2017-11-28 14 views

私は、レベルがたくさんあるphonegapクイズアプリを持って、各レベルは10の質問があります。プレーヤーが10の質問に答えると、レベルが完了します。 (彼はレベルを完了するために5つの質問に正しく答える必要があります。そうでなければレベルに失敗し、レベルはまだ完了していません)javascriptまたはjqueryを使ってレベルバッジを追加することはできますか?


/* questions and choices */ 

var quiztitle = " chapter 1"; 
var quiz = [{ 
    "question": " \t 1. question \t ", 
    "image": "", 
    "choices": [ 
     " \t a. choice \t ", 
     " \t b. choice \t ", 
     " \t c. choice \t ", 
     " \t d. choice \t " 
    "correct": " \t b. choice \t ", 
    "explanation": " \t answer explaination \t ", 
    "question": " \t 2. question \t ", 
    "image": "", 
    "choices": [ 
     " \t a. choice \t ", 
     " \t b. choice \t ", 
     " \t c. choice \t ", 
     " \t d. choice \t " 
    "correct": " \t b. choice \t ", 
    "explanation": " \t answer explaination \t ", 
    "question": " \t 3. question \t ", 
    "image": "", 
    "choices": [ 
     " \t a. choice \t ", 
     " \t b. choice \t ", 
     " \t c. choice \t ", 
     " \t d. choice \t " 
    "correct": " \t b. choice \t ", 
    "explanation": " \t answer explaination \t ", 
    "question": " \t 4. question \t ", 
    "image": "", 
    "choices": [ 
     " \t a. choice \t ", 
     " \t b. choice \t ", 
     " \t c. choice \t ", 
     " \t d. choice \t " 
    "correct": " \t b. choice \t ", 
    "explanation": " \t answer explaination \t ", 
    "question": " \t 5. question \t ", 
    "image": "", 
    "choices": [ 
     " \t a. choice \t ", 
     " \t b. choice \t ", 
     " \t c. choice \t ", 
     " \t d. choice \t " 
    "correct": " \t b. choice \t ", 
    "explanation": " \t answer explaination \t ", 
    "question": " \t 6. question \t ", 
    "image": "", 
    "choices": [ 
     " \t a. choice \t ", 
     " \t b. choice \t ", 
     " \t c. choice \t ", 
     " \t d. choice \t " 
    "correct": " \t b. choice \t ", 
    "explanation": " \t answer explaination \t ", 
    "question": " \t 7. question \t ", 
    "image": "", 
    "choices": [ 
     " \t a. choice \t ", 
     " \t b. choice \t ", 
     " \t c. choice \t ", 
     " \t d. choice \t " 
    "correct": " \t b. choice \t ", 
    "explanation": " \t answer explaination \t ", 
    "question": " \t 8. question \t ", 
    "image": "", 
    "choices": [ 
     " \t a. choice \t ", 
     " \t b. choice \t ", 
     " \t c. choice \t ", 
     " \t d. choice \t " 
    "correct": " \t b. choice \t ", 
    "explanation": " \t answer explaination \t ", 
    "question": " \t 9. question \t ", 
    "image": "", 
    "choices": [ 
     " \t a. choice \t ", 
     " \t b. choice \t ", 
     " \t c. choice \t ", 
     " \t d. choice \t " 
    "correct": " \t b. choice \t ", 
    "explanation": " \t answer explaination \t ", 
    "question": " \t 10. question \t ", 
    "image": "", 
    "choices": [ 
     " \t a. choice \t ", 
     " \t b. choice \t ", 
     " \t c. choice \t ", 
     " \t d. choice \t " 
    "correct": " \t b. choice \t ", 
    "explanation": " \t answer explaination \t ", 

/* score calcuations script */ 


var currentquestion = 0, 
    score = 0, 
    submt = true, 

jQuery(document).ready(function($) { 

    * HTML Encoding function for alt tags and attributes to prevent messy 
    * data appearing inside tag attributes. 
    function htmlEncode(value) { 
    return $(document.createElement('div')).text(value).html(); 

    * This will add the individual choices for each question to the ul#choice-block 
    * @param {choices} array The choices from each question 
    function addChoices(choices) { 
    if (typeof choices !== "undefined" && $.type(choices) == "array") { 
     for (var i = 0; i < choices.length; i++) { 
     $(document.createElement('li')).addClass('choice choice-box').attr('data-index', i).text(choices[i]).appendTo('#choice-block'); 

    * Resets all of the fields to prepare for next question 
    function nextQuestion() { 
    submt = true; 
    $('#pager').text('Question ' + Number(currentquestion + 1) + ' of ' + quiz.length); 
    if (quiz[currentquestion].hasOwnProperty('image') && quiz[currentquestion]['image'] != "") { 
     if ($('#question-image').length == 0) { 
     $(document.createElement('img')).addClass('question-image').attr('id', 'question-image').attr('src', quiz[currentquestion]['image']).attr('alt', htmlEncode(quiz[currentquestion]['question'])).insertAfter('#question'); 
     } else { 
     $('#question-image').attr('src', quiz[currentquestion]['image']).attr('alt', htmlEncode(quiz[currentquestion]['question'])); 
    } else { 

    * After a selection is submitted, checks if its the right answer 
    * @param {choice} number The li zero-based index of the choice picked 
    function processQuestion(choice) { 
    if (quiz[currentquestion]['choices'][choice] == quiz[currentquestion]['correct']) { 
     'background-color': '#50D943' 
     $('#explanation').html('<strong>Correct!</strong> ' + htmlEncode(quiz[currentquestion]['explanation'])); 
    } else { 
     'background-color': '#D92623' 
     $('#explanation').html('<strong>Incorrect.</strong> ' + htmlEncode(quiz[currentquestion]['explanation'])); 
    $('#submitbutton').html('NEXT QUESTION &raquo;').on('click', function() { 
     if (currentquestion == quiz.length) { 
     } else { 
     $(this).text('Check Answer').css({ 
      'color': '#222' 

    * Sets up the event listeners for each button. 
    function setupButtons() { 
    $('.choice').on('mouseover', function() { 
     'background-color': '#e1e1e1' 
    $('.choice').on('mouseout', function() { 
     'background-color': '#fff' 
    $('.choice').on('click', function() { 
     picked = $(this).attr('data-index'); 
     $('.choice').removeAttr('style').off('mouseout mouseover'); 
     'border-color': '#222', 
     'font-weight': 700, 
     'background-color': '#c1c1c1' 
     if (submt) { 
     submt = false; 
      'color': '#000' 
     }).on('click', function() { 

    * Quiz ends, display a message. 

    function endQuiz() { 

    $('#question').text("You got " + score + " out of " + quiz.length + " correct."); 
     'text-align': 'center', 
     'font-size': '4em' 
    }).text(Math.round(score/quiz.length * 100) + '%').insertAfter('#question'); 

    if (score > 2 || score == 2) { 
    } else { 

    function samelevel() { 

    function nextlevelshow() { 
    * Runs the first time and creates all of the elements for the quiz 
    function init() { 
    //add title 
    if (typeof quiztitle !== "undefined" && $.type(quiztitle) === "string") { 
    } else { 

    //add pager and questions 
    if (typeof quiz !== "undefined" && $.type(quiz) === "array") { 
     //add pager 
     $(document.createElement('p')).addClass('pager').attr('id', 'pager').text('Question 1 of ' + quiz.length).appendTo('#frame'); 
     //add first question 
     $(document.createElement('h2')).addClass('question').attr('id', 'question').text(quiz[0]['question']).appendTo('#frame'); 
     //add image if present 
     if (quiz[0].hasOwnProperty('image') && quiz[0]['image'] != "") { 
     $(document.createElement('img')).addClass('question-image').attr('id', 'question-image').attr('src', quiz[0]['image']).attr('alt', htmlEncode(quiz[0]['question'])).appendTo('#frame'); 
     $(document.createElement('p')).addClass('explanation').attr('id', 'explanation').html('&nbsp;').appendTo('#frame'); 

     //questions holder 
     $(document.createElement('ul')).attr('id', 'choice-block').appendTo('#frame'); 

     //add choices 

     //add submit button 
     $(document.createElement('div')).addClass('choice-box').attr('id', 'submitbutton').text('Check Answer').css({ 
     'font-weight': 700, 
     'color': '#222', 
     'padding': '30px 0' 

<script src="https://ajax.googleapis.com/ajax/libs/jquery/2.1.1/jquery.min.js"></script> 
<div class="mdl-tabs__panel is-active" id="chat-panel"> 
    <div class="contact swipeable"> 
    <p> Book name </p> 
    <span class="title light-text"> Please select a Chapter to play </span> 
    <div class="contact swipeable"> 
    <div class="contact-user bg-red"><span>01</span></div> 
    <a class="mdl-navigation__link animsition-link" href="jn1.html"> 
     <p> Chapter </p> 
    <div class="contact swipeable"> 
    <div class="contact-user bg-red"><span>02</span></div> 
    <a class="mdl-navigation__link animsition-link" href="jn2.html"> 
     <p> Chapter </p> 
    <div class="contact swipeable"> 
    <div class="contact-user bg-red"><span>03</span></div> 
    <a class="mdl-navigation__link animsition-link" href="jn3.html"> 
     <p> Chapter </p> 
    <div class="contact swipeable"> 
    <div class="contact-user bg-red"><span>04</span></div> 
    <a class="mdl-navigation__link animsition-link" href="jn4.html"> 
     <p> Chapter </p> 
    <div class="contact swipeable"> 
    <div class="contact-user bg-red"><span>05</span></div> 
    <a class="mdl-navigation__link animsition-link" href="jn5.html"> 
     <p> Chapter </p> 
    <div class="contact swipeable"> 
    <div class="contact-user bg-red"><span>06</span></div> 
    <a class="mdl-navigation__link animsition-link" href="jn6.html"> 
     <p> Chapter </p> 
    <div class="contact swipeable"> 
    <div class="contact-user bg-red"><span>07</span></div> 
    <a class="mdl-navigation__link animsition-link" href="jn7.html"> 
     <p> Chapter </p> 


when i run the html code, this index page will be displayed, i need a badge just after each chapter for completed levels ため、各章の後にバッジを必要としますプログラミングとスタックオーバーフロー。コードを正しく投稿できなかったので、コードスニペット(申し訳ありません)を使用しました。



あなたの質問を完全に理解することはできませんでしたが、単純にレベルhtmlをCOMPLETEDに変更したい場合は、jQueryの 'html()'関数を使用できます。バッジを追加したい場合は、 'append()'や 'after()'関数を使うことができます。より詳細な回答は、完成したバッジがどこにあるか正確に説明してください。 –


ようこそ、ようこそ[最小、完全、および検証可能な例を作成する方法](https://stackoverflow.com/help/mcve) – DelightedD0D


コメントのための@RajanBenipuriありがとうございます。私は画像サンプルを編集して追加しました。今はっきりしていて欲しい。 –




たとえば、<label>Completed</label>などの任意の要素を動的に追加して、それ以外の要素とスタイルを設定できます。これを追加するには、<div class="contact swipeable">のいずれかの末尾に追加します。あなたのレベルが完了すると、javascriptからこれを行うことができます。または、divに任意のクラスを追加してスタイルを設定することもできます。


ありがとう、しかし、それは一度アプリケーションが再起動されなくなるでしょうか? –


あなたがそれを取り除くまでそれは行きません!スクリプトの条件/ロジックに基づいてDOM要素を追加するだけです。 – sSD
