move the product to $a0 
    li  $v0,1     # code for printing register 

    j  finish 


    li  $t0,0 
    li  $t1,0 
    li  $t2,0 
    li  $t3,0 
    li  $t4,0 
    li  $t5,0 
    li  $t6,0 
    li  $t7,0 

    li  $s0,0 
    li  $s1,0 
    li  $s2,0 
    li  $s3,0 
    li  $s4,0 
    li  $s5,0 
    li  $s6,0 
    li  $s7,0 

    li  $v0,0 
    li  $v1,0 
    li  $a0,0 
    li  $a1,0 
    li  $a2,0 
    li  $a3,0 

    j  restart 

    # End program 
    li  $v0,10 

# Begin arithmetic overflow handling 
    .ktext 0x80000180 

    # Print overflow message 
    move $k0,$v0     # Save $v0 value 
    move $k1,$a0     # Save $a0 value 
    li  $v0,4 
    la  $a0,kstr1 
    move $v0,$k0     # Restore $v0 
    move $a0,$k1     # Restore $a0 
    mfc0 $k0,$14     # Coproc 0 $14 has address of trapping inst 

    # BUG: in the general case, this doesn't do much and hinges on the base 
    # code testing the s7 value we set below 
    # much better to fill $14 with the address of restart 
    addi $k0,$k0,4    # Add 4 to point to next instruction 

    mtc0 $k0,$14     # Store new address back into $14 

    # BUG: this needs a comment to explain _why_ this is a corrective action 
    # we should _not_ have to _infer_ it 
    # this is a weak/fragile response at best as it only works for two places 
    # above (e.g. this is hardwired) 
    li  $s7,1 


kstr1:  .asciiz  "\nhandler: Arithmetic overflow\n" 

ここでは、 R主なバグだけでなく、[IMO]例外を処理するために、異なる/より良い方法:

# Daniel Revie 
# 2/8/2016 

###.data 0x10000000   # BUG: does weird things in mars 
###.align 2 
Array1:  .space  1000 
str1:  .asciiz  "This is assignment 6 \n" 
str2:  .asciiz  "The value of a[" 
str5:  .asciiz  "] is: " 
str3:  .asciiz  "Arithmetic overflow" 
str4:  .asciiz  "Enter n: " 
str6:  .asciiz  "Restarting ...\n" 
clean:  .asciiz  "clean occurs" 

strlge:  .asciiz  "count too large -- maximum is " 
strnl:  .asciiz  "\n" 

###.text 0x00400000 
###.align 2     # BUG: flagged by assembler 
    .globl main 


    # show the assignment 
    li  $v0,4     # load 4 to $v0 to begin printing 
    la  $a0,str1    # load address of string to be printed 

    # prompt user 
    li  $v0,4 
    la  $a0,str4 

    # get size of Array1 
    la  $t6,Array1    # get base address of array 
    la  $s6,Ae     # get address of array end 
    sub  $s6,$s6,$t6    # get array size in bytes 
    srl  $s6,$s6,2    # get array count 

    # Read in N 
    li  $v0,5 
    move $t6,$v0 

    bgt  $t6,$s6,toolarge  # is length okay? no, fly 

    addi $t6,$t6,1    # N += 1 

    li  $s6,1     # BUG: this never changes 

    # assign array values 
    li  $t0,0     # value 0 
    li  $t1,1     # value 1 
    li  $t2,2     # value 2 
    li  $t3,4     # value N = 4 
    # addi $t6, $zero, 10 # End value a[9] is the 10th element 

    # byte addressing issue 
    mul  $a0,$t0,$t3    # $t0 *4 
    mul  $a1,$t1,$t3    # $t1 *4 
    mul  $a2,$t2,$t3    # $t2 *4 

    # store first 3 elements of the array 
    sw  $t0,Array1($a0)   # a[0] = 0 
    sw  $t1,Array1($a1)   # a[1] = 1 
    sw  $t1,Array1($a2)   # a[2] = 1 

    li  $v1,4     # get value 4 

    li  $t4,3 

# begin loop algorithm to generate rest of array values 

    # End condition 
    beq  $t4,$t6,done 

    # generate n - k 
    subi $t0,$t4,1    # n-1 
    subi $t1,$t4,2    # n-2 
    subi $t2,$t4,3    # n-3 

    # byte addressing issue 
    mul  $t0,$t0,$v1    # $t0 *4 
    mul  $t1,$t1,$v1    # $t1 *4 
    mul  $t2,$t2,$v1    # $t2 *4 

    # store the values 
    lw  $a0,Array1($t0)   # a[n-1] 
    lw  $a1,Array1($t1)   # a[n-2] 
    lw  $a2,Array1($t2)   # a[n-3] 

    # begin addition 
    add  $t5,$a0,$a1    # a[n-1] + a[n-2] 
    ###beq  $s7,$s6,cleanup 
    add  $t5,$t5,$a2    # a[n-1] + a[n-2] + a[n-3] 
    ###beq  $s7,$s6,cleanup 

    # save the result in the proper location 
    mul  $a3,$t4,$v1    # $a3 = $t4 * 4 
    sw  $t5,Array1($a3) 

    # increment N 
    addi $t4,$t4,1 

    # repeat 
    j  loop 

    mul  $t6,$t6,$v1    # $t6 * 4 
    lw  $t7,Array1($a3) 

    # print str2 
    li  $v0,4 
    la  $a0,str2 

    # print value of answer 
    # BUG -- answer is always 1 
    li  $v0,1 
    move $a0,$s6 

    # print str5 
    li  $v0,4 
    la  $a0,str5 

    # Print contents of $t7 
    addi $a0,$t7,0    # Move the product to $a0 
    li  $v0,1     # code for printing register 

    j  finish 

# tell user to cut down the size 
    li  $v0,4 
    la  $a0,strlge 

    li  $v0,1 
    move $a0,$s6 

    li  $v0,4 
    la  $a0,strnl 

    j  main 

    li  $v0,4 
    la  $a0,str6 

    li  $t0,0 
    li  $t1,0 
    li  $t2,0 
    li  $t3,0 
    li  $t4,0 
    li  $t5,0 
    li  $t6,0 
    li  $t7,0 

    li  $s0,0 
    li  $s1,0 
    li  $s2,0 
    li  $s3,0 
    li  $s4,0 
    li  $s5,0 
    li  $s6,0 
    li  $s7,0 

    li  $v0,0 
    li  $v1,0 
    li  $a0,0 
    li  $a1,0 
    li  $a2,0 
    li  $a3,0 

    j  main 

    # End program 
    li  $v0,10 

# Begin arithmetic overflow handling 
    .ktext 0x80000180 

    move $k0,$v0     # Save $v0 value 
    move $k1,$a0     # Save $a0 value 

    # Print overflow message 
    li  $v0,4 
    la  $a0,kstr1 

    # print PC in hex 
    li  $v0,34 
    mfc0 $a0,$14     # Coproc 0 $14 has address of trapping inst 

    # print newline 
    li  $v0,4 
    la  $a0,kstr2 

    la  $a0,restart    # get the restart address 
    mtc0 $a0,$14     # Store new address back into $14 

    move $v0,$k0     # Restore $v0 
    move $a0,$k1     # Restore $a0 


kstr1:  .asciiz  "\nhandler: Arithmetic overflow -- PC = " 
kstr2:  .asciiz  "\n" 
